If you are a musician, it may be that you have met someone with perfect pitch. Most people think it is a gift of nature, but it is more likely to develop when you are very young. With time, passion and a lot of practice, you too can develop it.

Step 1. Start training your musical ear
If you can't distinguish two notes, you probably won't even be able to learn perfect pitch.
- Choose a common note, with C, simple B, F or G.
- Play this note continuously on the piano or other instrument, keeping your eyes closed.
- Describe the note to yourself. What do you remember. Does that sound particularly sweet to you? Full? Subtle? Metallica? Look inside the note. What color does it make you think of? What state of mind does it call you? Perhaps I associate it with a person, animal or other abstract object. Fix the note in your head. Also try to associate the first note of a song with the same one you are learning to play, such as the C of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
- If the note doesn't remind you of anything, don't waste time labeling it. Absolute pitch is more linked to sensations related to notes, more than a description or physical association. In addition, do not worry if you do not perceive the "color" of the note at the beginning. Keep listening several times and that key will take shape in your musical awareness.

Step 2. Now play random notes on the piano or have a friend play it
When the note you have studied is played (in each octave) try to recognize it.

Step 3. It is best to repeat this process for a couple of days
Then try to guess the note without studying it first. Depending on your talent, it can take from a week to a month to learn a note well.

Step 4. Repeat steps 2 to 6 with the other eleven notes of the chromatic scale
You can also study several tones at a time. Absolute pitch does not develop by learning to perfection, moving on to the next one and so on. It is more to reach that threshold of knowledge of the notes thanks to which all the keys become very distinct at the same time (some you will recognize more easily than others, but in general the ability to recognize a note is linked to the ability to recognize the other 11)

Step 5. Once you are well versed in single notes, try two or three note chords
Then the world of music will be within reach of your fingertips.

Step 6. Try to recognize the notes you are learning by listening to music in general
Paying attention to the hues will get your brain used to perceiving everything you hear in a slightly different way.
- Don't try to learn Do and then randomly hit notes related to Do. When you are listening to a melody, let's say in Si, it will be difficult to keep the sound of Do in your head. You must be able to recognize each note independently of the others.
- We can all develop perfect pitch. It's just a matter of time and effort. Of course, as with everything, those who are inclined will learn faster.
- Do not heed the popular belief that absolute pitch is a gift for a few. The time and effort to get it varies from person to person, but in the end, you are able to be as successful as anyone else.
- Another method to develop perfect pitch is to listen to recordings and understand what the first note is. When you need to refer to that note, play the melody recorded in your head. It will be easier with songs that start with noises followed by a note, because it will force your mind to use the song as a reference, not the different intervals between the notes.
- At first, find a note that works for you. Don't go too high or too low. It will help you find the right key for your voice.
- Pay attention to anyone who tells you that you have to 'be born with perfect pitch'. Many people use this excuse because they have never really put in the effort to develop theirs.
- Try using an instrument (if you have the resources) that has distinct 'tones' for each note. Piano, guitar, harp and so on are string and percussion instruments that are more difficult to learn than the violin, viola and cello that use the bow. Furthermore. Choose an instrument that has a medium range, such as an alto or tenor. The human ear is more sensitive to medium frequencies.
- Try to practice in the morning when your mind is empty and ready to learn!
- Early afternoon is fine too, after a nap.
- There are free programs that you can download and they help you exercise your ear.
- In the evening, just before going to sleep, the mind is tired and saturated with the day. This is not the ideal time to study, because you risk overloading it.