Ear mites are a type of "leech" parasite and live their entire life inside your pet's ear canal. They thrive in a dark and humid environment such as that of the ear. The mites cause severe itching and irritation to the animal and can cause infections if left untreated. In addition, the animal can injure itself by repeatedly scratching in and around the ear. Read the information in this article and learn how to treat ear mites.

Step 1. Determine if your pet has ear mites
- Even if you can't see it, there are signs that your pet has the parasite. The inside of the ear is red and irritated.
- Look for a dark accumulation of ear wax in the ears. It might look like coffee grounds or dirt. The dark build-up is probably from the excrement deposited by the parasite after eating.
- A more precise diagnosis can be made by the veterinarian, who examines a sample of the ear substance under a microscope. In this way it is also able to see the mites.

Step 2. Clean as best you can as much dark build-up as possible
Use cotton or a thin cloth wrapped around your finger. Soak the cotton ball or cloth in olive oil. With the tip of your finger, clean the ear. Repeat this until you no longer see any residual dirt

Step 3. Apply ear mite specific medication to your pet
- Hold the animal's face firmly in your hands to prevent it from shaking its head and the drug from leaking out of the ear canal.
- Tilt the bottle or vial and carefully insert the applicator tip into your ear. Squeeze the bottle until the medication comes out in the right amount as recommended by your vet.
- The drug is most effective if you apply it deep into the ear canal.

Step 4. Massage the medicine deeply
Gently press the closed ear and use your fingers to carefully massage the medicine into the ear. Make a gentle movement of your fingers around the ear
- Even if only one person is able to perform this treatment, it is always better to get help from another.
- Ear mites are very contagious. Keep all your pets checked if one is already infected.
- After applying the treatment, the animal will probably shake its head. Apply the treatment outdoors, to prevent some drug splashes from ending up on the furniture.
- If left untreated, this condition can cause damage to your pet's ear canal and eardrums, with the risk of losing hearing and deforming the ear.
- Do not use a cotton swab to clean the ear. This could harm your pet. Instead, use a finger wrapped in a cotton ball or thin cloth.