You're about to yawn, and you already know it's not going to be a pretty sight! Yawning is actually a good thing, because it helps keep your brain fresh and active, but it's not always the right time. Don't worry, here are some things you can do to avoid yawning.

Step 1. Breathe through the nose
Scientists at Princeton University have found that yawning helps regulate the temperature of the brain and prevent it from overheating by letting in fresh air. Breathing through your nose can help cool the blood vessels in the nasal cavity and therefore you are less likely to feel the need to yawn.
If you feel you are about to yawn, take a few deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth

Step 2. Drink something cold
If you feel the urge to yawn, take a sip of ice water. Drinking something cool will also help lower your body temperature and prevent your brain from thinking you are overheated.
If you are attending a boring class or business meeting in a very hot room, bring a bottle of cold water with you and take a sip whenever you feel the need to yawn

Step 3. Eat something fresh
Eating fresh food, such as melon or watermelon just taken from the fridge, has the same effect as a cold drink. It will lower your body temperature, which means you won't feel the need to yawn.

Step 4. Use a cold pack
Before you go to that boring class or meeting, place an ice pack or cool towel on your forehead or back of your neck. It will help you lower your body temperature to avoid yawning and not only that, it will also make you feel more awake.

Step 5. Keep the environment cool
If you can, keep the environment you are in cool, especially in winter when turning up the heat is very tempting. Keeping a cool environment makes you feel less of the need to yawn, because you don't run the risk of overheating.

Step 6. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth
This action closes your mouth and makes it harder for you to miss a yawn. It doesn't always work, but if you're in a business meeting and don't have anything cold to hand, give it a try and see if you can hold back the yawn.
- Sometimes gently biting your lips can make the yawn go away.
- Take deep breaths.
- If you see or hear someone yawning near you, chances are you will yawn too.
- If you happen to yawn very often and get enough sleep, it could be a symptom of brain, heart, or liver problems, some of which can even be serious. In this case it is better to visit a doctor.