4 Ways to Be Admired

4 Ways to Be Admired
4 Ways to Be Admired

Table of contents:


Earning someone's admiration requires honesty, hard work, and perseverance. Whether you are a parent, employee or public figure, the skills needed are more or less the same. Acting honestly, working hard, and helping people in need are the three main skills to cultivate in order to be admired.


Method 1 of 4: Acquire Admirable Qualities

Know if You Have an Eating Disorder Step 17
Know if You Have an Eating Disorder Step 17

Step 1. Lead, don't follow

People admired are not afraid to do something new or different. Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean being superior to others. If you get people to follow a certain course of action or behave in a certain way, you can be a leader even among individuals who have more authority than you.

  • To have a role in leadership, it is not enough to speak and act in a way that inspires and influences others. You also need to be willing to take responsibility when needed. For example, if you're the director of a play and the actors don't want to rehearse, it's your job to inspire them to do their best to make the show a success.
  • Leaders should inspire, not intimidate. Don't lead by fear.
  • Leaders must be able to admit their mistakes and take credit for their victories.
Deal With Having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Step 4
Deal With Having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Step 4

Step 2. Show that you have integrity

Having integrity means honestly representing one's way of being to others and to oneself. It means not compromising on your values and defending what you believe in. An admirable person is committed to maintaining great personal integrity, remaining true to himself even when his choices go against general opinion or spark controversy.

Don't be stubborn. Defending your principles and behaving with integrity does not mean closing yourself off from the possibility of accepting or considering alternative ideas

Be Strong Step 3
Be Strong Step 3

Step 3. Adopt a positive attitude

This does not mean pretending that everything is always great. It wouldn't be realistic. Instead, recognize the negative moments, but always look for the positive side of each single situation. For example, imagine that you and your classmates have submitted a draft for a project and the teacher has rejected it. If so, remind your friends that the teacher still praised many aspects of the presentation. Think of his critique as an opportunity to correct the project until it allows you to get top marks.

A positive attitude stimulates greater confidence, gives hope and the belief that everything will be better tomorrow

Be Strong Step 6
Be Strong Step 6

Step 4. Focus on the people who matter

Admirable individuals tend to be empathetic and sensitive to the needs and desires of others. For example, you admire a boss who always remembers your birthday or who notices when you are sad. Promoting good interpersonal communication and treating others with respect are characteristic elements of a person who always takes into consideration the people he loves.

  • Include all people willing to contribute to a project or team. Don't play favoritism or try to divide others. The fact that an individual has a different background or type of experience does not mean that they are not to be appreciated.
  • Always try to see the best in others.
  • Don't pay too much attention to opposing bastians and people who just want to tarnish your reputation.
Be Strong Step 7
Be Strong Step 7

Step 5. Find a good work-life balance

The most admired people are the well-rounded ones, who manage to successfully manage a fulfilling private life and build a prosperous career. Interest outside of work matures. Whether it's reading, art, music or bodybuilding, dedicate yourself to your passions. Don't get caught up in the daily grind.

  • If you like music, start a band.
  • If you like art, visit museums with your friends and take time out every day to work on your projects.
  • Live life with passion. Give your friends, co-workers and family your best every day.

Method 2 of 4: Being Admired at Work

Pay for Law School Step 14
Pay for Law School Step 14

Step 1. Work hard

Whether you receive the minimum wage or are paid by a large company, you should always be proud of your work. This will show that you are competent and capable of doing your part. Do more than what is expected of you by giving it your all. If you are a pizza maker, bake the best pizza you can make, every single time. If you wash the floors, polish them.

  • If you are proud of your work, getting it done will be a pleasure, not a chore.
  • Keep your office or workspace clean and organized.
Cope With the Death of a Grandparent Step 4
Cope With the Death of a Grandparent Step 4

Step 2. Help your colleagues

This will show that you think about others, a universally admired quality. The specific help you offer depends on the work you do. If a colleague has water in their throats, you could offer to do their job, but also offer your cooperation or opinion.

  • For example, if you work in a restaurant and a colleague has to mop the floor, wash the dishes, and fill the dispenser that taps drinks, offer to complete one of these tasks when you don't have much to do.
  • Don't help your co-workers at your own expense. Take care of your duties before taking on other responsibilities.
  • Don't get trampled by colleagues. If they don't have a hard time, you should let them do their own homework.
Live with an Elderly Person Step 1
Live with an Elderly Person Step 1

Step 3. Say what you think

Don't lick the feet of superiors. When your boss is wrong, stand up for your opinions. For example, if a colleague created a logo in a critical meeting, explain that you like it because it contains many elements that would appeal to customers.

  • If you notice problems with a project or work process management, suggest ways to improve the situation. For example, if two different divisions need to use the same computer during the design phase, suggest that the company invest in a second PC so that both divisions can get the job done simultaneously.
  • People who lick the boss's feet are generally considered unreliable and do not receive great admiration in the workplace.
Get a Job as a Bank Teller Step 11
Get a Job as a Bank Teller Step 11

Step 4. Trust your employees

When you hire someone, you hire the best professional there is for the job. Insecure people hire good people, but not excellent ones, because they fear being usurped by their subordinates. This characteristic certainly cannot be worthy of admiration.

  • Show that you trust and rely on your staff by delegating various responsibilities to employees. However, avoid delegating important tasks to professionals who are unable to handle them.
  • Take advantage of what you know about each individual staff member to understand what kind of work they can handle and to what extent. It's important to challenge employees to feel challenged and engaged, but try not to overwhelm them.
Become a Successful Businessman Step 16
Become a Successful Businessman Step 16

Step 5. Show respect to your employees

When the staff do a good job, express it clearly in words or gestures. For example, if quarterly earnings expectations have been met abundantly, email staff to inform them of this progress: "I am extremely proud of all the work you have done. It has been rewarded in the best way possible." Invite employees for an aperitif after work or for a pizza in the office. Offer a bonus to all staff for reaching the desired sales quota.

  • People who treat others with kindness and who recognize their successes (but also their failures and shortcomings) are worthy of admiration.
  • Do not publicly berate or embarrass staff. Always address employees in a respectful and calm tone. If you have a problem or outstanding issue with one of them, invite them to go to your office or other private place where you can discuss any difficulties or concerns.
  • Don't favor your employees. If you create an atmosphere of tension and lead them to divide, you will not inspire honest and virtuous behavior, not to mention that they will not feel motivated to work productively and ensure the right performance.

Method 3 of 4: Being Admired as Parents

Deal With Porn Addiction Step 8
Deal With Porn Addiction Step 8

Step 1. Avoid preaching well and scratching badly

In other words, set a good example for your children. If you force them to be on time or to come home at a certain time, you should stick to the schedule yourself. If you don't want them to swear, avoid doing it in the first place. If you want them to tell the truth, don't lie to them or others. While advising them to do the right thing, they will not admire you if they notice that you are a hypocrite.

Comfort Someone Who Has Lost a Sibling Step 10
Comfort Someone Who Has Lost a Sibling Step 10

Step 2. Include everyone in family decisions

A child would never admire an inflexible tyrant. Including children in discussions that concern them allows the parent to earn their admiration, not to mention that it helps them to develop some autonomy and independence. Include them to make big and small decisions. For example, two or three evenings a week you can ask your children what they want to eat for dinner (of course, if they offer an unacceptable food, such as ice cream, you should explain to them that it is not possible).

Including children in family decisions does not mean giving up every single responsibility. You are the parent anyway, so the authority always rests with you

Curb Your Addiction to News Step 6
Curb Your Addiction to News Step 6

Step 3. Learn to be friends with your child

Take a walk, go to the cinema and have an ice cream together. Enjoy the time you spend with him. Tell him regularly that you love him. When he gets back from school, ask him how his day was. Invite him to tell you about his dreams, ideas and emotions.

  • For example, imagine your child saying, "When I grow up I want to be a dancer." You might ask him, "Why?". Listen to his answers and don't belittle his words. If you need more information, ask targeted questions.
  • Take your time to seriously answer their questions.
  • Show him that you will always be there for him. If he needs help with his homework or gets sick, make time to take care of him.
Deal With Teen Pregnancy Step 5
Deal With Teen Pregnancy Step 5

Step 4. Forgive and ask to be forgiven

Recognize that no one is perfect. If you make a mistake, you should admit it and apologize for hurting the person's feelings. Try to fix the situation and think about what to do in the future to prevent it from happening again. Take advantage of these experiences to explain to your child how to admit being wrong and apologize.

  • For example, if your child has drawn a bird and you have confused it with a butterfly, the child may be disappointed. Admit that you were wrong in identifying the subject of the drawing and reassure him that it is very beautiful. Tell him: "I'm sorry, can you forgive me?".
  • When your child makes a mistake, you should always get him to acknowledge it. The child should apologize and remedy accordingly. For example, if she spilled milk on the floor while you were away, make sure she admits it and helps you clean up (assuming she's the right age to do so).
  • Tell him you love him even when he makes mistakes.
Become a College Professor Step 27
Become a College Professor Step 27

Step 5. Cultivate an interest in education and learning

If you always have something interesting to teach or explain to your child, you will hit him and make him admire you for your vast knowledge. Having a well-rounded education not only prepares you to live a richer life, it will show your child that education should be an important part of his life.

  • If you haven't graduated, run for cover.
  • If you've graduated, you could go to college, maybe even just a bachelor's degree.
  • You don't have to go to college to be educated or interested in studying, but it helps. Keep up to date with what's happening in the world by reading the newspaper regularly. Go to the library to borrow some books. Read novels and essays. Watch documentaries and films.
  • Expand the mende by delving into the topics you know little about. By testing yourself, you will be able to think differently about things.
  • If you take your child to museums and galleries, you will learn together.
Become a Better High School Wrestler Step 9
Become a Better High School Wrestler Step 9

Step 6. Persevere despite adversity

If you lose your job, get sick or are the victim of another bad event, don't feel sorry for yourself. Instead, take the reins of the situation to remedy. For example, if you run out of work, look for another job by reading advertisements in the newspaper or on the internet. Use professional sites like LinkedIn and Monster to showcase your resume to potential employers and consider various vacancies.

  • Learn to be patient and to control anger when you feel you are about to explode.
  • Don't blame your child or anyone else when a difficult situation makes you feel frustrated. Look for positive ways to cope with dissatisfaction through deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or a fun hobby.
  • While it is natural to feel depressed in the face of the loss of a family member or due to other difficulties, always be strong for your child and set a good example. If negative moods persist, see a therapist.

Method 4 of 4: Being Admired as a Public Figure

Pray to Jesus Step 6
Pray to Jesus Step 6

Step 1. Serve others in the role of a religious figure

Many of the most respected people devote themselves to public service by taking on a leadership role in the religious sphere. For example, the Dalai Lama is famously praised for promoting world peace, while Pope Francis is famous for fighting for the poor. You don't have to get to the same level to have the same effect. Become a religious leader in your community, fight for those in need of material and spiritual assistance.

  • Rabbis, pastors, imams and priests can all earn great admiration when they speak and act in harmony with the teachings of the holy books.
  • If your advice is sought by politicians or other public figures, always use your platform to stimulate positive change.
  • Join a monastery or convent. Monks and nuns live in community with other people who practice the same faith in order to better understand the sacred books and teachings. Taking vows is a good path to a future as a religious leader.
Become an Animator Step 2
Become an Animator Step 2

Step 2. Come up with something useful

If a life dedicated to religion isn't your thing, you can earn the admiration of others in a different way. Inventions that improve the world allow us to acquire esteem and respect. For example, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are deeply admired for contributing to the development of home computers, which has led to a world that is more connected and informed than ever. Think about how you can apply your creative or scientific skills to make concrete use of them.

  • Consider your community's problems, then think about how to solve them with the help of science and technology.
  • If you are not suited to these areas, propose ideas to someone who can work out a solution.
Take Action to Help Stop Human Rights Violations Step 9
Take Action to Help Stop Human Rights Violations Step 9

Step 3. Become politically active

If religion and technology aren't your thing, you could get involved in politics, whether as a candidate or an activist. If you want to engage in activism, choose an issue or topic that you are passionate about and look for a non-profit organization in your city to take care of it. For example, if poverty and food security are your concern, you could donate your time to a food bank or soup kitchen.

  • To be a respected politician, it helps to have a law or political science degree, although any college degree would do. You can hardly be elected without.
  • Apply for mayor, councilor or councilor at the municipal, provincial or regional level. As you gain experience, you may be able to apply nationally.
  • To be a respected politician, be honest and don't let yourself be tainted by corruption or selfish behavior. Lead people by showing you a broad-minded person and respect the citizens who elected you. Work tirelessly for the good of your community, region or country. Fight for justice, truth and a better world.
