Acne is already a problem, so it doesn't seem fair that even when the pimples have healed, you still have scars to remind you of where the breakouts were. Don't despair! Acne scars are not permanent, and there are many methods to speed up the healing process, such as over-the-counter creams, home remedies, or medical treatments. Read on to find out more.
Part 1 of 3: Home Remedies

Step 1. Use honey
You can use it not only to treat scars, but also acne itself. It is gentle on the skin, reduces redness and irritation. Honey contains antibacterial properties that help fade scars and blackheads while hydrating and softening the skin. Pour some honey directly on the scars at night, and wash it off in the morning.

Step 2. Use rosehip oil
This oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help keep skin smooth and healthy. Although the use of rosehip oil on active pimples has yet to be evaluated, it has been shown to be effective in repairing scars, whether due to acne or not. With regular use, the marks and scars will fade, becoming less noticeable over time. Just gently massage the oil on the affected area once or twice a day.

Step 3. Use coconut oil
Thanks to the vitamin E and lauric, caprylic and capric acids present in this oil, it acts as an excellent cream to reduce acne scars. Coconut oil also helps prevent new scars from appearing. Massage it on the affected areas at least once a day, preferably 2 or 4 times.

Step 4. Use aloe vera
It is renowned in the cosmetics industry for its healing properties, and can be used to gently but effectively heal acne scars over time. Although you can buy many aloe-based gels on the market, the best choice is to buy an aloe plant.
To use aloe from a plant, break off a leaf and rub its gel-like content directly into the skin. Let it dry and act for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild cleanser. Try to do this every day

Step 5. Use an ice cube
This treatment works best on new or inflamed scars, because ice reduces swelling and causes blood vessels to tighten. In addition, over time, ice helps reduce the appearance of smaller scars and their discoloration.
Wrap an ice cube in a piece of cloth and rub it on the inflamed area for 10-15 minutes a day

Step 6. Use an aspirin-based mask
This drug has anti-inflammatory properties and contains a form of salicylic acid that is used in many acne treatments. You can use an aspirin mask to soften the skin and reduce discoloration.
- To make the mask, break 4-5 aspirins into a powder, then mix it with natural yogurt or pure aloe gel. Apply the mask to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
- Wash with warm water, pat your face dry and use a moisturizer.

Step 7. Use olive oil
This is another great product for reducing acne scars thanks to its natural healing properties. Just massage the oil into the scars several times a day.

Step 8. Use oil with vitamin E
This oil has amazing moisturizing properties and is an effective treatment against acne scars. Apply pure vitamin E oil to the skin 2-3 times a day, you should see results in two weeks.
Part 2 of 3: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Try some over-the-counter cream
To even out redness or discoloration, choose an over-the-counter cream that can fade or lighten scars. Look for creams that contain ingredients such as kojic acid, licorice extract, arbutin, mulberry extract, and vitamin C. These ingredients exfoliate the skin to restore tone and texture.

Step 2. Consult a dermatologist
If over-the-counter products aren't enough, you can consult a dermatologist, who can prescribe stronger creams. You can also ask about other options for reducing scars, such as laser treatments or chemical peels.

Step 3. Get laser treatment
This procedure can be done in a doctor's or dermatologist's office. The laser will remove the damaged top layer of the skin and tighten the middle layer, leaving the skin softer. It will usually take between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal completely.
- The doctor will try to reduce the pain by making the skin numb with a local anesthetic.
- It may take a few minutes, an hour, or several sessions for treatment, depending on the severity of the scars.

Step 4. Try a tissue filler
If your face is dotted with small indentations, a dermatologist can inject you with a filler (usually hyaluronic acid) to swell the skin and make it smoother. You will see immediate results (the indentations virtually disappear immediately after the procedure), but they will only last for a few months.
Another type of filler, silicone micro-drops, stimulates the production of collagen, so that new skin grows on its own. This treatment requires multiple injections over the course of a month, so the results take longer, but are usually permanent

Step 5. Get a chemical peel
These are concentrated acid solutions that exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin, exposing the smoother, softer skin underneath. They are effective treatments to reduce acne scars and to even out the skin tone, to improve features and heal sun damage. Chemical peels are available from your local dermatologist or a plastic surgeon's office.

Step 6. Try dermabrasion
This treatment involves the use of a rotary brush or a diamond rotary tool to break up the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new, smoother layer will replace the removed skin. It can take time for the skin to heal after a dermabrasion treatment - usually between 10 days and three weeks.

Step 7. If all else has not worked, resort to surgery
Ask your dermatologist about your surgical options, which are reserved for the deepest and most noticeable scars. Although some procedures can be done in the office and take less than half an hour, surgery is usually the option with the greatest risk (some procedures require anesthesia) and the most expensive.
- In most cases, the scars will be removed individually and the skin is rebuilt. In other cases, the surgeon will operate below the surface of the skin to break up the fibrous tissues that cause the scars.
- The skin will need time to heal after surgery and further treatment may be needed to make it smooth again.
Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of Your Skin

Step 1. Use sunscreen every day
Exposing scars to the sun can cause them to darken and slow down the healing process. This is because ultraviolet rays stimulate the pigment-producing cells in the skin, leading to more discoloration. To avoid this, always wear sunscreen, in summer and winter.
Before going outside, apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher that contains zinc oxide. Apply it again after swimming, sweating, or after spending two hours in the sun

Step 2. Exfoliate your skin every day
This will help you make acne marks go away faster by removing the old skin and bringing out the new one. There are many options for exfoliating, such as scrubs and towels. But be careful about the product you use, as some types of topical exfoliants can cause irritation such as redness, peeling, and dryness.
Try an over-the-counter exfoliator that contains the active ingredients AHA or BHA, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce discoloration

Step 3. Use gentle skin care products
It may be tempting to use abrasive scrubs and all sorts of irritating treatments in a desperate attempt to get rid of acne-related discolorations, but the irritation only causes other problems and prevents the skin from healing on its own. Just use gentle, non-irritating products that are gentle on the skin.

Step 4. Avoid squeezing or touching the pimples
Scars are made up mostly of collagen and are the method the body uses to heal. However, if you squeeze or touch the pimples, you could cause pus and bacteria to enter the skin deep into the skin, damaging the natural collagen. Removing pimples also leads to skin damage and inflammation, which slow down the healing process. Avoid digging or squeezing the pimples and eventually the scars will disappear on their own.

Step 5. Maintain a good level of hydration
Drinking water won't be enough to get rid of acne scars, but staying hydrated is essential for healthy skin and promotes the skin's natural rejuvenation process. Aim to drink 1 or 2 liters of water a day and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.