Scars can be caused by burns, cuts, bites and skin disorders, such as acne; they form when the lesion is deeper than a third of the entire thickness of the skin. It is basically the intervention of the organism that replaces the original skin; however, the reaction is frequently excessive and the new epidermis is thicker and darker than the normal one. If you want acne scars to be as little noticeable as possible, you need to minimize their thickness and color.
Method 1 of 2: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Start by treating the acne before it starts to heal
The best time to minimize scarring is during the healing phase; keep acne formations clean but hydrated. If you need to bandage them, make sure the cover isn't too tight to distribute the tension on the skin and reduce the risk of them forming.

Step 2. Practice Traditional Chinese Medicine
Arnebia root has been used for centuries to reduce these imperfections; it is also known as Zi Cao and Lithospermum erythrorhizon; it works by releasing heat and toxins.
- You can turn to a traditional Chinese medicine expert to get this root; however, there are also soaps or powders that you can find in health food stores, herbalists and major pharmacies. The root is also available in concentrated solution.
- To use, mix half a teaspoon of powder or a pinch of concentrated herb with 1 or 2 tablespoons of castor oil or another base oil, such as almond, argan, or jojoba oil. massage the mixture into the scar tissue three to four times a day in gentle circular motions.
- Recent studies have found that arnebia root can reduce the number and activity of the cells that form these blemishes.

Step 3. Apply lemon juice
You can smear it on dark scars to lighten them. The vitamin C it contains is effective for this purpose, as it plays an important role in the normal wound healing process.
- Use a cotton ball or a cotton swab dipped in this juice and apply it directly to the blemish; let it air dry and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the application once or twice a day.
- Keep in mind that you must not expose the skin that you treated with lemon juice to the sun, otherwise white spots may remain; before going out in the sun make sure you have rinsed it off thoroughly.

Step 4. Rub the aloe vera gel
You can massage it on these skin imperfections to soften the tissue. Aloe vera has been studied primarily for its soothing properties on burn scars, but it can improve the overall appearance of scar tissue and make it less visible.
It is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces inflammation and is particularly valuable in the first phase of scar formation, as it increases the elasticity of the new tissue

Step 5. Use green tea
This remedy is also able to reduce these skin defects thanks to its antioxidant action. Infuse an organic green tea bag in hot water and place it directly on the blemish 3 or 4 times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.
You can also dip a cloth or cotton ball in green tea, squeeze it to get rid of excess liquid, and place it on the area to be treated 3-4 times a day in 10-15 minute sessions

Step 6. Apply essential oils
Lavender is traditionally known for its effectiveness in reducing scar tissue. Dilute 2 or 3 drops in a tablespoon of castor oil and massage the mixture on the blemishes; repeat three or four times a day.
Alternatively, you can mix St. John's wort oil with castor oil and rub it directly on the area to be treated. Mix two or three drops into 2 tablespoons of carrier oil and proceed with caution; repeat 3 or 4 times a day. St. John's Wort stimulates wound healing and is often used to reduce the appearance of scars from Caesarean sections

Step 7. Take your vitamins
Those E and D are commonly used to improve the appearance of these imperfections. C can also promote wound healing and make scar tissue less noticeable, as it supports the formation of collagen, a protein in the skin that promotes elasticity.
- Open a capsule that contains 400 IU of vitamin E in liquid form and add 4 or 5 drops of castor oil to form a mixture to apply directly to the affected area. Massage with care and let it act; repeat 3 or 4 times a day.
- Open a capsule containing 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D in liquid form, mix it with castor oil and apply the solution directly on the blemish; massage well and leave it in place. You can repeat the treatment three or four times every day.
- Chop a 250 mg vitamin C tablet and combine it with a tablespoon of oil, such as castor oil. use a cotton ball to massage the mixture on the scar; let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with hot water. Pat dry and repeat the application twice a day.

Step 8. Combine the different treatments
You can associate multiple methods described so far. You can mix essential oils; for example, you can combine lavender oil with hypericum oil. However, there are some combinations you need to avoid:
- Do not combine powders with oils;
- Do not combine lemon juice with any other substance; if you want to follow both the lemon treatment and other remedies, first you must thoroughly rinse the citrus juice, wait two or three hours and only then apply another product.
Method 2 of 2: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Contact a dermatologist to find different treatment options
A specialist will be able to define the type of acne you are suffering from and, based on the severity of the situation, will be able to advise you on the most suitable treatment. Acne scars can be divided into different types:
- Hyperpigmentation (darker areas of skin) is not a scar, but it can be reduced by following the same treatments for acne;
- The "pit" scars are small and crater-shaped;
- Box car scars have sloping walls and closely resemble those left by chickenpox; they are less deep than the "well" ones;
- The "rolling scar" are those that create damage in the deeper layers of the skin; they are wide, shallow and look like "waves" that move on the skin surface;
- Hypertrophic scars (keloids) are formed when the scar reaction during the healing process is excessive; they are raised, lumpy and are often the result of severe and cystic acne.

Step 2. Discuss different over-the-counter treatments with your dermatologist
He can also recommend some products for free sale before you even ask him; those for moderate acne typically contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Step 3. Talk to your dermatologist to find solutions to mild acne scars
It should offer you several options, as there are several dermatological remedies for mild cases. Among the various alternatives consider:
- Topical treatments. These are generally retinoid or silicone based creams and are often used in conjunction with other remedies;
- Dermabrasion, a procedure that removes the superficial layers of the skin and can also be useful for small scars; this is the most common method for acne-prone ones.

Step 4. Consider resurfacing to treat severe cases
If you have very obvious skin defects, more intensive treatment is needed to cure them and resurfacing is an effective remedy.
- The chemical peeling allows you to remove the outermost layer of the skin;
- Laser treatment and phototherapy involve the use of high-energy light beams that burn and eliminate damaged skin; raised scars can be treated with pulsed dye laser or high intensity pulsed light;
- Cryotherapy freezes the scar tissue, causing it to fall out; usually, after the treatment the skin tends to lighten.

Step 5. Discuss subcutaneous treatments with your doctor
Sometimes, it is necessary to proceed from the layer below the epidermis to treat acne blemishes. There are several procedures that you can put in place:
- Injections of dermal fillers, which are performed mainly for "well" scars; collagen is injected into the subcutaneous layer to "fill" the holes;
- Tissue transplants. They are small skin grafts; the dermatologist creates a hole to remove the scar and replace it with your own skin. This is a treatment used especially in cases of deep acne blemishes;
- Subcutaneous incision, also known as "subcision". Doctors use a surgical probe to separate the skin and scar tissue to flatten the scar. it is a method used for the "well" ones;
- Autograft of autologous fat, a procedure that fills holes by transferring skin fat from one area to another and is used primarily to treat deep and "pit" lesions;
- Steroid injections directly into the detected scars to make them softer and flatter.