Racism can be a very big problem especially in the school environment. As a student, it can happen that you have to clash with other people who make offensive comments about your ethnicity; however, be aware that such comments have no value. Furthermore, for science, the concept of ethnicity is only a social construction.

Step 1. Stand up for yourself
If someone makes a racist comment, point out that ethnicities don't determine the type of person you are or your future. Also point out that you still have talents and that your grades are good despite the "limits" of your ethnicity.

Step 2. Talk to a teacher, principal or school counselor
In many cases, discrimination based on ethnicity is illegal. Below you will find an example of illegal discrimination:
The school canteen refuses to give you lunch (even if you have the money to pay) just because of your ethnicity

Step 3. Think about why people make certain comments about you
Do you think they are jealous? Did they also make racist comments towards other students? Racist people often have a closed mind; in fact, they judge a person even before they know him. Some people may have racist attitudes towards you just because they dislike you or because you don't belong to their circle of friends. Unfortunately, there are bad people in the world who have to find a pretext to hate others.

Step 4. Don't show your weaknesses
Try not to be emotional, otherwise the attitude is likely to continue, especially if you show that you have been hurt.

Step 5. Ignore offensive comments
Bullies take pleasure in hurting the feelings of others. If you don't pay too much attention to the comments, they are likely to get bored and stop bothering you.
- Do you really believe these people's comments? Do you think it is possible to improve some aspects of your character? Remember that your skin color or ethnicity stereotypes do not define your personality.
- Don't take offense passively, talk to an adult.
- Stay close to your sincere friends.
- Try being nice to the bully to surprise him and confuse him.
- Be superior, don't lower yourself to the level of bullies by thinking carefully before answering.
- Don't harass the bully or you could go wrong.