How to Fight Fatigue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Fight Fatigue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Fight Fatigue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

The reasons for fatigue are usually obvious. Celebrating until 3 am, working 12 hours a day and carrying children around are behaviors linked to consequences. You'll be tired. However, exhaustion is not always caused by the hectic lifestyles that women and men lead today. In fact, it can depend on factors such as stress, sleep apnea, anemia, depression, thyroid problems and drug side effects. Those who feel chronically fatigued should speak to a doctor to see if the conditions listed above are among the reasons for their physical condition. In the long term, if left untreated, fatigue can lead to the development of "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"


Overcome Fatigue Step 1
Overcome Fatigue Step 1

Step 1. Determine what makes you fatigued by answering these questions:

  • Do you fall asleep late and wake up early?
  • Do you eat properly?
  • Are you sad or depressed?
  • You work too much?
  • Maybe you play too much with videogames?
  • Do you have too many thoughts and events in your life? Too Much Stress?
Overcome Fatigue Step 2
Overcome Fatigue Step 2

Step 2. It is a matter of adjusting your daily rhythms / routines, eat 3 healthy meals a day, go to sleep earlier or exercise

After that:

  • Try to follow a roadmap according to your needs and check the results.
  • If fatigue subsides, keep following your chart, adding one change per week or month.
Overcome Fatigue Step 3
Overcome Fatigue Step 3

Step 3. However, if things don't change, ask yourself when you feel most tired

Overcome Fatigue Step 4
Overcome Fatigue Step 4

Step 4. Are you generally happy and / or tired, or do you also feel sad?

  • If it's sadness, try talking to a friend or family member you trust. This will help you see things differently or give you ideas on how to find happiness again.
  • If it is depression, you should talk to a specialist who may suggest changes or prescribe medications to help you out.
Overcome Fatigue Step 5
Overcome Fatigue Step 5

Step 5. Practice Yoga and Meditation

These methods have been proven to increase energy by relaxing body and mind, causing the practitioner to feel "energized".

Step 6. Try natural supplements

  • Schisandra: Schisandra chinensis is part of Chinese medicine. This shrub is thought to be able to energize and at the same time have a calming effect on the body and mind. It also adjusts blood sugar levels and improves sleep. Asian Ginseng (Panax Ginseng): is a stimulant. Dried (white) root is preferable to boiled (red) root as red ginseng is very stimulating and may prevent sleep.
  • Asian Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) or Siberian. Asian Ginseng is a stimulant. Dried (white) root is preferable to boiled (red) root as red ginseng is very stimulating and may prevent sleep. Instead, on Siberian Ginseng, scientific studies have been made that indicate among its qualities, the overcoming of fatigue and a better performance in many activities.
  • Licorice or Glycyrrhiza Glabra and Codonopsis. Licorice is beneficial for the adrenal glands and can boost your energy level. Codonopsis or Codonopsis Pilosula on the other hand is a very delicate energizing herb.

    Overcome Fatigue Step 6Bullet3
    Overcome Fatigue Step 6Bullet3
Overcome Fatigue Step 7
Overcome Fatigue Step 7

Step 7. Take your age into consideration

Generally a 50 year old, for example, has less energy than a 20 year old (even if, you know, the 20 year old is in front of the TV all day and the 50 year old participates in marathons!).

Overcome Fatigue Step 8
Overcome Fatigue Step 8

Step 8. Get the doctor's opinion

There are many causes of fatigue and some require medical attention. If you are a person who gets worried easily, before trying natural remedies, talk to your doctor.


  • The changes are not noticeable immediately.
  • Share what you feel with a close person or write a journal.
  • Ask a friend to help you change your lifestyle. Join a gym or a club. Do something that makes you active.
  • Prepare a schedule to follow: nice, decorated and above all well organized. Hang it in a visible place (fridge, wall etc …).
  • Take it easy. Don't try to change too many at once. You risk getting discouraged.
  • Realize that there are no quick fixes to the problem of long-term chronic fatigue.
