5 Ways to Be Exceptional

5 Ways to Be Exceptional
5 Ways to Be Exceptional

Table of contents:


There are exceptional people of all kinds. They are unique individuals who have discovered some universal truths and have decided to follow them. They are committed to being authentic people, to embrace change and to love those around them.


Method 1 of 5: Become the Best Version of You

Be Amazing Step 1
Be Amazing Step 1

Step 1. Be yourself

Authenticity is exceptional. You have a number of qualities and peculiarities that make you unique. Once you have made the decision to lead life authentically, take the time to identify the unique characteristics that shape your personality. When you have discovered your true nature, be yourself.

Don't be afraid to be who you are

Be Amazing Step 2
Be Amazing Step 2

Step 2. Be positive

Exceptional people have extremely positive attitudes, but they are not too optimistic for that. Rather, they have the ability to evaluate the positives and negatives of situations, but prefer to focus only on the best possible outcome. To become a more positive person, make the following changes:

  • Surround yourself with positive people. Like stress, happiness is also contagious. With so many beneficial influences in life, you are more likely to become a positive person.
  • Write in a journal or meditate regularly. These activities have been shown to lead to more positive thoughts.
  • Use positive self-affirmations. When you have a negative thought, counter it with positive reinforcement. For example, you might think "I can't [do something]" and you should say "I know I can [do something]".
Be Amazing Step 3
Be Amazing Step 3

Step 3. Persist

Exceptional people are dreamers, they pursue their passions without restraint. Persistent people always think about their goal, are determined, confident, disciplined and have excellent adaptability.

  • Identify your goals. What do you want to achieve today, within the next week and throughout your life? Do you have a vision that pervades your every thought?
  • Stop making excuses. Don't put off activities you are passionate about.
  • Learn to adapt. Instead of making excuses, find a way to achieve your goals.
  • Stay confident. Don't pay attention to those who try to belittle you. You are able to get what you want.
  • Stay disciplined. While trying to make your dreams come true, you need to be motivated and focused.
Be Amazing Step 4
Be Amazing Step 4

Step 4. Be aware

Aware people are always aware of the state of their body and mind. This allows them to live in the present, to cope with stressors and to evaluate their emotions. Incorporate mindfulness exercises such as meditation into your daily routine and you will be able to become the best version of yourself.

Sit in a quiet and calm environment. Your goal is to enter a state of concentrated relaxation. Fix your attention on your breath or a one word mantra. Let thoughts flow in and out of your mind naturally, without judging them. While meditating, you can focus on the following aspects: on the body, for example on the sensations you feel from head to toe, on the senses, on what you smell, feel, see, touch and feel in your mouth, on emotions, on what you feel. When you notice your mind wandering, bring your attention back to your breathing or mantra. Keep meditating until you can no longer concentrate

Method 2 of 5: Excelling in School

Be Amazing Step 5
Be Amazing Step 5

Step 1. Get organized

The best students know their resources and time are valuable. For this, they manage them wisely. They have at their disposal the tools, objects and books they need for all subjects. They know the dates of homework, questions and tests in the classroom. They spend some of their time studying and having a social life.

  • Prepare for all classes;
  • Keep your notebooks organized;
  • Write the most important dates in the diary;
  • Study and homework must be a priority.
Be Amazing Step 6
Be Amazing Step 6

Step 2. Ask questions and seek help

The best students recognize the limits of their knowledge. They are not ashamed to ask for clarification. They look for more information, such as instructional videos, on topics that confuse them. When they need help, they talk to their teacher at reception or take private lessons from a tutor.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Be Amazing Step 7
Be Amazing Step 7

Step 3. Accept and seek the opinions of others

Criticism is hard to hear and easy to ignore. However, outstanding students do not take offense at the comments. From time to time, they even ask the professors how they can improve. They use criticism to improve their academic performance.

  • Read your teacher's comments on topics, relationships, and classwork. Implement any changes that are suggested to you for your next job.
  • Don't take criticism personally. If you are confused by a comment, ask your professor for clarification.
  • Ask your teacher how you can improve your writing.

Method 3 of 5: Excel at Work

Be Amazing Step 8
Be Amazing Step 8

Step 1. Become exceptionally productive

The best employees are extremely efficient and competent because they love their jobs. Their thirst for success leads them to impress colleagues and contribute to the whole team. They have an impeccable work ethic that never leads them to complain about excessive responsibilities.

  • Find a job you enjoy;
  • Work hard to complete your duties excellently;
  • Willingly accept additional responsibilities. This way you can get amazing opportunities.
Be Amazing Step 9
Be Amazing Step 9

Step 2. Troubleshoot

The best employees are willing to put aside personal interests and opinions for the good of the company they work for. Instead of wasting time inventing strategies to get promoted or gossiping about a colleague, they put their energy into finding unique solutions to the company's problems. They value results more than futile quarrels.

  • Commit to finding solutions instead of creating problems;
  • Put your personal opinions aside and try to find a solution that benefits the company.
Be Amazing Step 10
Be Amazing Step 10

Step 3. Accept help and advice

The best employees are willing to admit that they don't know all the answers. They don't let their egos stop them from doing a job properly. If necessary, they ask for advice and opinions from more experienced colleagues.

  • Find a mentor in your industry;
  • Ask your colleagues for advice and help;
  • Include less experienced members of your staff in the work process. They will appreciate it and you will have the opportunity to mentor other people.

Method 4 of 5: Excelling in Life

Be Amazing Step 11
Be Amazing Step 11

Step 1. Keep learning

People who learn all their lives and complete their preparation are exceptional men and women. Curious individuals strive to understand the world around them. For this reason, they often know the cultures of the world well, current events and accept diversity. To expand your horizons, let your natural curiosity lead you to learn new things and develop skills. You can ask more questions, stay up to date on the latest news and learn from those around you.

Be Amazing Step 12
Be Amazing Step 12

Step 2. Take risks

We all have a comfort zone, but exceptional people decide to live on the edge or beyond this zone. There are many benefits of taking the path less traveled:

  • When you take a risk, you have the opportunity to face exciting challenges and to seize new opportunities;
  • Taking a risk gives you the ability to expand your limits;
  • Test the areas of the brain that deal with creativity and logic;
  • Leaving your comfort zone can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes;
  • Taking risks can help you give due importance to your goals and desires;
  • If you get into the habit of taking risks often, you will learn to lead life without the restraints imposed by expectations and limits.
Be Amazing Step 13
Be Amazing Step 13

Step 3. Keep an open mind

This advice offers many benefits that can turn you into a great person. When you have an open mind:

  • You are able to let go of control of your thoughts and experiences;
  • You can adapt and change when you learn new things;
  • You learn to be vulnerable;
  • Accept that failures can lead to new beginnings and better situations;
  • Create your unique identity;
  • You develop a strong sense of yourself;
  • Can you admit when you're wrong or don't know something.
Be Amazing Step 14
Be Amazing Step 14

Step 4. Develop your talent

Growing your natural talent can lead you to great opportunities and to discover a lot about yourself. As you explore and develop your skills, you can make a great contribution to the world around you. Maybe you have the potential to inspire people with your athleticism, to move them with your music, or to captivate their senses with delicious dishes.

Method 5 of 5: Excel in Relationships

Be Amazing Step 15
Be Amazing Step 15

Step 1. Treat others with respect

Exceptional people treat others as if they were themselves. On the road to becoming better, do what you can to respect strangers, colleagues, friends and family. Exercise respect for the opinions, personal space, body and things of others.

Be Amazing Step 16
Be Amazing Step 16

Step 2. Help the needy

In the world of do ut des, it's great to be kind without personal gain. To help others, you can:

  • Help out your parents in the garden;
  • Volunteering at the soup kitchen;
  • Cooking a meal for a friend
  • Correct your brother's homework.
Be Amazing Step 17
Be Amazing Step 17

Step 3. Listen to other people

The ability to actively listen to others is a great feature. Everyone appreciates when they feel heard and when their feelings are understood. You can improve your listening skills in the following ways:

  • When someone talks to you, ignore all sources of distraction, such as leaving the phone aside;
  • Maintain eye contact with the person who is speaking to you;
  • Smile and nod towards your interlocutor, so that he knows that you understand what he is saying;
  • Imitate the facial expressions of someone talking to you to show your empathy.
