Being hyperactive can become a very exciting and also quite productive experience. Having infinite energy if you're at home watching TV isn't a big deal, so it's best to plan. If you are outdoors with friends and are doing something active, it can be great for you and fun for them. Sometimes it is even contagious! Are you ready to climb mountains?
Method 1 of 3: Energize the Mind

Step 1. Energize that voice in your head
When the voice in your head sounds like Romina Power it is difficult to charge. But when he says things like, "9 AM - BE FABULOUS. 10 AM - dominate gym class LIKE A BOSS. 11 AM - rock during chem test", it's kind of hard not to feel like the Duracell bunny. So train your mind to get energized. He's there to give you strength, even if he doesn't have the same voice as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The idea is A) Speak to yourself using exclamation marks - with enthusiasm, with excitement, but also B) speak to yourself in a "positive" way. It's hard to get excited if you fail or things don't go the way you planned them. So energize your thoughts too, think positive

Step 2. Wear bright colors
There is a reason why we dress in black at funerals! It is said that wearing bright colors makes you happier and more energetic. In other words, hyperactive! So if you were thinking of adopting the goth style, I'm sorry. You will be better off if you adopt the colorful one of the Mini Ponies.
Looking at bright colors also helps. It's as if the bright colors suggest fun and excitement to your brain. That's why adults get tired - they are always surrounded by blacks, blues and dark shades. They need some orange in their lives

Step 3. Play in the rain
Okay, that's probably the funniest thing you can do. But really, getting wet puts the whole system on alert, wakes up all the senses. The shower can really kick your metabolism! So throw some fresh water on your face and jump into some puddle: it's always good!
It also helps wash away stress, literally. So if you are worried about something (and it can be a real nuisance), look for water. Maybe life "should" be a giant pool party, what do you think?

Step 4. Dress carefully
If there was a party every day, they wouldn't be that special. Few people would get excited and the expectation that the party brings would not exist. But if you dress carefully (even if you don't have to go to a party) more often, it creates an intangible excitement that will wind you up. So this Friday get off the track!
You don't have to wear an evening dress or tuxedo to achieve this effect. Wear nice clothes and your mood will improve, especially if your friends do too. When it comes to such effects, numbers matter

Step 5. Limit your time in front of the TV
It is known that lying on the sofa in front of the TV is more than relaxing: it drains your energy and turns you into a vegetable. You will end up wanting nothing more than to watch TV and things will get worse. So, if there is a program that you "must" absolutely see, watch it, but then put your asses up!
Try playing instead - even Words With Friends on Facebook! You relax anyway, but keep your mind engaged and active - instead of mesmerizing it and keeping it on standby while you watch TV

Step 6. Be happy
We have already talked about it, but let's face it clearly: it is very difficult to be hyperactive if you have the mood in the cellar. When you think of a sad person, do you see them running around, waving their arms, screaming up hills without stopping for a moment? Never. So if you want to be hyperactive you have to nip those negative thoughts in the bud. There is no place for worry, regret or sadness. You need a reason to beat time with one foot!
So, whatever makes you happy, "do it." Dance naked in the living room. Spend the night baking 3,197 cookies. Play chess online for 4 hours and then do your homework. If it circulates endorphin, that's fine
Method 2 of 3: Energize the Body

Step 1. Have a good breakfast
Studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast, abundant and full of protein (think oat flakes, egg whites and lean meat), gives you energy for "all day" compared to a breakfast based on donuts. You may think that the sugar in donuts will help you get by, and it does - until you collapse a couple of hours later (and you're still hungry). So have a healthy breakfast to start (and continue) the day well.
In addition to a healthy breakfast, it is important to have breakfast. It starts the metabolism, gives energy to the body and you are ready to face the day. If you don't eat breakfast, you may feel sluggish and the afternoon siesta could turn into a lost afternoon

Step 2. Go for natural stimulants
Caffeine and sugar are perfect for pumping up your energy levels. The form you choose is up to you, but energy drinks, coffee, sugary drinks, and candy are great sources. If you can plan ahead, you could "fill up" on carbohydrates the night before to give your body that extra energy that will make you last longer.
- Of course, with these foods you will happen to collapse. It could be after a few minutes, a few hours, but it will happen. The solution is "not" to consume others. It will make the next crash worse!
- Beware of caffeine pills; do not take more than one. Your heart will beat a thousand and you will have the impression that death is knocking on your door. Be aware of the risks of crushing and snorting caffeine pills (or any pill). It is not recommended and you could harm your body.

Step 3. Train
You know "sitting in front of the TV makes you want to sit in front of the TV even more?". The opposite is also true. When you train, you get your blood flowing, and your body is ready for action - making you "more" hyperactive, even if you have used all your energy to train. You will feel good, more energized, "and" you will be healthier!
We said that exercise releases endorphin, the so-called "happiness hormone? Like killing two birds with one stone

Step 4. Sleep
It doesn't take a genius. If you want to have energy to spare, get 8 hours of sleep a night - or whatever your magic number is (one between 7 and 9, probably). When you're not rested, getting to the end of the day can be a challenge, let alone being enthusiastic.
Keep the same hours if possible. Your body gets used to waking up and falling asleep at a certain time, and if you get it all high, you confuse it. It's much easier to wake up and be happy if you've woken up at the same time all week

Step 5. Unleash! Hyperactivity arises between your ears. It's a mental thing, but it requires insights from your body. Put on some music that loads you up to get you off to a good start. Dance.
If you like video games, that's fine. Who says you can only go wild with music? Killing zombies has its own rhythm, after all
Method 3 of 3: Using Energy

Step 1. Go out with friends
Being hyperactive with others has a purpose: to get excited, play and work together. The energy of many people can create wonderful things! You are not the bringer of chaos, you have a purpose: fun and energy!
You can also be hyperactive on your own at times, so you can take full advantage of training, running, or practicing individual skills for a sport like football - practicing dribbling and dribbling without performance anxiety

Step 2. Plan activities where you can show off your enthusiasm and have fun - with a purpose
Choose a place where you can be hyperactive; the mall is not a good idea, but the park is. Gathering friends to go to someone's house is not an optimal use of your time. Choose places where you won't be silenced or thrown out.
Large and open spaces are the ideal. Parks, beaches, woods or areas dedicated to sporting activities such as a football field or swimming pool are perfect

Step 3. Spread the enthusiasm:
do not try to "stay calm" while reaching the chosen place. Infect your friends. Pass the candies; convince others to buy energy drinks or sweet drinks with vitamins and caffeine. Hyperactivity is contagious and you will "charge" each other; it will be more fun if you share your experiences with other people.
If someone doesn't feel like messing around, get them involved! Don't point him out and don't make fun of him, just invite him to have fun with you. Pointing at or teasing someone lowers your energy levels (and those of the group too)

Step 4. Go wild
Unleash all your energy! Run, jump, just do it! Mass like this could also turn into a spiritual event (think of the Indians dancing all night to the rhythm of the drums). The more you do the more you will feel good. Dance like nobody's watching. There is no other way to do it, is there?
Friendly advice: get your energy out in legal ways. Seeing the police arrive is the worst way to stifle any enthusiasm

Step 5. Slow down:
do not close everything suddenly. Your body has an active endorphin supply - if you crush the experience you will have a "fall" that you will not like. You've warmed up to prepare - slow down before stopping. You wouldn't land a plane all of a sudden; it's the same for your body.
Take a minute to remember what you did with friends. Laugh about it. Eat decent food (so no candy) and relax

Step 6. Plan other things
The longer you wait, the more energy you will accumulate to be hyperactive. It must be something you can't wait to do. How can you make it even more epic next time?
Invite more people! the more the better. And if you can't wait too long, you can be hyperactive on your own too. A little practice never hurts
- Make sure you are happy; being sad and hyperactive is not fun at all.
- Make sure you drink plenty - you will be thirsty.
- You will be very tense when you are hyperactive, and you may have a severe nervous breakdown.
- Drink orange juice. Vitamin C is perfect for increasing the energy level.
- Make sure the seat you choose is appropriate. Being hyperactive and being in jail is not a fun combination.
- Don't try to be hyperactive by using illegal drugs like cocaine as an overdose could cause you a heart attack and kill you. Furthermore, the possession of drugs is punishable by law in Italy.
- Make sure your parents know where you are going. Not because they have to follow you, but in case you overdo it and get hurt, having someone who can help you gives you security.
- Don't overdo it with sugar and caffeine. Headache, stomach ache and feeling well, unwell is not what you want.