3 Ways to Know if a Guy Likes You

3 Ways to Know if a Guy Likes You
3 Ways to Know if a Guy Likes You

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Is there a boy you can't get out of your head? Do you spend hours thinking about him? The first question you are probably thinking about is "does he like me too?". If you pay attention to how he behaves around you, you may be able to tell if he is interested. The next move is up to you!


Method 1 of 3: Interpret your Body Language

Find out if He Likes You Step 1
Find out if He Likes You Step 1

Step 1. Learn the mechanisms of physical attraction

Brain chemistry is responsible for the people and things that attract you. In fact, according to experts, physical attraction works largely like addiction: both stimulate brain chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin. Even if he doesn't care, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you - it's all about the chemicals.

Research indicates that our brains can tell us in a second whether we are attracted to someone or not

Find out if He Likes You Step 2
Find out if He Likes You Step 2

Step 2. Understand the messages behind body language

When people are physically attracted to someone, they often show it through body language. Most of the body language linked to attraction communicates two fundamental messages: "I'm available" and "I'm interested".

  • Body language cues that indicate "willingness" correspond to actions such as smiling, looking into each other's eyes, keeping arms and legs relaxed but not crossed.
  • The signs of "fertility" (those indicating that the other person is a potential partner) for boys include actions such as standing straight, drawing attention to the hands and straightening the shoulders.
  • If he leans towards you while he is talking to you and listening to you or leans his head towards you, he is very likely to care.
  • Good news: women tend to read body language better than men.
Find out if He Likes You Step 3
Find out if He Likes You Step 3

Step 3. Check the position of his body

See what it looks like when you are around. Men tend to physically take up more space when they want to show themselves powerful and charming; consequently, if he is sitting with his legs apart with his shoulders straight, it could be a sign that, unconsciously, he wants to get noticed by you.

If his legs and feet are pointing towards you, it could also be a sign that he is interested in you

Find out if He Likes You Step 4
Find out if He Likes You Step 4

Step 4. See how he interacts with friends

Men who are interested in a woman also tend to physically interact more with other guys. If the guy you like and his friends go out with you and he jokes, nudges, or nudges his friends a lot (particularly if others don't do the same), he may be trying to communicate that he's the guy. dominant within the group and wants to get your attention.

Find out if He Likes You Step 5
Find out if He Likes You Step 5

Step 5. Observe his physical reactions when he is with you

When others find someone attractive, their body expresses itself through automatic reactions that show that attraction. Knowing what to look for can help you understand how he really feels about you.

  • Red cheeks indicate excitement. This is why some women decide to wear blush; simulates the natural redness due to sexual arousal. However, some people also blush when they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, so don't just rely on red cheeks to tell if they like you.
  • The lips also tend to become redder and more swollen when aroused. If he licks his lips when he's with you, it's possible he's subconsciously communicating to you that he wants to kiss you.
Find out if He Likes You Step 6
Find out if He Likes You Step 6

Step 6. Look at his eyes

Pupils tend to dilate when we are physically aroused, so if his pupils are bigger than usual, it could be a subconscious sign that he likes you. Winking is another signal often linked to attraction.

Find out if He Likes You Step 7
Find out if He Likes You Step 7

Step 7. Look at her smile

If he smiles, it can mean that he likes being with you. However, pay attention to the muscles he moves when he smiles. If only the muscles around the mouth are moving, the smile is probably not genuine and could indicate that it is trying to hide discomfort or embarrassment.

There is a reason why Tyra Banks always tells her followers to "smile with their eyes". Smiles that seem sincere affect both the muscles around the eyes and those around the mouth

Find out if He Likes You Step 8
Find out if He Likes You Step 8

Step 8. Beware of contact

Those who are truly attracted to someone will try to introduce physical contact into their interactions. If he casually brushes your arm while talking to you or comes over to hug you without being invited, he may be interested in you.

Realize that some people are simply more interested in contact than others. Some types of contact, such as a handshake or a push with the shoulder, could only fall within the sphere of friendship. Other types of contact, on the other hand, for example on the forearm, around the shoulders, near the waist or on the face, are more likely to be related to attraction

Method 2 of 3: Interpret his Words

Find out if He Likes You Step 9
Find out if He Likes You Step 9

Step 1. Notice if you are looking for topics that interest both of you

Do you try to find interests you share? For example, he might ask questions about the kind of music you like, about what you watch on TV or, while you are chatting, he might make comments like: "Oh, I love pineapple pizza too!". If so, he may be trying to express his interest in you.

Find out if He Likes You Step 10
Find out if He Likes You Step 10

Step 2. See if he asks questions about you

Does he ask you what your interests are? Did he ask you if you have a boyfriend? He may also ask your friends some questions about you, so talking to them can help you determine if he's interested in you.

Find out if He Likes You Step 11
Find out if He Likes You Step 11

Step 3. Pay attention to how he reacts to your signals

For example, if you mention that another guy (not him) is sexy or good-looking and he intervenes, it is possible that he is proving to be a little jealous.

Find out if He Likes You Step 12
Find out if He Likes You Step 12

Step 4. See if he does you any favors

If he offers you a ride home, brings you coffee or a snack without you asking, he may be expressing an interest in you.

But be careful: if he also does anyone else favors, he might just be a nice guy

Method 3 of 3: Make your Move

Find out if He Likes You Step 13
Find out if He Likes You Step 13

Step 1. Be confident

Studies show that both self-confident men and women - those who know who they are and are at ease with themselves - are usually considered more attractive to others. Be yourself when you are with the person you like and try to remind yourself that if they like you, they like you the way you are (or at least they should!).

Find out if He Likes You Step 14
Find out if He Likes You Step 14

Step 2. Communicate your interest in body language

Just like guys do, you can express your interest in the person you like through body language. If you touch your face or hair, touch your neck or draw attention to it and keep eye contact with him while you chat, you communicate that you are interested.

Find out if He Likes You Step 15
Find out if He Likes You Step 15

Step 3. Practice at home what to say

If you really want to tell him you like him, practicing at home by trying a couple of versions of what you want to say might help. This way you can eliminate any defects and overcome nervousness.

Find out if He Likes You Step 16
Find out if He Likes You Step 16

Step 4. Ask him to go out with you

Fear of being rejected is a natural concern, but if you've been paying attention to how he behaves when you're around and if you're convinced he likes you, being direct with him could pay off. Studies show that men actually prefer what scientists call the "direct approach", which consists of being sincere, straightforward and declaring one's intentions directly.


  • Don't feel bad if he says no. He may like you as a friend but not as a girlfriend. You are still exceptional.
  • Try not to be obsessive. It can be difficult not to think all day about the person you like, but you could end up being annoying or in need of affection if everything you think about or talk about is about the guy you like.
