And so you thought about it, and you would like to convert to Christianity. Here are some steps to help you with this step.

Step 1. Start with exploration:
attend various Christian meetings and churches in your area, and see what you think. Conversion is a journey that can start from a congregation or a bible study group, and then decide to continue. Don't rely on what others are doing if you want to receive Jesus Christ.
Step 2. Find a bible
The bible is the universal book found in many places. Contains both Jewish and Christian scriptures.
- The portion of the bible needed to understand Christianity is the New Testament. It contains the story of the first steps of Jesus Christ and the teachings of his disciples, especially St. Paul, who explained the basics of Christianity without neglecting the details. You will learn everything about love, hope, salvation due to grace, good deeds not to ask for grace, which is free (divine gift), forgiveness for wrongs suffered and much more …
- While reading, you may experience moments of bewilderment or confusion. In these cases, you can seek guidance from other faithful, including teachers, priests, pastors, or search online or in other Christian books. Just keep in mind that the teachings can vary in different denominations, so you may find yourself getting contradictory "answers" to your questions. Keep in mind that Satan is the author of confusion, but God is the creator of compassion, grace and peace (choose the path of divine grace).
The most famous English Bible for Protestants was the King James Bible for 400 years. It is important to consider that English-speaking Roman Catholics use the Douay-Rheims Bible (with the apocryphal gospels), while Protestants use the Bible with 66 books (without the apocryphal gospels, excluding many Hebrew scriptures as well as chapters and books of obscure origins).
Convert to Christianity Step 2

Step 3. Take the time to learn the teachings and practices of the churches you choose to visit and ask as many questions as you like
A good way to study a church's beliefs is to read its Statement of Faith, a list of core beliefs, and compare it to others.
- There are many Christian definitions, including Anglican, Adventist, Baptist, Christian, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox (Eastern, Greek, Russian), Presbyterian, Roman Catholic … There are other Protestant groups, churches "not affiliated with (_) "Or" independent "of one kind or another.
- Although all Christians share faith in Jesus Christ, each denomination places emphasis on certain teachings, traditions, customs and beliefs. Different groups agree on the understanding of various doctrines relating to the Sacraments, the divine Trinity (as opposed to the Aryan-heretical conception), pastors, orders, bishops, presbyters and the like, parish priests, weddings, care, prophecies, prayers to saints, unknown languages, formalities, rites, written prayers or informality …
- It is wise to conduct extensive research on organizations before getting too involved. Some people have had negative experiences jumping into a group too quickly before studying it thoroughly. Don't get drawn into a group until you feel comfortable. Be careful not to fall prey to manipulation by self-styled spiritual guides who do not respect your right to make decisions or who try to control your life in a sickly way.

Step 4. Find a pastor or priest to help you
It might help you find all the answers you need.

Step 5. Choose a church to join and follow Christ in
Find a church near you or that you particularly like. Go to that church and talk to the pastor or priest, attend mass when you can and go to church when you need it, even during the week.

Step 6. Be willing to accept Jesus Christ with all your heart
Conversion to Christianity is based on your belief that Jesus is the son of God and performs all kinds of miracles, including Salvation. Christianity starts by entrusting its salvation to Jesus, and continues by leading a good and devoted life according to the word of God. Both are important elements.
Step 7. “Save yourselves by believing in the Christian gospel” (Corinthians 15: 3-4)
It means you believe that God died for your sins and then rose again. By having he paid for your sins, you can be forgiven, and by being resurrected he has the power to grant you eternal life. Believing this message, you respond, "Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and resurrected, so now please save me, a sinner." In this way you save yourself and start your Christian life.
A key passage in describing salvation is “For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. In fact, with the heart one believes in order to obtain justice and with the mouth one makes the profession of faith in order to have salvation. " (Romans 10: 9-10) Romans 10: 9-10"
Convert to Christianity Step 7

Step 8. Get baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Step 9. Receive baptism and first communion, rites called Orders by some churches, and Sacraments by others
Step 10. Learn the Christian, Apostolic and Nicene denominations
Many churches have somehow different professions of faith and / or catechisms, based on the respective interpretation of Christian confessions, on the Sacraments, on the organization of churches and other issues. See, for example, the Catholic catechism, the Lutheran formula of concord, the Westminster confession, the 39 Anglican articles, the Baptist confession of 1689, the 1919 world conference doctrine on Christian foundations, and more.
Convert to Christianity Step 10

Step 11. Follow Jesus Christ and make sure you are a Christian according to divine grace through faith by believing:
you may not have a local church or a priest, or you may not be able to get baptized because you may be in a country without churches or with few priests, pastors (like Saudi Arabia, Libya …) … Make sure your relationship with Jesus it is not based on formalities, such as baptism, but on your personal faith in him and his teachings. Sure, get baptized by another member if you can, but the most important baptism for a Christian is spiritual baptism in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:27).

Step 12. When you receive the Holy Spirit (officially becoming a Christian) do everything possible to strengthen your faith in Jesus
- Christianity is about divine love, so it begins to freely show the world the love you have received, for example by forgiving everywhere and anyone who has hurt you. Jesus said "You have heard 'Love your neighbor' but I tell you: 'Love your enemy, and treat those who hate you well and use you with contempt'.". We may try and fail miserably - but divine grace is enough, as his infinite grace is God's power towards salvation.
- Do good deeds. It is essential for every Christian. "Certain is this word, and these things I want you to affirm with force, so that those who have believed in God will take care to attend to good works" (Titus 3: 8); "That the man of God may be complete, fully supplied for every good work" (Timothy 3:17). Jesus Christ said "Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me to repay each one according to what his work will be" (Revelation 22:12).
Step 13. Engage in divine praise, giving thanks for everything, recognizing him in every aspect of life
Always pray, maintaining a spirit of prayer in every area, even if simply to say “Thank God”. Also, in everything, glorify God in your lifestyles.
Method 1 of 1: Two simple keys

Step 1. Study the death of Jesus for your sins, believe in how he rose from the world of the dead as Savior, then pray to God in the name of Jesus and leave your way to repent in the eyes of the one true God saying:
“I ask forgiveness for my sins, my bad deeds; I want to be a new person, and I sincerely thank you for everything and for your forgiveness and your salvation from my sins, as I receive the gift of your Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus”.

Step 2. Spread the word:
"There is only one Jesus Christ, son of God, Lord and Savior of whoever believes in him, repents (" turning 180 degrees ", for example) and follows him", which involves: attending Christian meetings, getting baptized as a sign of repentance, praying to God, reading the bible, taking communion ("body of Christ") and showing divine love through kindness, forgiveness, peace, union with believers - and when you think you have a sin to confess, confess and repent by asking for, and accepting, forgiveness, expecting consequences for bad deeds and going beyond, all in the name of Jesus Christ - believing in God as the only true Judge of good and evil.
- Keep a pocket bible handy for reading in your free time.
- Your faith will be tested, so hold on and remember that God is always by your side!
- Don't throw yourself headlong into Christianity. If you're not entirely sure or have doubts - don't be afraid to ask.
- Help others in many small ways, by doing good deeds and gifts, without expecting anything in return, without being seen (not just by those you love or consider friends).
- In addition to the bible, some recommend reading other sacred texts.
- Try to get as much out of your conversion as possible. Participate in meetings of the faithful even outside the church: "where 2 or 3 gather, in my name, getting along, there I am among you", and in liturgical events, even inviting others to participate. Involvement in the Church is highly encouraged, as it is useful for enriching your faith.
- Note: Aryan Beliefs: Arianism (from "Arius", a heretic [false prophet], Presbyte of Alexandria, Egypt) was an ancient Christian heresy, not based on the trinity, denial of the divinity of both Christ and Holy Spirit, or the concept of "one and three". Certain Protestant cults have dusted off this belief (although many are unaware of it), in the form of Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons …
- Do not give in to idolatry. “Therefore, my dear ones, flee from idolatry” (Corinthians, 10:14). Certain churches have perpetrated old pagan practices, including idolatry, trying to merge them back into Christianity. It is inappropriate, but widely tolerated in some of the larger so-called Christian sects. Don't let your guard down on them - not to be confused with the racist Aryan culture.
- The sacraments (baptism, communion, confession…) are considered by some to be essential in the definition of faith in Christ.
- Some Christians pray for divine charity at 3 pm, the time of Jesus' death.
- Some people (family, friends, colleagues…) will not accept your change, but don't let their feelings damage your relationship with the Lord.
- You will have temptations, but remember that Jesus Christ is always there for you as the Defender, mediating between you and the Father. Try not to give in, but if and when it happens, get up immediately, confess and continue to follow Jesus!
- God is not surprised that you are a sinner. He knew it, and that's why Jesus died to save you. You are the sinner, Christ is the savior. If you happen to feel condemned and hopeless as a Christian, then you have lost sight of the essence of Christianity.