If you've tinted your brows and find the color too dark, you're probably wondering how to fix it. Do not stress: the eyebrow dye fades by itself during the first week thanks to the action of the sebum produced by the skin and the cleansing of the face. However, if the color continues to be unsatisfactory after a week, you can use other methods to eliminate it. Try washing your brows with a clarifying shampoo or mixing baking soda and shampoo. You can also lighten them by applying a toner or lemon juice.
Method 1 of 2: Lighten Eyebrows

Step 1. Massage your brows with a clarifying shampoo
This product is designed to remove dye residues from the hair, so it can be used on the eyebrows for the same purpose. But avoid getting it in the eye! Brush the clarifying shampoo into your brows using a new comb or toothbrush. After 60 seconds, remove it and wash your face as usual to get rid of any residue.

Step 2. Apply a paste made of equal parts baking soda and shampoo
In a small bowl, mix one part of the baking soda and one part of your usual shampoo until you get a thick paste. Apply it to your brows with a foundation brush. Rinse it off thoroughly after a few minutes, making sure you don't get it in your eyes. Repeat if necessary.

Step 3. Apply lemon juice to your brows
In the morning, squeeze some lemon juice onto a cotton pad and rub it over your eyebrows. Avoid getting it in the eye! Leave it on for the whole day and remove it in the evening when you wash your face. Spend time outdoors during the day so that the sun enhances the lightening effect.

Step 4. Cleanse your brows with a facial toner
Choose a toner, such as one made with witch hazel water, from the grocery store or perfumery. Pour a few drops onto a cotton pad, then gently wipe your brows to lighten them. You can repeat this process as many times as you deem necessary, but keep in mind that the toner can dry out the skin if it contains alcohol.

Step 5. Try to lighten your eyebrows with an eyebrow gel
Choose a tinted brow gel that is at least one shade lighter than the tint. Apply it gently using an eyebrow comb. Make sure you comb the entire eyebrow for a homogeneous color. Let it dry, then repeat (if desired) to lighten them further.

Step 6. Use a facial bleach if it is not possible to remedy otherwise
To perform this procedure, it is better to consult a hairdresser than to try it at home. Go to a beauty salon and ask your hairdresser to apply bleach (i.e. hydrogen peroxide in a concentration similar to that found in hydrogen peroxide in a first aid kit) to your brows to lighten them. He will probably pour a few drops of bleach onto a cotton pad, then rub it gently over his eyebrows to remove the dye.
Make sure the bleach does not come into contact with your eyes
Method 2 of 2: Remove the Dye from the Skin

Step 1. Apply makeup remover to your face
It happens that the eyebrows are too dark because the tint is not only absorbed by the hair, but also by the skin. Choose a silicone or oil-based makeup remover to remove pigments from your skin. Soak a cotton ball, then gently wipe it over your eyebrows. There should be some dye residue on the cotton ball.
Try not to get the makeup remover in your eyes

Step 2. If the dye has stained your hands, try a stain remover
Some eyebrow tint kits come with skin stain removers, which are useful in case it gets dirty during the procedure. Read the instructions carefully, as this product is not designed for the eyebrows or face. Soak a cotton pad, then massage it into the affected area. Once the color is gone, remove any residue left on your hands by washing them with warm soapy water.

Step 3. Rub some toothpaste on the affected area
If the dye has stained the skin, remove it with toothpaste, the important thing is that it is not in gel. Spread a small amount on a new toothbrush. Rub it into your skin to remove the dye. Repeat if necessary, then rinse off the toothpaste and wash the affected area with warm soapy water.

Step 4. Try using a face or body exfoliator
Exfoliating products, such as soaps and scrubs for the face or body, help remove the dye from the skin. Moisten your skin, then apply a small amount of product to the affected area. Massage it, rinse and repeat until the pigments are removed. If you use this method for your face, be sure to choose a specific exfoliant and avoid getting it in your eyes.

Step 5. Use nail polish remover on your hands and arms
If the dye stains your hands, arms, or other areas other than your face, you can remove it with nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol. Soak a cotton ball and massage it gently on the affected area. It may be necessary to repeat this process several times in order to completely remove the pigments. Rinse with soap and warm water after the procedure.

Step 6. Apply WD-40 to areas other than your face
Do not use it on the face, use it only for hands, arms and so on. Spray a small amount on a cotton ball. Massage it into blotchy skin to remove pigments. Be sure to wash and rinse your skin thoroughly after use to remove any residual WD-40 and prevent skin irritation.