4 Ways to Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend

4 Ways to Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend
4 Ways to Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend

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Romance is not overrated. In fact, it is a key ingredient of any successful relationship. This doesn't mean that taking a moonlit walk or candlelit dinner with your boyfriend is the only way to keep your relationship alive; this means that you have to understand what romance means to both of you as a couple and you have to work hard to give each other love and affection. If you want to know how to be romantic with your boyfriend, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 4: Be Creative

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 1
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 1

Step 1. Write "I love you" in hidden places

Your boyfriend may expect you to write "I love you" to him at the end of a letter or message, but he won't expect to see it written in the steam after a shower, with cocoa on his morning cappuccino, or on a blank page. of his notebook that he sees when he is about to take notes in class. Finding a creative and unique place to write "I love you" will make him think of you even more fondly when you are not there, and it will make him feel more romantic because you have made a special effort to let him know that you love him.

Only by doing this once or twice a month can you really show your boyfriend that you care about him. You don't have to overdo it

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 2
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 2

Step 2. Record a CD for him

It could be a CD that reminds him of "your songs", or one that really takes his musical tastes into consideration and is a mix of things you think he likes. Don't recommend your favorite bands if you know they're not his thing, but if you really know what he might like, you can make him a mixed CD and put it in his car's CD player when he doesn't see. When he starts the car, he will have a pleasant surprise.

Make sure you know what music he listens to, what songs he already owns and what he likes, before making a CD for him

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 3
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 3

Step 3. Prepare an album

Collect all your most significant memories in an album. Collect photos of you together, tickets to your favorite concert, a menu from the restaurant where you first said "I love you", or the notes you wrote to each other over the course of your relationship. This can be a nice birthday or anniversary gift, but you could also give it to him without a special occasion.

This album will show him where you have come in your relationship, and will inspire him to appreciate you even more

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 4
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 4

Step 4. Celebrate Valentine's Day early (or late)

Who says Valentine's Day is only February 14th? If you are busy that day or just want to be romantic on a random Wednesday, you should plan to celebrate Valentine's Day on whatever day works for the two of you; you can take the time to shower together with love and affection, dress well, and eat something delicious.

This fake Valentine's Day is going to be super fun because both of you will feel like you're in a game

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 5
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 5

Step 5. Behave like a child

Young children have an endless amount of wonder about the world, along with a healthy dose of hope and optimism. So pick a day to act just like a little girl with your boyfriend and you will see how much your love for each other and for the world grows when you do the stupid things you loved doing as a little girl. You could go to a carnival, blow up animal-shaped balloons, paint with finger paint, wrestle in the mud, or just do anything fun and silly that makes you feel more romantic and more alive. Here are some other things you could do:

  • Blow soap bubbles
  • Bake cookies
  • Watch the fireworks
  • Eating cotton candy at a football match
  • Go to a water park
  • Prepare biscuit ice creams
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 6
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 6

Step 6. Go to a pottery class together

Taking a pottery class with your boyfriend will be as romantic as that scene in Ghost; but it will be even better, because you will both be alive. You'll get your hands dirty, learn something new, and create something to take home and put on your coffee table, however lopsided and misshapen it may be.

Not only will you enjoy yourself this way, it will also increase your affection for each other

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 7
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 7

Step 7. Create a book of all the emails you wrote to each other

If you've spent a lot of time apart and exchanged long emails, or if you're just the kind of person who loves to email each other, you might want to print out your sweet, funny and romantic correspondence. and collect it in a book for your boyfriend. He will read all the love letters and remember all the good times you had and all the memories you shared.

A loving email can be just as romantic as a love letter. Pierce the emails, tie them together with a colored string and deliver them to your him

Method 2 of 4: Be Thoughtful

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 8
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 8

Step 1. Give him thoughtful gifts

Don't just buy a six-pack of his favorite beer and take it to the pizzeria. Make an effort to understand what he really likes and cares about, what gift would really mean something to him, and what would surprise him and show him that you are committed to that gift. If you want to give him a gift, just any one is not good, so try to get your boyfriend something personalized, special and something he couldn't get by himself. Remember that often the best gifts are given just because you want to do it, not for a birthday or other special occasion. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Are you a hiking or camping enthusiast? Give him the latest in camping or hiking gear, something he's been waiting for for a long time.
  • Do you love beers or fine wines? Gift him a subscription to the beer or wine club of the month.
  • Are you a video game addict? Gift him a new game that is all the rage or upgrade his video game gear.
  • Are you a concert fanatic? Find out before him when his favorite band will play in your city and get him tickets.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 9
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 9

Step 2. Write him loving cards

Not all non-in-person communication has to be via computer or telephone. If you are going to be apart for a day or two, or even just for a few hours, write him a sweet note telling him how important he is to you or how much you miss him when you are apart. Just wishing him a good day and letting him know how much you think it can make a difference.

You could write him a note or post-it and put it on his mirror, in his lunch bag, in his backpack or briefcase, or leave it on the windshield of his car. Part of the romance will come from surprise

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 10
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 10

Step 3. Plan meaningful appointments

While you and your boyfriend are likely having a great time wherever you go, you may want to work hard to plan some special and very romantic dates. It depends on what you both love and the kinds of things that make you happy together. If you propose a date that would be perfect for your boyfriend, he will be impressed with how much thought and effort you are putting into your relationship. Here are some ideas:

  • Does your boyfriend love football? Go to a game together.
  • Is it snowing just a little? You are never too old to go ice skating.
  • If you both want to spend time together but don't feel like going out, cook your favorite foods together.
  • Spend a day at the beach or near a lake. Being in the water or on the shore will make you feel romantic.
  • Think about the thing your boyfriend always says he wants to do. And make it happen.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 11
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 11

Step 4. Do him important favors

You might not think that doing your boyfriend's laundry in the week he has a major exam is a romantic gesture, but he will appreciate it. Romance is not just about big gestures, but also about little things that show your him that you really love him and that you want to make him happy. Of course, the ideal would be to exchange favors for each other; you shouldn't become his delivery boy to persuade him.

  • If he's having a really busy day, make him lunch or buy it for him.
  • Go out in the morning to bring him coffee and a croissant, if you know he has nothing to eat for breakfast.
  • If you're already going to a store, get some things he needs too, to save him a trip.
  • If he tends to forget things and has an important deadline soon, remind him when that will be to show him your attention.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 12
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 12

Step 5. Take some time to understand his interests

This does not mean that you have to spend evenings with him and his friends watching football matches. It means that you should make an effort to understand why he likes football, or any other interest that means nothing to you. Try to understand the motivations behind his love for football, fishing, historical documentaries, comics, or whatever else thrills him.

Ask him questions about these things and see if you can accompany him as he pursues his interests and if they intrigue you. Now it is something romantic

Method 3 of 4: Being Affectionate

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 13
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 13

Step 1. Use affectionate ways with your him

Sure, most guys don't like public displays of affection or holding hands with their girlfriends, but you should still strive to have reassuring and loving ways with him from time to time to let him know he's important to you. Shake his hand at the cinema; runs a hand through her hair upon awakening; give them a playful nudge when you make fun of each other. You shouldn't be on him all the time, you will become suffocating; choose the right moments for physical contact, at least a couple of times a day.

Seeking physical contact at the right time is truly romantic

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 14
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 14

Step 2. Give him meaningful compliments

Don't just tell him "You're really hot" or "I like you." Let him know what makes him so special to you. Tell him he has a great smile, that you love his sense of humor, that you admire his work ethic, or that you think he's great at understanding exactly what you're feeling.

Compliments should be given in person, but you can also give them a love note, email, or phone call

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 15
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 15

Step 3. Show him affection when you are apart

If you are spending time apart, be it a week or a whole summer, you should let him know that you still think about him. That doesn't mean you should call him twenty times a day to find out what he's doing or to make sure he's not talking to other girls; it means you should make sure you let him know at least once a day that you love him and that you think about him.

  • You don't have to talk on the phone every day if you're both busy and it seems like you're just doing something that's on your to-do list. But you should make yourself heard at least once a day when you are far away, with a phone call, a text message or an email.
  • Text him to let him know that you are thinking of him.
  • If you both have video phones or Skype, make a virtual date once or twice a week so you can keep seeing each other and remember how much you love being together.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 16
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 16

Step 4. Give him an unexpected long kiss at least once a day

Even if you are both tired, busy, or just not feeling particularly loving, you should kiss "at least" once a day. Make a commitment to give him a long kiss every day and you'll bring the romance up in your relationship and strengthen your relationship as a couple. Don't give him a simple kiss on the cheek or on the cheek out of habit when you are about to leave, but choose an unexpected moment to kiss him.

Kissing your boyfriend is the primary way to let him know how much you care about him

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 17
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 17

Step 5. Tell him why he's a great boyfriend

Don't forget to let him know exactly how important he is to you. Words are often the best way to show affection. You can tell him in a letter once a month, or casually over dinner. Make a list of at least five things that make him a great boyfriend, and let him know what exactly those things are, so he can see how important he is to you.

You can be even more spontaneous than that. If he does something exciting that strikes you immediately, let him know

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 18
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 18

Step 6. Give him a massage

Giving your boyfriend a massage will not only increase the sensuality in your relationship, but it will also be a great way to show him affection and let him know that you really care. If he comes home after a long day at work or school, have him sit down and give him a good shoulder rub. You can move around the neck, arms and back. Help him relax and get rid of those annoying back contractures, and he'll feel loved for a long time.

For a longer, more intimate massage, have him lie on his stomach

Method 4 of 4: Keep Romance On

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 19
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 19

Step 1. Never stop wooing him

Even if you've been together for years, you shouldn't think of your relationship as the perfect union that should remain exactly the same forever. You should both work hard to impress each other, to keep seducing each other, and to remind your partner why your relationship is so great. Don't fall into the same old routine because it's "pretty good" and has been working for a long time; improve your relationship by always trying new things and keeping it interesting.

  • Don't stop telling each other how important you are to each other.
  • Keep your weekly evening appointments and make sure you leave the house in most cases.
  • Make sure you try something new together at least once a month, be it a new restaurant or a new sport.
  • Be spontaneous. On the weekend take a trip that was just planned the previous evening; sign up for a salsa class at the last minute.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 20
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 20

Step 2. Take care of your appearance

If you want to hold on to your boyfriend, you can't neglect yourself. Both of you should make sure you shower regularly, have your hair tidy and dress well when you go out together. Maybe you can wear sweatpants on Sundays, or on another busy day, but in general you should dress up when you are together, as if you are in public, even when you are not leaving the house.

  • Taking care of your appearance will keep you from becoming careless in your relationship and will make you and your boyfriend feel more romantic.
  • You might even decide to dress up very nicely for your evening dates, even when you don't go anywhere fancy.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 21
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 21

Step 3. Keep your bedroom in a sexy state

Whether you sleep together or hang out, make sure you are with him in a place that makes you feel romantic, not in a dirty car or messy basement. If you can hang out in your room, make sure it's tidy, clean, and looks like it's made for kissing; don't meet near a stack of books or folders you brought home from work. When indulging in intimate moments in the bedroom, intimacy should be your only concern.

If you live together, this is especially important. If the room is only used for sleeping and sex, you will both feel more romantic

Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 22
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 22

Step 4. Maintain your independence

If you want to keep your relationship fresh, you and your boyfriend should spend some time apart. If you are always together, you won't have much to talk about and you won't have a chance to miss or appreciate each other when you are apart. No matter how close you are, it is vital that you pursue your interests and hang out with your friends and family by separating from each other from time to time.

  • Even just hanging out with your friends one day a week will make you better understand how much you love him.
  • Don't be clingy or in need of attention. Let your boyfriend go out and do his thing and he will love you, and feel romantic, even more.
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 23
Be Romantic with Your Boyfriend Step 23

Step 5. Do activities together that increase your adrenaline

If you and your boyfriend do something romantic together that gets your heart racing and makes you feel good, you're sure to feel sexier and more romantic. It can be any type of sport, such as walking, hiking, cycling, running, yoga, ballroom dancing, or just going to the gym together.

  • A couple who trains together spends time together. And it keeps fit.
  • Increasing your adrenaline will also put you in a good mood, and make you feel more passionate about your partner.


  • Run a hand through his hair when you look him in the eye.
  • Know that you are his alone, and even if you are not, pretend you are. If you're not sure, neither will he.
  • Make sure your boyfriend is comfortable if you do these things.
  • Spending time alone can help.
  • Don't be too overbearing or too discreet.
