How To Make Your Friend Become Your Boyfriend

How To Make Your Friend Become Your Boyfriend
How To Make Your Friend Become Your Boyfriend

Table of contents:


Sometimes great friends become great lovers. For this to happen, they both have to have the same feelings. You can't force someone to love you if they don't want to. Minds and desires must meet. As a result, if you've just had an epiphany and you think a friend of yours might be the ideal boyfriend for you, you will need to deal with this situation gently.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding What You Feel

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Step 1. Before taking action, analyze your feelings

It is important to be sure of what you are feeling: if you have started seeing your friend with different eyes, it must be a real crush, maybe even a strong fall in love. You don't have to change your perspective just because you had a moment of weakness, or a tear-jerking movie or your friends' love story prompted you to take fancy flights. They must be real butterflies in the stomach, you have to go beyond your friendship and imagine a future together, a lasting relationship. Ask yourself:

  • “Do I have any real feelings? Or do I just want it on a whim, knowing it won't work?”.
  • “Do I have the strength to face a refusal if I have to bid and receive a two of spades? Do I think the relationship can go back to the same if it happens?”.
  • "Did you show me signs of interest?"

Part 2 of 3: Assessing Your Current Relationship Status

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Step 1. Make sure it's free

It's not okay to meddle in an existing relationship if he's already committed to another, telling him he's making a big mistake and that he should choose you. Not only will these words absolutely catch him off guard, it's possible the relationship won't be the same again if he thinks you're going to destabilize his couple.

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Step 2. If he's dating someone else right now, back off

Nurture your friendship. Should he break up with this person and you still have the same feelings, you can be there for him. If the relationship continues, then fate wants you to remain friends. It is not useful for anyone to go out of their way to wreak havoc on your friend's love life, we are not in a Hollywood comedy!

Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 1
Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 1

Step 3. If you recently broke up with someone, find out if they think about their ex

If he still falls in love with it, don't step forward: you are no one's fallback. But how to understand it? Ask him! Do it casually, while talking about this and that. Trace the conversation back to her ex and her feelings for her, good or bad. Get him to tell you if they've recently met, kept in touch, and so on. If it's evident that it hasn't happened, back off. If it is over for real, then consider it available (of course, proceed with lead feet).

Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 2
Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 2

Step 4. If you have recently broken up with someone, reassure them by telling them that you have completely forgotten this person

Your friend needs to know for sure that you no longer think about your ex, because he broke your heart, is not for you, and you no longer intend to see him again. Still having feelings for an ex would hold back anyone looking for a romantic relationship. Nobody wants to put up with melodrama and the disappointments that come with it. Therefore, if you want this friend of yours to know that you are available, make your situation crystal clear.

Part 3 of 3: Show him your interest

Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 3
Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 3

Step 1. Insinuate the interest you have in him

This friend of yours must know that you value him so much and that you really believe that someday he would make an ideal boyfriend for a girl. It's a subtle, but clear enough clue, because he'll understand what you think of him.

Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 4
Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 4

Step 2. Invite him on a date, but don't say it's a romantic date

Instead, ask him to go to the cinema, maybe you have already done so in the past. If he asks you to go out with him the next weekend and then you call him back to do something together, before you know it you'll find yourself dating like a real couple.

Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 5
Make a Guy Friend a Boyfriend Step 5

Step 3. Send him messages and e-mails

Try to write something nice and nice to him. It's a great way to nurture your friendship and turn it into a romantic relationship. Guys want to have the confidence that they can be themselves in the company of their girlfriends. By revealing your feelings and your true way of being, you will let him know that you are fun and cool at the same time.


  • Don't step forward out of the blue. He will likely get scared and want you to stay friends. Go easy.
  • Be honest and open. In all relationships, sincerity and dialogue must be cultivated. At the right time, tell him how you feel. If he's the ideal person for you, things will evolve for the better on their own.
  • Be a friend anyway, even after you've gotten together. After all, you are two friends who have fallen in love.


  • Don't be in too much of a hurry.
  • If he seems uncomfortable, take a step back.
  • Don't act like a stalker.
