Do you think your boyfriend is treating you badly or do you think your friend is not respecting you? Keep reading this article!

Step 1. First respect yourself
If you find yourself in a destructive relationship, get rid of it and quickly, you will only suffer. If you have a parasite by your side, take it out of your life. If things don't work out between you, you will both suffer, so avoid possible complications.

Step 2. Don't become the person he wants you to be, just be who you want to be
Pursue your ideal of beauty and perfection, not his, and let him appreciate you for who you are. Do not change for anyone, whoever forces you to do so does not deserve you and this is the first symptom of a relationship that does not work. Whoever does not accept you does not love you and does not respect you.

Step 3. If he does something you don't feel like doing, like touching you or asking you to have sex with him if you don't feel ready, tell him
Decide what is best for you, step away from him if you understand that it is the best thing to do regardless of how he will take it.

Step 4. Only have sex with him when you feel ready for it
If you don't feel loved enough, or if he doesn't treat you as an equal, don't do anything. Sex is not a way to obtain love but the expression of one's feelings and passion. You are free to say no (and yes) whenever you want. If he respects you, he won't try to oppose your decisions.

Step 5. Be determined in making your decisions
If you say "No" say it with conviction. Guys are sometimes crafty and will try to persuade you. Think about your future too, not just the present.

Step 6. Relationships are based on a 50/50 ratio, not a 10/90
If he doesn't wait for you, don't wait for him. If he makes no effort for you, why do you have to make an effort for him? Stop hanging on her lips and let yourself be seen a little resolute. Don't be overly affectionate, limit the number of messages and don't shower him with gifts, don't do anything for him, and don't always be available.

Step 7. Maintain your independent life
Keep in touch with your friends, pursue your goals, keep busy with your favorite activities, keep up with your job, your school, your social activities, etc. Some independence will help your relationship. Don't lose your identity and remember who you are. Your boyfriend is part of your life but he is not your whole life, if he loves you he will support you.

Step 8. Defend yourself
If you don't agree with him, or if you argue, defend yourself. Stand up for your ideas when you know you are right, don't get your feet on your head and don't let anyone insult you. If that happens, tell yourself, “I'm definitely not perfect, but no matter what I've done, her attitude is unforgivable. I'm leaving NOW . And don't look back.

Step 9. Always be open-minded, if you understand that you are wrong, admit it and also learn to forgive at the right time
Always if it's worth it and if he doesn't behave incorrectly.

Step 10. If you have any problems, talk to him
We all have a right to know your mistakes, so let them know what's wrong with you. Tell him everything you want, express yourself clearly and concisely. If you want the problem to be solved, think of constructive solutions together.

Step 11. Beauty isn't everything
It is not enough to be beautiful to keep a man by your side, it is important to have an interesting personality and to be happy. Always be positive, be yourself, dress how you like and do what makes you feel good.