Whether you're willing to search close to home or to push yourself further, there are always opportunities to meet women who share your interests and are interested in you.
Method 1 of 4: Finding Available Women

Step 1. Go online
Online dating sites have now become a popular method of meeting people who have common interests. Find a dating site you like and create a profile. You can then decide whether to search for women registered on the site according to your common interests or wait for them to look for you.
- When uploading your photo, try to appear neat and accessible. Always wear clothes - naked bodies, glamorous as they are, aren't the most effective solution when you're online.
- Avoid lying. If you are older and less fit than you would like, don't hide it. Your potential mate will not hold onto you when you meet, confronted with your lies.
- If someone contacts you, respond promptly, so as not to make the person think that you are lazy and disinterested.
- Keep an open mind towards those who are interested in you. If you put an age range or other restrictive elements between your requests, you may not meet women who are ideal for you. Also, you will look very bossy and perfectionist if you indicate restrictive claims and scare away the women who fall into them as well.

Step 2. Ask your friends
Friends, men and women, are a great place to start if you want to meet new people. Your friends will know single women who are looking for someone - sisters, co-workers and friends who play the same hobbies or sports.
- Organize or have your friends organize a party or dinner where you can meet.
- Consider a blind date with this person.
- Be sure to ask your friend why he thinks this woman is compatible with you. It will help you decide what to talk about before meeting.

Step 3. Try a dating agency
If the thought of relying on the net seems too impersonal to you, you may prefer a dating agency, where the agents will do all the matching work and arrange an appointment for you.
Many online sites offer both services, so check the details when you visit the site, as you may be able to try both methods

Step 4. Consider the women who work with you
You will have to decide whether workplace relationships are to be avoided or not; in some cases, company policy will prevent mergers of this type. Where it's not a problem, there are good and bad reasons to hang out with a co-worker.
- On the plus side, many women who work with you will have similar interests, similar schedules and availability. Plus, you won't have to scour pubs and clubs to find them.
The downside is that a breakup can have a very negative effect on the job, gossip in the office can be annoying and accusations of favoritism could arise.
However, there are ways to handle all of these problems; so, if you like a woman who works with you, it might be worth it
- Never harass a woman. Work rules exist to avoid all cases of inappropriate comments or contacts. Make sure he doesn't misinterpret your intentions by keeping an open, clear, and caring attitude. Avoid using foul language or sexual references.
- Avoid the idea of being in a relationship with a woman who is going through a divorce.
Keep personal communications private. Don't use work emails to serenade her. Use your personal email address or speak to her in person.
Your company's IT department can read your work emails; so, if you decide to use that address, be careful and don't send anything that can't be shared with the whole office
- Think very carefully about whether to hang out with a boss, manager, or supervisor. It would be all too easy to make accusations of favoritism and the power imbalance at work could affect your relationship as well.

Step 5. Go to clubs where single people go on purpose
There are many opportunities to meet single women in a city, town or similar environment. Some examples include:
- Discos, pubs and restaurants
- Hobbies or sporting events that end with a party or gathering
- Dinners, tastings
- A cruise for single people or other special events organized for single people

Step 6. Attend a class or course
If you are passionate about something, from sailing to cooking, you may find women who share your passion by signing up for courses related to that subject. You will certainly have a lot to talk about.
- Go to the gym. Not only will you get back in shape, but the classes are often full of women.
- If you happen to be one of the few men - or perhaps the only man - in the course, you will be considered a special attraction!

Step 7. Pay attention to your surroundings
Life gives you many opportunities to meet women - if you know how to take them.
- For example, while queuing at the grocery store, try to have a conversation with a woman close to you who has caught your attention.
- Make eye contact with a woman when you return home on public transport and make a funny comment on a current topic, then introduce yourself.
- Daily places where you can have conversation with women include laundromats, bus stop, supermarkets, gym, park, backyard, bookstore, video rentals, large outdoor events, and sport events.
- Religious or community-organized events can also connect you with people who have the same values and principles as you do. If you attend these events regularly you will have many opportunities to meet women.
Method 2 of 4: Look Good

Step 1. Take care of your look
While it is said that no one should judge a book by its cover, first impressions matter a lot when two people don't know each other. Looking your best will always work to your advantage.
- In those first moments, you will be rated and labeled according to what you're wearing, how hygienic and how clean your shoes will be, no matter how much you appreciate this reality! To enable you to meet women, take care of your hygiene and dress well, according to your tastes.
- When trying to meet a woman, wear clothes that represent you. They should be in good condition, ironed if necessary, without holes and stains.
- Take care of your hair. Spend time in the morning to care for your hair and shave. Cut your hair every eight weeks.
- Leave your work or gardening clothes at home. Dirty, messy clothing will decrease your confidence and won't help you stand out. Scruffy clothes make the world understand "I'm not interested at the moment, thank you".
- Don't overdo the cologne. A woman shouldn't be able to smell your perfume from across the room.

Step 2. Look after your behavior
Aim to be the kind of man women want. Take the small opportunities to prove that you are a gentleman. Then, carry on with an informal conversation.
- If you see a woman with her hands full, offer your help! A polite stranger will pique his interest.
- Any situation can be an opportunity for conversation. Tell a woman the bus route, tell her about a better shop down the street, or offer to complete her bill if she's looking for change in her purse. Expect nothing in return; let her decide.
Method 3 of 4: Cure Attitude

Step 1. Submit availability
Meeting people will be easier if you are open and approachable. This includes using open body language, smiling and having positive behavior.
- Just like looking after your appearance, your body language will play an important role in how you are perceived by people. The pitch, speed and volume of your voice also have an impact.
- Show confidence in your appearance and demeanor. Insecurity is something that is noticed by other people; be prepared to be sure of yourself and pretend to be if necessary!
- Stay positive - no one wants to hear a series of complaints the first time they meet you. Even if life isn't going your way right now, don't take your frustration out on a woman the first time you meet her.

Step 2. Look at a woman's face, not her breasts
She might be beautiful, but she'll stay away from you if you just look at her breasts. Focus on her as a person; look into her eyes and really listen to what she has to say. Maintain good eye contact without staring too hard.
- Remember her name. Use her name when you talk to her - she will subconsciously feel more comfortable with you.
- Appreciate the value of talking about more and less. It might be a small thing, but it's a surefire way to get to know each other. Also, it doesn't matter what you say at this stage, but how you say it; warmly, in a friendly way and with interest.

Step 3. Stay relaxed
Everyone is nervous when they meet someone for the first time and want more than a handshake. But it's important to put anxiety aside as much as possible by reminding yourself that you are a worthwhile person.
- Avoid thinking of your meeting as an audition. You would end up trying to show off and treat her as if she was on display too. This situation can only end badly if things don't go according to plan. Instead, relax, be yourself, and take this fun opportunity to get to know someone without thinking about the consequences.
- If you think you're good enough for the woman in front of you, she'll notice and react to your confident attitude. If you act like a nullity, you risk being treated as such. Determine the reaction you want by acting confidently and involved.

Step 4. Try to connect with the other person
Try to figure out what her interests are by asking her about her job, her hobbies, what she likes to do in her spare time and the things she likes best (movies, music, food, etc.). At that point you can tell her about yourself too. Find the things you have in common and talk about them together to connect and get to know each other better.
- You could say, for example, "I really like Van Gogh too, but Monet is too simplistic." This way, he'll understand that you're not someone who always says "yes" to make a good impression, but that you are open to intelligent conversation.
- Don't give too much information about yourself during the first meeting; you may seem too desperate to find your soul mate and give the impression that you are too sociable a person. Act like a lonely, busy man with a capable mind.
- Women are incredibly sensitive to their "personal space". Make sure you don't get too close - stay about three feet away. Instead of sitting in the chair next to her, choose the one across the table. If it comes close to you, it means that you have hit the mark.

Step 5. Know when to end the conversation
Extending it too long can make you seem desperate or malicious. When you realize you really want to see this woman again, say something like, "You know I'd like to talk to you again, but I have to get back to work now. You can tell me everything at Tuesday's salsa class." Always leave the conversation hanging. Don't exhaust the conversation, or you'll risk your meeting becoming awkward and her losing interest.
- Don't let her end the conversation or date; if he wants to conclude, take your time thinking about something to say and then you finish the meeting.
- As in all things, there are exceptions. If you find that there is a special bond between you and you find yourself talking all night, until the next day, let yourself be guided by the natural course of things.
Method 4 of 4: Coping with Rejection

Step 1. Understand that rejection is an integral part of dating
Some women won't be interested in you because they haven't experienced any spark. Respect him - it's much better to be honest right away than trying to prolong a relationship with no future. Instead of taking rejection personally, understand that it is an important step in finding the right woman in a sea of women who aren't right for you.
In some cases, you will be rejected because it is not the time for her to start a relationship. Maybe he's going through a difficult divorce, a major promotion is in the offing, or maybe he just needs time to recover from a bad relationship. If you believe that waiting for her is worth it, give it a chance by remaining her friend and being patient. Otherwise, wish him luck and keep looking

Step 2. Listen to your instincts
Just one rejection doesn't mean there's something wrong with you as a person. However, if you have to deal with constant rejections, you could perhaps take better care of your appearance, the attitude you have in the presence of women or your entire approach. Maybe you do something wrong that is easy to correct.
- Read books on how to meet and date women, like "The Game" by Neil Strauss. You can also consider "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie. He will give you invaluable advice on how to deal with people in general. You won't have to believe everything you read, but you may find some useful advice.
- Offer to take your cute little nephew to the supermarket with you. Women love men who take care of an adorable little baby. Most women will smile and be more open to you. You will have a chance to make conversation, making it clear from the first sentence that you are just the baby's uncle.
- Work on your career. If you are more successful at work, you will also have a better chance of meeting and winning women.
- Never think that very beautiful women are unapproachable. These women have the same needs and desires as anyone else. Never judge someone by their appearance.
- Be patient. It can take time to connect with the right woman.
- Stay focused and organize your conversations mentally. Be present and remember what your purpose is. Women want to know that you can speak well, express your thoughts, and be friendly with other men. They want to see you be confident without being mean, pushy or rude.
- If you have an iPhone, Blackberry or other smartphone, you can download an icebreaker app.
- If you have a dog, use it to your advantage. Take your dog for a walk, and go to meetings for dog lovers.
- Don't over-analyze the situation. Just make eye contact with a woman, smile, say hello, and strike up an innocent conversation as you would with a friend. Don't succumb to "analysis paralysis".
- Don't be too firm in your approach. See if she's interested in you right away. Look for the signs. If he touches your arm, holds your hand, flirts with his eyes, or laughs at your jokes, you have the green light.
- Don't use mundane approach techniques like having a waiter bring her a drink. These kinds of film techniques don't work in real life. Respect women's intelligence.