4 Ways to Lose Love Handles (for Women)

4 Ways to Lose Love Handles (for Women)
4 Ways to Lose Love Handles (for Women)

Table of contents:


Women are genetically predisposed to accumulating fat on their hips, thighs and buttocks. If you believe you have "love handles", that is, lipid deposits on the hips and oblique abdominals, the best way to get rid of them is to decrease the overall fat mass of the body. Proper diet and exercise help women lose love handles.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Changing Your Lifestyle

Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times Step 01
Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times Step 01

Step 1. Take action to reduce stress

When you are under pressure, your body produces greater amounts of cortisol which favors the accumulation of fat. Try to meditate, do yoga, or organize your schedule so it's not so stressful.

The area where you tend to gain weight can depend on genetic factors: however, studies have shown a correlation between abdominal fat and stress levels

Lose Love Handles Women Step 02
Lose Love Handles Women Step 02

Step 2. Get more sleep

People who don't sleep at least 7 hours a night are more likely to accumulate fat on their stomach, hips and thighs. Give yourself an hour before going to bed, to forget the problems of the day.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 03
Lose Love Handles Women Step 03

Step 3. Try to be more active

Love handles are formed slowly, it can take up to ten years. This progressive weight gain is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, so try these activities to stay on the move:

  • Buy a pedometer. Make sure you walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
  • Stand up while talking on the phone, watching TV or on the bus. You may think sitting down is inevitable, but just a few minutes can help you lose fat.
  • Add 30 minutes of walking to your daily exercises. You can take a walk during your lunch break, or in the morning or after dinner. Any extra physical activity you can do helps you make your hips leaner.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Cardio Exercises

Lose Love Handles Women Step 04
Lose Love Handles Women Step 04

Step 1. Do cardiovascular exercises for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week

If you want to lose weight faster, try to get to one hour of exercise for 5 days a week.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 05
Lose Love Handles Women Step 05

Step 2. Go for a run

It is the best way to reduce fat mass on the thighs and promotes rapid weight loss.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 06
Lose Love Handles Women Step 06

Step 3. Follow high intensity, interval training

Every 5 minutes, take a 1-2 minute sprint while doing your aerobic workout.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Exercises for the Oblique Hips and Abdominals

Lose Love Handles Women Step 07
Lose Love Handles Women Step 07

Step 1. Do the planks

Lie on the ground as if you want to do some push-ups and lift your body off the floor, resting only on your hands and on your toes. Hold the position for 30 seconds to even 2 minutes while breathing deeply.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 08
Lose Love Handles Women Step 08

Step 2. Do side planks

When in traditional planks, shift your weight to your left hand and foot.

Turn to one side and place your right foot on top of your left. Make sure your hands are perfectly aligned with your shoulders. Keep your body straight and hold the position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Eventually he switches sides

Lose Love Handles Women Step 09
Lose Love Handles Women Step 09

Step 3. Do hip-focused planks

Get into starting position and then switch to a side plank. Lower the left hip by 5 cm and then raise it by 10 cm. Do 10 repetitions on each side.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 10
Lose Love Handles Women Step 10

Step 4. Do the side crunches

Lie on your back and lift your feet upwards. Lift your chest and shoulders by applying force only with your abs.

Raise your hands to the sky. Try to bring your right hand towards your right foot by rotating your hips. It should be a little movement. Do 20 reps on each side

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: The Diet

Lose Love Handles Women Step 11
Lose Love Handles Women Step 11

Step 1. Reduce the amount of processed foods you eat

Cut out sugars and processed grains.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 12
Lose Love Handles Women Step 12

Step 2. Replace soft drinks and alcohol with water and tea

Most sugary drinks contain between 150 and 300 calories. These are considered "useless" energy because it is not accompanied by nutrients.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 13
Lose Love Handles Women Step 13

Step 3. Fill half of the plate with vegetables

The other half will contain lean proteins and whole grains.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 14
Lose Love Handles Women Step 14

Step 4. Eat a healthy breakfast that provides you with 300-600 calories

In this way you avoid slowing down your metabolism and storing fat in the abdomen.

Lose Love Handles Women Step 15
Lose Love Handles Women Step 15

Step 5. Eat dairy products

Reduce your calorie intake by 100-500 calories: on the days you exercise, the reduction should be less consistent, while on the days you don't train, try to eat less.
