If you are reading this article and you do not already know how to be a human, there is a probability that you are an alien or some kind of super intelligent animal who escaped from some laboratory. If not, this article takes you through the path that leads to a life as a human being, from basic needs to abstract concepts of human inspiration. This article is based on the Maslow Pyramid theory (developed by Abraham Maslow, psychologist and well-known human).

Step 1. Primary Physical Needs
The human being cannot exist in a vacuum; if it does not satisfy some basic needs, man dies. Take care of your well-being or you will have a lot of difficulty pursuing the next steps. At a minimum, man needs:
- Breathe in oxygen. The fundamental need of man and the most pressing is to constantly breathe air that contains oxygen. As a maximum record, humans can go about 20 minutes without air, but most can't be without more than a small fraction of the time.
- Eat edible food and drink water. Humans eat food for energy and to obtain vital nutrients for metabolic processes. At a minimum, a man should consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as a series of essential vitamins and minerals. Humans drink water because it is crucial for many internal processes. The exact amount of food and water a human should consume varies according to their size and level of physical activity.
- Sleep. Humans are not entirely sure what the function of sleep is, however it is known that it is vital for physical and mental performance. Healthy sleep for an adult human is approximately 7-8 hours per night.
- Maintain homeostasis. In practice, humans need to ensure that the external environment does not interfere with the inside of the body. This is achieved by various methods, for example by wearing clothing to regulate body temperature and closing wounds with sutures.

Step 2. Security
The second responsibility of a human being, after having satisfied the basic needs compatible with life, is to ensure safety. To thrive, humans cannot worry about starvation or other causes, as these thoughts would overwhelm any attempt to reach the highest levels of human fulfillment. Here are some ways to ensure "safety" as a human being:
- Avoid the danger. Don't stay in places or situations that can cause physical harm to your body. Injuries can damage physical health and even cause death.
- Find or build shelter. Men need a place to live that offers protection from the natural elements. At a minimum, the shelter should have four walls and a place to sleep.
- Earn a living. Most of the people on planet earth use money. Money can be exchanged for goods and services including food, clothing and housing. Many humans are employed to receive a reliable flow of money.

Step 3. Establish human relationships
The famous human being Aristotle said: "Man by his nature is a social animal; an individual who is asocial not for external causes is in our opinion sub-human or much more than human". In your life, as a human being, you will meet people. Some will make you feel good: these are "friends." For others you will experience sexual attraction: they are the "romantic partners." A life lived alone is not complete; spend time cultivating friendships and looking for a partner for a richer and more exciting life.
- To maintain relationships, you need to go out with your friends. Invite them for a pizza. Talk to them about sports. Bond with them, help them when they need to, and they will be there to help you.
- Most love relationships begin when one asks the other out.

Step 4. Cultivate self-esteem
Humans feel best when they value themselves and know that others see them as valuable people. It is very easy to respect yourself and make yourself respected if you have achieved goals. Try to achieve success, both at work and in other activities that you practice for fun (these are called "hobbies"). Know your abilities and believe in them. Respect human beings who respect you.
Love and friendship relationships can boost your self-esteem when you're feeling sad, but trust in you starts from within

Step 5. Value your existence
Once humans are physically safe, have healthy relationships, and have a good self-image, they start asking questions like "Why are we here?" Many humans have described different purposes of life. Some adopt structured moral principles, while others develop their own morality. Others undertake creative efforts, expressing themselves through art. Still others try to make sense of the universe through science or philosophy. There is no right way to lead your life, but here are some ideas:
- Adopt an existing philosophy / religion (or develop your own).
- Write, draw, play or dance.
- Become an innovator in your industry.
- Live in nature and take care of it.
- Whatever you choose to do, try to make your mark on the world. Improve the Earth for those who will come after you in some way, even if it may be a small contribution.

Step 6. Learn to love (and be loved)
Love is difficult to define; the Treccani vocabulary reports: “Feeling of deep affection towards a person that manifests itself as a desire to procure his good and seek his company”.. Many humans argue that loving and being loved is the best thing in the world. Many humans marry to engage with a loved one. Others form a family, have children and can love someone from the beginning of their life to the point of their death. There is no right way to live a life full of love, the only thing you can do is to follow your heart and embrace the mysterious, inexplicable love.