How to Draw Realistic Human Eyes: 7 Steps

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How to Draw Realistic Human Eyes: 7 Steps
How to Draw Realistic Human Eyes: 7 Steps

Do you like to draw human faces, but have a hard time making eyes look realistic? Read on to learn how to draw a realistic human eye.


Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 1
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 1

Step 1. Take a simple pencil and draw the contours of the eye socket and eyelid

They don't need to be detailed or shaded yet.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 2
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 2

Step 2. Switch to a darker drawing pencil

5B is an example, but you can use any type of pencil. start by drawing the outlines of the iris - it's not exactly a whole circular shape unless you're drawing someone with an astonished expression. When you are satisfied with the iris, start drawing the pupil. Remember that the pupil should be close to the center of the eye, but the same is not true for the iris. You can also draw a reflection of a window, or a light, or whatever if you like, but it's optional.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 3
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 3

Step 3. Then shade the edge of the iris making it very dark, and then 1/3 of the surface down, just blending it so that the edge lightens a little

If you have made a reflection, you need to darken the area around it a lot. Once this is done, shade the top a bit lighter and continue to the corner so that it looks like an elongated triangle.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 4
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 4

Step 4. Pick up the regular pencil, if you used a different one, and below the shaded part with the reflection, you are part of the iris

Don't do it in small sections, draw it lightly in long, quick strokes, going over them a couple of times. You may not be able to tell from the quality of the images but next to these you need to draw a smaller part of the iris around the inner edges of this one, but use the technique of strokes in different directions - do not shade only up and down or to one side all other, give the drawing a neat but chaotic look.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 5
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 5

Step 5. Shade around the pupil as you did for the inner contours of the iris in step 2, but with a regular pencil

You have to do it just a little bit, in a very small area. After you have to make the iris appear to get progressively darker, drawing with a little more force and in different directions. You have to make these strokes longer than the ones you just traced, though. The image should be large enough to understand. Once this is done, go back to the part of the iris under the reflection and add a small shadow area in different directions, using a darker pencil.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 6
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 6

Step 6. On the top, to the right of the iris, you need to shade intensely with a regular pencil, diagonally, so that it looks round and not just colored, otherwise it won't look particularly realistic

Then you have to shade very lightly around the rest of the iris - darkening in straight lines, but circling around the pupil.

Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 7
Draw Realistic Human Eyes Step 7

Step 7. Add some eyelashes

Draw very small curved lines along the base of the eye for the lower lashes and longer lines on the top for the longer lashes. They should be about as tall as your eyelid, but you can make them longer if you want. For a better look, add light shading around the eyelid area, simple strokes of light from left to right and on the left corner of the eye.


  • Do what you think is best. If you think a certain area should be shaded for its angle, shade that area. And remember, it doesn't have to be perfect!
  • Take your time, there is no point in rushing because you will end up making a mess.
  • Don't get too distracted - eg. talking on the phone, because things like that can take you out of focus.
  • Practice. You will improve. Eyes are a relatively simple thing to draw so you will get a lot better if you practice.