How to Recognize a Dying Dog

How to Recognize a Dying Dog
How to Recognize a Dying Dog

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Even after death, the love for a special pet survives. However, death, even that of dogs, is a reality that must be faced. In the last days of your faithful friend and companion's life, knowing how to recognize the signs that tell you if he is dying can give you and your family enough time to prepare emotionally and can help you prepare for the peaceful, quiet, and comfortable passing of your loved one. dog. Read the following steps to make sure your four-legged friend experiences as little pain as possible.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Fatal Signs

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 1
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 1

Step 1. Recognize respiratory symptoms

Before death, from a few days to a few hours before, you will notice that the dog's breathing becomes weak and with long intervals. The normal resting breathing rate of 22 breaths per minute could drop to just 10 breaths per minute.

  • Immediately before dying, the dog will exhale deeply and you will feel it deflating like a balloon as its lungs collapse.
  • The dog's heart rate will drop from the normal 100-130 beats per minute down to just 60-80, with a very weak pulse.
  • In his final hours, you will notice that your dog will breathe weakly and will not move anymore. Most of the time, your dog will just lie in a dark or hidden corner of your home.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 2
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 2

Step 2. Recognize the symptoms of the digestive system

If your dog is dying, he will show a clear loss of appetite. In practice, he will have no interest in eating and drinking water. As death approaches, his organs such as the liver and kidneys are shutting down, compromising digestive functions.

  • You may notice dehydration and dry mouth.
  • Vomiting may also occur, usually containing no food but only drool and sometimes yellowish-greenish acid, due to bile. This too will be a consequence of the loss of appetite.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 3
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 3

Step 3. Observe how his muscles behave

You may notice involuntary muscle twitching or twitching as your dog weakens from glucose loss. There will also be a loss in pain response and other types of reflexes.

  • When your dog tries to stand or walk, you will notice a lack of coordination and difficulty moving, which could be total. Coma or loss of consciousness will occur immediately before death.
  • Dogs approaching death and have suffered from a chronic or prolonged illness will have a very emaciated appearance. They will be very thin and their muscles will have atrophied or shrunk dramatically.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 4
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to how she needs

Another sign is the lack of control over the bladder and anal sphincter. Near death your dog will urinate and defecate out of control; a phenomenon that will affect even the most trained and disciplined dog.

  • Urination will be uncontrollable and scarce.
  • Before dying, the dog will be the victim of liquid diarrhea, which will sometimes have a terrible smell and be blood-colored.
  • After death, your dog will urinate and defecate for the last time due to the total loss of control over the musculature.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 5
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 5

Step 5. Make a note of the condition of her skin

The skin will be dry and will not return to its original position after being pinched due to dehydration. Mucous membranes such as the gums and lips will be pale; if squeezed they will not return to their natural pink color even after a long time (usually it only takes a second for the gums).

Part 2 of 3: Recognizing Old Age

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 6
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 6

Step 1. See how fast it is

When your dog slows down his movements but is still able to eat, drink, walk, stand and respond when you call him, it's just a hint of simple old age. He has no particular pain, he is just getting old.

Your dog is still able to do the things he likes, such as wandering, being petted, playing or socializing with other animals, albeit with less frequency and intensity

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 7
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 7

Step 2. Observe how much he eats

Your dog is getting old as he starts cutting back on the amount of food he ingests, but he still eats regularly. As dogs (and people too) get older, they typically consume fewer calories and need less food. There is no reason to be alarmed, this is how life works.

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 8
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 8

Step 3. Pay attention to how long he sleeps

An older dog will sleep more and more, but will still be able to get up, move, and eat. A dog that sleeps a lot, doesn't move and doesn't eat anymore is very sick; a dog that sleeps a lot but still eats and is sociable is getting old.

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 9
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 9

Step 4. Pay attention to how she reacts when she is around other dogs

A loss of interest in sexual activity, despite the presence of a specimen of the opposite sex, is a symptom of aging. Again, dogs are not very different from humans: after a while, you are content with other things in life.

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 10
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 10

Step 5. Make a note of its appearance

A number of things will change as we age. Notice the following:

  • Hair that turns gray or white.
  • Parts of the body that often come into contact with the environment lose their hair, such as the elbows, pelvic area and butt.
  • Loss of teeth.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 11
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 11

Step 6. Make him comfortable

If he is already in this last stage of his life, offer him maximum comfort in these ways:

  • By letting him stay in a well-ventilated and warm room.
  • Providing him with blankets so that he is comfortable.
  • By giving him food and water without forcing him.
  • Spending time with him every day, talking to him and patting him on the head. Some dogs, even if unable to move by now, still respond to touch; some even manage to wag their tails weakly, while others just move their eyes (a testament to the dog's faithfulness, which even in its last moments of life will try to please its owner).

Part 3 of 3: Putting the dog to sleep

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 12
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 12

Step 1. Assess when euthanasia is appropriate

The euthanasia or killing of a dog is a procedure by which an easy and painless death is given, which takes into account its good, to make it die in a "human" way. Its three main objectives are:

  • Stop the pain and suffering of the animal.
  • Minimize the pain, stress, fear and anxiety that the animal experiences before losing consciousness.
  • Complete a painless and peaceful death.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 13
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 13

Step 2. Think long and hard about it before getting it suppressed

When you find yourself in the situation of having to decide whether euthanasia would be right, your dog's well-being should always take precedence. Try to forget your attachment, your emotions and your pride. Don't extend his life for your own sake. It is more humane, and it is your duty as its owner, to provide your dog with a peaceful and more humane death. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it no longer possible to continue to treat the dog in its condition?
  • Is the dog in pain and no longer responding to sedatives and pain relievers?
  • Is the dog suffering from severe and painful injuries from which he may never recover, such as amputations of a limb, severe head trauma and severe blood loss?
  • Has a terminal illness reduced the dog's quality of life to such an extent that it can no longer eat, drink, move or defecate on its own?
  • Does the dog have an inoperable birth defect that will severely affect the quality of his life?
  • Does the dog suffer from a contagious disease, such as rabies, which could endanger the life of other animals and humans?
  • Will the dog still not be able to do the things he likes after being treated?
  • If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it's time for your dog to be humanly put to sleep.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 14
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 14

Step 3. Consult your veterinarian to decide if this option is the best choice

He will be able to correctly judge your dog's condition through medical tests and will have the authority to tell you if he is still treatable, dying or in need of killing.

However, in the end the authorization to kill the dog will still be in the hands of the owner. What are the conditions that would push you to resort to euthanasia?

Recognize a Dying Dog Step 15
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 15

Step 4. Research the medical conditions that legitimize euthanasia

In general, any condition that causes acute and chronic pain and suffering is a valid reason to suppress it. Here are some examples:

  • Car accidents;
  • Severe and incurable cases of red mange;
  • Eventual collapse of kidney, liver, and highly invasive or malignant tumors;
  • Contagious, incurable diseases that threaten the life of other animals and humans (for example, rabies);
  • Animals that suffer from severe behavioral problems, such as extreme aggression even after undergoing behavioral therapy, which can endanger other animals and people.
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 16
Recognize a Dying Dog Step 16

Step 5. Recognize the symptoms

If you observe these symptoms in your dog, euthanasia may be used:

  • The dog can no longer eat, drink, stand or walk and have completely lost interest in these activities.
  • The dog is on the ground urinating and defecating uncontrollably.
  • The dog is having difficulty breathing, breathing is labored and unresponsive to emergency procedures or medication.
  • There are signs of distress such as continuous moaning or groaning due to a terminal illness.
  • The dog is unable to raise his head and is already lying on the ground.
  • If your dog's skin is experiencing very low temperatures it could be a sign that his organs are already collapsing.
  • The dog has very large tumors which are already impossible to operate and which are causing pain and immobilization.
  • Mucous membranes such as the gums are already gray and dehydrated.
  • Very weak and slow pulse.
