Unwanted hair can make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, but it is a common problem. Excessive body hair can be hereditary or result from phenomena such as hirsutism, a condition caused by a physiological overproduction of androgens. Fortunately, treatments and lifestyle changes can be used to reduce hair growth and make it less visible. Before making sudden changes to your diet or starting to take supplements, consult your doctor to make sure that these measures do not cause contraindications for your health condition.
Method 1 of 3: Preventing Excessive Hair Development
Step 1. Eat a healthy diet and exercise to lose weight and reduce body hair
A healthy diet and regular exercise help to lose weight and, consequently, lower the production of androgens which favors the problem of excess hair. So, eat a balanced diet and try to exercise at least 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week, to lose weight in a healthy way.
- Consult your doctor before changing your diet and lifestyle to rule out any health risks.
- Opt for lean protein sources, such as chicken and tofu, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid industrially processed foods and sugary drinks.
Step 2. Drink mint tea
According to some studies, peppermint tea is able to lower androgen levels, which lead to excessive hair growth. You can buy it in sachets or get some fresh mint leaves, dip it in 250 ml of hot water for about 3-5 minutes and finally filter the infusion.
Try drinking it 1-2 times a day to see if it helps reduce unwanted hair growth
Step 3. Increase your consumption of soy products
Soy contains phytoestrogens, which act in a similar way to that of estrogen produced by the body. Excessive hair can be caused by less of these hormones, so by eating soy products, such as edamame, milk, or soy burgers, you can increase their levels.
Try to include a soy product at least in one meal a day
Step 4. Take birth control pills if you are a woman
Oral contraceptives have been shown to reduce unwanted hair development. The estrogenic action of these drugs counteracts that of the androgens present in the body and responsible for hirsutism. If you are not already taking them, consult your doctor for a prescription.
Do not take the pill without first getting your doctor's advice. You have to make sure that it does not involve contraindications for your health condition
Step 5. Learn about antiandrogens
These are drugs that work by decreasing the level of androgens produced by the body, helping to reduce the growth of hair on the face and body. Check with your doctor to find out if taking them is safe and effective.
If you are a transgender woman, ask your doctor if antiandrogens can help you reduce hair growth. It will recommend the options that best suit your needs
Step 6. Try Vitamin D Supplements
According to some research, taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D distributed over 2 weeks helps to decrease unwanted hair growth. Check with your doctor to find out if supplementation based on this nutrient is safe and follow the recommended dosage to avoid the appearance of negative side effects.
- Side effects of vitamin D supplements include muscle weakness, confusion, dry mouth, nausea, and fatigue.
- Vitamin D can also interfere with blood glucose values, so be sure to check with your doctor before taking it, especially if you have diabetes.
Step 7. Try lowering androgens with peony supplements
Peony is a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine that can reduce the values of androgens in the body, which risk causing abnormal hair development. The amount to take depends on your age, health and other conditions, so consult your doctor before using it.
You can find peony supplements in herbal medicine or on the Internet, but ask your doctor for the appropriate amount to take
Method 2 of 3: Remove Hair Permanently
Step 1. Undergo electrolysis
Electrolysis is a technique that involves inserting a small needle into the hair canal up to the follicle, which is destroyed following the release of the electric current by a special machine. It is generally indicated for small areas of the body, although it is possible to use it for larger areas with a greater number of sessions. Look for a specialized center in your city and make an appointment to start the treatment.
- Indicatively, the costs of an overall electrolysis treatment can vary from a minimum of 250 euros up to 1300 euros. It may take from 15 to 40 sessions, depending on whether the treated area is that of the groin, armpits or mustache, performed over the course of 1-2 years.
- Skin swelling and pain may occur after treatment, but disappear within a few days. Apply a moisturizer to calm inflammation and keep your skin from drying out.
- This treatment is useful in case of hormonal dysfunction, such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hirsutism, but if you stop it, the hair can grow back.
Step 2. Use laser hair removal if you prefer a less painful and cheaper alternative
Laser hair removal is a faster technique than electrolysis, but hair can grow back between treatments. Generally, 4-6 sessions spaced over a few weeks are needed to obtain noticeable and lasting results. Search the Internet for a dermatologist or skin specialist who performs laser hair removal treatments, or ask your doctor who to contact.
- The average cost of a session is around 30-50 euros for the smallest areas, and it usually takes around 4-6 to remove about 80% of the hair.
- Natural hair production is reduced during the course of laser treatment, but you may experience some side effects, including dryness, irritation or skin pain. However, most of the side effects disappear spontaneously after a few days.
- Thanks to laser hair removal you can permanently stop the growth of hair in some areas of the body, but sometimes it can grow back after the treatment.
Step 3. Apply eflornithine cream
Eflornithine is a drug used to slow hair growth because it works by inhibiting the production of an enzyme that plays an important role in this process. Its effects can slow down the cell proliferation that determines the development of hair, making it thinner and lighter. To reduce the hair it is necessary to extend the application of the cream indefinitely, otherwise the problem recurs at the end of the suspension of the treatment.
- The price of the eflornithine-based cream is 38 euros.
- Side effects include redness, rash, headache, burning and itching.
Method 3 of 3: Decrease the visibility of the hair
Step 1. Use the razor
Shaving is a simple and effective way to remove body hair. Although it is thought to make them grow back harder and faster, there is no scientific evidence behind this belief. Apply the shaving cream to the affected area and use a razor suitable to remove body hair so as not to irritate the skin. Pass it following the direction in which they grow to reduce the risk of injury and proceed more easily.
- Shaving removes hair temporarily, long enough to find another treatment.
- There is a risk of the hair becoming ingrown, but you can prevent this by massaging your skin with soap or a cleanser before shaving or shaving to break the stratum corneum and make the hair come out.
Step 2. Use the wax
It can be painful, but it is very effective against hair development. As it removes them at the root, they grow back thinner, sparse and slower. You can apply it yourself or make an appointment at a beauty center.
- If you prefer to do it yourself, use cold waxing for more sensitive areas, such as the face, armpits and groin. The warm one is suitable for other areas, such as legs, back, chest and arms.
- You can buy the wax to be heated in the microwave and the special strips in perfumery. Alternatively, if you don't want to have the thought of melting the wax, you can buy ready-made strips.
- For best results, use it about every two weeks.
- Do not apply it on skin lesions. If you have open wounds, pimples, or a skin infection, wait until the area has completely healed.
- Waxing can cause discoloration if you have dark skin.
Step 3. Use tweezers
Use a pair of tweezers to pull the hair out individually or go to a beauty salon for a professional epilation. This method slows down its regrowth by reducing its visibility.
Removing hair with tweezers can be painful and irritate the skin
Step 4. Apply hair removal cream
Hair removal creams contain chemicals that can break the chemical bond that holds the hair firmly inside the follicle. While it may grow back a little faster than when you wax it, it will be thinner and clearer thanks to the bleaching properties of these products. Apply according to the instructions.
- This method is less painful than waxing and does not cause skin irritation like shaving.
- The most used depilatory creams belong to the Veet, Strep and Lycia brands. You can buy them at the supermarket or order them on the Internet.
- You can also choose one that is specially formulated for certain areas of the body, such as the face, groin and legs.
Step 5. Lighten the hair to make it thinner and less visible
Try a whitening kit specially formulated for body hair by choosing one that suits your skin and hair type. Mix the ingredients and apply the bleach solution following the directions provided in the package. It will lighten them making them less noticeable.
- It may pinch as it works causing irritation, but if you apply a moisturizer for a few days, the discomfort should go away.
- Focus on the areas where they are darkest, such as forearms and legs.
- Avoid taking a hot shower after applying the lightener to avoid drying out the skin.