Are you tired of having to shave your legs every day and want to have perfect skin? Using an electric epilator you will get the same guaranteed result as waxing and you can proudly show your sexy legs to the world.
Epilate Legs Step 1
Step 1. Purchase a good quality electric epilator
Epilate Legs Step 2
Step 2. Wet your legs while showering or bathing for about 6-10 minutes
By softening the part you will guarantee a simpler and more effective hair removal. Pat your legs dry with a towel.
Epilate Legs Step 3
Step 3. Anesthetize the skin on your legs with ice cubes
The pain will become much more bearable. Dry your legs again by blotting them with a towel.
Epilate Legs Step 4
Step 4. Turn on the epilator and move it on your legs from bottom to top
Using it in reverse will not remove a lot of hair. The secret is to move it in the opposite direction to that of hair growth.
Epilate Legs Step 5
Step 5. After hair removal, apply an aloe vera-based cream on the legs, it will avoid the appearance of unwelcome irritations
Epilate Legs Step 6
Step 6. The time has come to show off your sexy legs
Give it a try even if you feel pain.
The pain will disappear after the first few uses of the electric epilator.
It will not be necessary to use the epilator daily. The hairs will grow in a week or two, depending on their specific characteristics.
Try to use the epilator after having warmed the skin with a warm pad of hot-cold gel, the cold closes the pores and cooling the skin with ice could be more cons than pros; in fact, the effectiveness of hot wax is partly due to the heat of the wax which dilates the pores. Heat may not necessarily be the best solution for you, try both. Remember that you will get used to it, the redness and pain will tend to decrease significantly in a few uses.
There are many reasons for shaving your legs, as well as different ways and tools. Maybe you're just a girl who likes smooth legs, or maybe you're a competitive cyclist looking for every aerodynamic advantage. No matter the reason, the fact remains that it is an embarrassing and clumsy process, fraught with danger and contortions.
Growing up involves a lot of changes in both you and the people around you. You may feel a lot of pressure to change your hygiene habits, wash and comb your hair differently, and take care of your body hair. Ultimately, mom plays a key role in helping you deal with these changes and manage them one by one.
During development, the appearance of hair on the legs is a normal thing. Many girls and many women prefer to remove them with the help of a razor. If you are planning to shave for the first time, you need to buy everything you need, acquire the right techniques and take care of your legs after the procedure is complete.
Do you need to shave your legs but don't have time to shave in the shower? There are two options: go out with your legs covered in hair or follow the steps in this article. The choice is yours. Steps Step 1. Wet your legs by spraying them with water or massaging them with a damp towel It is not necessary to wet them:
Why not? Shaving your legs is especially important if you are a cyclist or swimmer. Not sure where to start? Keep reading! Steps Step 1. First of all, gather all the items you will need (see below) Step 2. Now, you will need to wash both legs with soap and warm water (This will exfoliate the pores of your hair, making a softer shave possible.