Growing up involves a lot of changes in both you and the people around you. You may feel a lot of pressure to change your hygiene habits, wash and comb your hair differently, and take care of your body hair. Ultimately, mom plays a key role in helping you deal with these changes and manage them one by one. If you think it's time for you to shave your legs, learn to talk to your mom about it and get consent to shave.
Part 1 of 3: Addressing the Theme

Step 1. Find the right time
If you want your mom to give you permission, it's important to talk to her when she's best open to conversation. This means that you shouldn't bring up the subject after a long and frustrating day at work or at home; tries to capture the moment when he seems to be in a good mood, for example after he has watched his favorite TV show.
- If you want to increase the odds of getting a "yes," try asking it immediately after doing something that demonstrates your sense of responsibility, such as after washing the dishes or getting a good grade on an important class test.
- You could also tackle this shortly before an event or occasion where shaved legs would make you feel more comfortable, such as a trip to the beach; in this case, the mother might consider the situation more seriously.

Step 2. Explain your reasons
If you tell her you want to shave your legs just because all your friends or classmates do, she is likely to say "no"; you have to bring convincing personal reasons explaining why it is important for you to be able to shave. To do this, it may be helpful to make a list in advance so that you are ready for the conversation.
- The most important thing is to make her understand how uncomfortable the presence of unwanted hair is; emphasize their dark color and quantity, inform her that you feel embarrassed to wear shorts, skirts and swimsuits even during the summer.
- If your schoolmates have made fun of you about the fluff, tell her your experience; may feel empathy and solidarity towards you.
- Usually, it is worth expressing the request in a simple way; for example, you can say that you are very embarrassed when you have to wear shorts during PE class because the hair on your legs is very dark, or that you have stopped going to the pool with friends because you do not want them to see you in a swimsuit with her legs so hairy.
- When you ask her directly for permission to shave, remark how much this operation could help you; for example, shaved legs may make you feel more confident and comfortable.

Step 3. Be patient
Mom may not be ready to give you an immediate answer because she needs time to think about it. Maybe she wants to try to remember at what age she first shaved or talk to her friends to find out if they allowed their daughters to shave; give her some time and don't pressure her.
- If you feel really anxious about getting an answer, you could ask her to set a date by which she needs to express herself; for example, you can agree whether or not to give you his consent over the weekend.
- During the reflection period, do not keep asking or addressing the topic; respect your need to carefully consider the matter.
Part 2 of 3: Facing the Decision

Step 1. Don't argue
If you get permission to shave, obviously this decision is easy to accept; however, if he is denied to you, you should still accept his decision without complaining or shouting. Let me give you the reasons why she thinks you shouldn't shave your legs and try to understand them; by responding in a mature way, you are more likely to convince her in the future.
- It's perfectly normal for you to feel frustrated, angry, or nervous because your mom doesn't agree, but instead of yelling at her, let it out to your friends.
- If you get rejected, you can tell her that you would like to shave, but that you understand her reasons; don't forget to thank her for considering your request. Your mother will appreciate this mature and respectful attitude.

Step 2. Offer her a compromise
Even if she is against the idea of you shaving your legs, she might accept a deal; ask her if you can shave at least the area below the knee to feel more comfortable in shorts or if you can only shave once for a special occasion, like a pool party. Define with her even if you can use a depilatory cream instead of the razor.
If mom accepts the compromise, don't overdo it and don't try to get more, but thank her for what she gives you

Step 3. Try again
If his decision is irrevocable and irrevocable, the situation is rather frustrating but not all hope is lost. Now that you've touched on the subject once already, your mom may keep thinking about it, even if she doesn't give you permission for the moment. After some time, he "feels the ground" to see if he has changed his mind; if you have reacted maturely to the first denial, it may be better disposed in the future.
It is not easy to wait, but give her at least a month or two to think before raising the matter again
Part 3 of 3: Involve her in the Process

Step 1. Ask her to accompany you to buy what you need
Involving mom in your first shave could convince her to give you her green light; you should therefore go shopping with her to buy the razor and other necessary items. Maybe he wants to give you some advice on what type of razor to use, so it's best to be there when shopping and make sure you have all the tools you need before you start shaving.
- Disposable razors are the least expensive and typically offer a cut very close to the skin; however, you may be more likely to cut yourself and need to be very careful when using them.
- Reusable ones with interchangeable heads are more robust than disposables, but offer the same level of cut. The initial cost is higher, but in the long run they allow you to save; they are also more environmentally friendly than "disposable" models.
- Electric razors are more expensive, but they protect better from accidental cuts and scratches; remember, however, that they are unable to cut the hair flush with the epidermis.
- If you opt for disposable models, you must also buy shaving foam or gel to lubricate the skin while cutting; make sure it is an alcohol-free product and that it does not cause skin irritation.

Step 2. Ask for a demonstration
Shaving seems like an elementary process, but it is very easy to cut yourself on the first try. Your mom could offer you many good tips and tricks to get a precise cut and very close to the skin; then ask her to guide you during the first shave. Don't feel embarrassed to ask her questions, she is certainly willing to help you; In fact, asking her to help you can reassure her, as she makes sure that you know how to proceed and is therefore more likely to allow you to shave.
- Usually, it is best to shave in the shower or in the bathtub because hot water softens the skin; in this way the razor blade runs better without causing cuts.
- If you cut in the direction of the hair growth, you reduce the chances of suffering from abrasions or other skin irritations.
- While it's helpful to let Mom show you how, don't be afraid to ask for some intimacy when you want to shave; Just be honest and let her know that you will call her as soon as you are done.

Step 3. Tell her about subsequent shaves
Once you've trimmed your hair for the first time, you need to keep doing it to keep your legs smooth. Every woman is different, but you can evaluate with your mother the frequency you should respect; maybe she doesn't agree that you do it often, but if you involve her in this detail as well, you may be more likely to get her permission.
- If you have light, fine hair, a weekly shave may be enough.
- If you have dark, thick hair, you should go twice a week.
- Remember that hair grows faster as you get older; this doesn't necessarily mean you have to shave several times a week just because your mom does too.
- Don't forget to replace the razor or blade; if it's blunt, you're more likely to get hurt. A razor typically lasts for 5-10 hair removal.
- Always be very polite when asking parents for something; if you are rude, you are immature and reduce the chances of getting what you want.
- If you feel uncomfortable asking your mom about this, consider texting or emailing her to discuss the topic.
- If your mom denies you permission, don't shave secretly; not only do you run the risk of cutting yourself and irritating your skin because you don't know how to proceed, but you may lose the trust of your mother, who will therefore be less likely to give you privileges in the future.
- If he says no, it's best to wait until you grow a little bit more and become more mature.