Our hands are constantly in use, while we clean, type or garden. This incessant use risks making them dirty and very unattractive. Dirt tends to accumulate easily under the nails, but there is also the risk of staining them on the surface. Fortunately, there are many ways to be able to keep them clean, beautiful and healthy. Learn to protect your nails with gloves, to do the manicure correctly and to clean them regularly.
Part 1 of 3: Protect Them From Dirt

Step 1. Don't bite your nails
In addition to ruining their appearance, you risk infecting them with bacteria that are naturally present in the mouth. Also, saliva will attract dust and impurities making them appear dirty. Nail biting can actually cause infections of the cuticles as well as the surrounding skin.
If you have a habit of biting your nails, cut them very short so that you can't reach them

Step 2. Protect them with gloves when doing housework
When it's time to wash, clean or garden, remember to wear rubber gloves. In addition to protecting them from dirt, you will avoid contact with the harmful chemicals contained in detergents.
If possible, wear thick, sturdy gloves. Alternatively, for tasks that require more precision, you can use disposable latex gloves
Step 3. Rub it against a bar of soap preventively
Sometimes it may happen that you have to use substances that stain or tend to accumulate easily under the nails, such as ink or soil, without having the possibility to wear gloves. If so, you can protect them by scrubbing them against a bar of soap beforehand. The soap will accumulate under the nails blocking access to dirt.
If necessary, put the bar of soap under water for a few seconds to soften it slightly, before scratching it with your fingernails
Step 4. Regularly remove dirt that accumulates under the nails
Whenever you notice them looking dirty, clean them thoroughly as soon as possible. You can use a toothpick, an orange stick or a pointed file.
Clean the tip of the swab or file frequently using a tissue, then throw it away as soon as you're done. It is better to take care of the nails in a secluded place so as not to annoy others
Step 5. Apply nail polish
The possibility of using enamel depends on the work you do; if you can, set aside some time weekly to paint your nails. Even a simple nude shade can help you hide dirt or blemishes.
Keep your nails tidy. If you have decided to use nail polish, take it off and put it back on whenever it appears faded or damaged
Part 2 of 3: Clean Your Nails
Step 1. Remove the old nail polish
Soak a cotton ball in acetone, then rub it gently against your nails. The nail polish will come off a little at a time, try to be patient; rubbing too hard you risk damaging the surface of the nails.
- Acetone and nail polish remover are readily available in perfumery or the supermarket.
- Do not immerse your fingers directly in the acetone. The nails would be considerably weakened and the surrounding skin very dehydrated.
Step 2. Rub them to remove stains
If they appear stained, create a cleaning paste to whiten them. Mix two and a half teaspoons of baking soda with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture against your nails for a couple of minutes using an old toothbrush. When done, rinse them off carefully.
- If the stains persist, start over and let the mixture sit for a few minutes (and up to a quarter of an hour) before rinsing off.
- Alternatively, you can try using a whitening toothpaste.
Step 3. Wash your nails
Put them under a stream of hot water, then pour some liquid soap into the crook of your hand. Rub one palm against the other to lather, then lather your fingers as well. Now, use a brush or sponge to rub the soap against your nails. Clean them carefully both under and on the surface.
Use a soap formulated for sensitive skin to avoid the risk of dehydration
Step 4. Apply a moisturizer
After cleaning them deeply, massage a moisturizer all over your hands. Focus especially on the cuticle area. Nutrients help your nails look brighter and healthier.
Use a hand cream with sun protection factor to protect them from harmful sun rays. Excessive exposure to the sun can cause spots and wrinkles to appear
Part 3 of 3: Doing the Manicure
Step 1. Trim your nails
Use a sharp pair of scissors or a nail clipper. As a first step, cut them horizontally to shorten them, then round them sideways. Choose your preferred length, but remember that the shorter they are, the easier it is to keep them clean.
If you wish, you can disinfect your manicure tools with denatured alcohol before using them. This way you will prevent unwanted infections
Step 2. Use the file to smooth out any irregularities
Choose a medium-grain file (usually 240), suitable for natural nails. Try to eliminate the irregularities caused by the cut by moving the file in one direction (the one in which the nails grow). Moving it back and forth could risk damaging the weaker parts.
If you want, you can also polish them on the surface with a special polishing sponge (called buffer). If you have brittle or thin nails, however, you may risk weakening them further
Step 3. Apply top coat or strengthening polish
The top coat is a special clear polish that is used to make nails appear shinier and more even. Reinforcing enamels also make them appear shinier and smoother; they also repair them on the surface. Apply the desired product, then let it dry for 10 minutes before resuming your normal daily activities.
Top coats and reinforcing enamels are transparent and discreet, so they can be used in almost any environment
- Do not cut the cuticles: they have the task of protecting the nails from dangerous infections.
- Do not keep your nails soaked in water, otherwise they will weaken and risk breaking or flaking.