Messy nails completely ruin your look. Whether you've just finished a dirty job, or think your nails need some loving attention, know that cleaning is sometimes necessary. If they are black, you can restore them to their natural appearance by cleaning them with an orange stick, scrubbing them with a special toothbrush and restoring the natural white color.
Method 1 of 3: with an Orange Wood Stick

Step 1. Get the stick
It is a small orange wood tool with a pointed end and a flat edge on the other, similar to that of a screwdriver; you can buy it at perfumeries and among the shelves of personal hygiene products in supermarkets.
You can also use a cuticle pusher or a clean toothpick, but these tools are more complicated to use than an orange stick

Step 2. Wash your hands
Start by removing all the dirt and excess oil. Rub them with warm water, paying particular attention to the area under the nails; try to get rid of most of the grime with soap and water.
- Move your hands so that the water runs directly under the edge of the nails.
- Open your fingers and rub the soap under your nails using your fingertips.
- When done, pat the skin to dry it, as it is not easy to use the stick with wet hands.

Step 3. Push the edge of the stick under the edge of the nail
Apply gentle pressure, taking care not to sever the skin. Penetrates to the maximum possible depth without separating the nail from the epidermis; otherwise you could create a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria.
Perhaps it is easier to use the pointed end to remove dirt from under the nails; however, you would be at a higher risk of accidentally pricking and tearing your skin

Step 4. Slide the stick under the nail
Start at one corner and gently insert the tool until you feel the resistance of your finger.

Step 5. Extract the dust and debris
Move the stick from one corner of the nail to the other; wipe the dirt off with a tissue and repeat the process until the swab comes out clean.
Method 2 of 3: with a Nail Brush

Step 1. Get your toothbrush
It is a thin, rectangular instrument with soft bristles; it is similar to an ordinary toothbrush, but it is larger and does not have a long handle. You can buy it in perfumeries and supermarkets in the sector dedicated to personal hygiene products.
- You can use it every day in the shower for thorough cleaning.
- Alternatively, you can use a clean toothbrush.

Step 2. Dissolve some soap in warm water
Pour some into a bowl and mix to create a homogeneous mixture; Any type of soap is fine, but liquid soap dissolves better.

Step 3. Dip the toothbrush in the soapy water
Submerge it just enough to completely impregnate the bristles; they must be wet if you want to clean your nails.

Step 4. Tilt the toothbrush down
Lift your hand making sure the bristles are facing down to push them under the nail.
- You can brush each finger individually or all four fingers together (from index to little finger); individual cleaning takes longer but offers better results.
- For even more thorough work, brush the surface of your nails as well.

Step 5. Move the bristles from side to side
Scrub the area under your nails to remove stubborn grime. Regularly dip the tool into water to clean it and add more soapy water.
- Continue like this until you have treated all of your fingers.
- Rinse your toothbrush before moving on to the next nail.
Method 3 of 3: Restore the White Color

Step 1. Put some toothpaste on the nail brush
Use a pea-sized amount and spread it over the bristles for even results.
- Choose a whitening toothpaste.
- You can also use larger amounts if you wish.

Step 2. Rub the toothpaste under your nails
After cleaning them with the toothbrush, apply the toothpaste by rubbing it on the area to be treated, making sure that a thin layer remains.

Step 3. Let it sit for 3 minutes
The whitening ingredient takes time to be effective; after 3 minutes, remove the toothpaste.

Step 4. Pour some lemon juice into a bowl
Squeeze the juice of two fruits or use the commercial one; do not dilute it with water.
- You need enough to dip your fingertips.
- You can buy ready-made juice in supermarkets.

Step 5. Let your nails soak for 10 minutes
Keep them in the bowl and wait for the lemon to whiten them; after this time, rinse your hands with clean water.

Step 6. Make a baking soda paste
Pour about 30 grams into a bowl and add enough hot water to make a thick paste.
If you accidentally overdo the water, you can correct the mistake with more baking soda and thicken the mixture

Step 7. Apply the mixture
Smear it under your nails and wait 5 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Step 8. Wash your hands and apply lotion
Use soap and water to get rid of all traces of whitening treatments; after drying the skin, apply a hand moisturizer.