Even if you are doing your best to avoid acne, you may sometimes find yourself with pimples. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of it; the simplest solution is a topical remedy based on glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If you prefer natural methods, you can apply a solution of tea tree oil or ice. Try one remedy at a time and let the skin rest for 24 hours (or more) before moving on to the next one.
Method 1 of 3: Quick Remedies

Step 1. Apply hydrocortisone cream
This cream product is best after cortisone injections. The methods of use vary according to the person who needs the treatment; Generally speaking, you can apply it directly to pimples up to twice a day.
If you overuse it, remember that this cream can thin the skin and cause even more acne breakouts; scrupulously follow the instructions in the leaflet so as not to abuse it

Step 2. Squeeze the pimple with a puller
Use a sterile blackhead box (most of these tools look like a metal ring) to empty pores. First, disinfect the pimple and the surrounding area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. then put the lower end of the tool over the pimple and slowly drag it over the skin with firm and constant pressure.
- Only proceed with this remedy if the pimple appears yellow or has a white top tip. if you don't see the "head", the extractor can cause pain and leave scars.
- Avoid squeezing the pimple if possible; this usually leads to scarring or can aggravate rashes.

Step 3. Use a blue light device
It is clinically proven that it is able to heal the skin and free it from pimples; apply the tool on the area for a period ranging from 6 to 20 minutes, depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
- The specific methods of use vary according to the type of instrument you are using, so read the instructions carefully before putting it into operation.
- This blue light accessory can cost between 30 and 150 euros depending on the model.
- It is not recommended for use by people suffering from rosacea or other skin disorders.
Method 2 of 3: Topical Products

Step 1. Use an acid solution
Salicylic acid or glycolic acid are perfect and you can find them on the market in the form of a cream or lotion. The specific instructions for use vary according to the type of product; usually, it is sufficient to apply a small amount on the pimple and rub with circular and gentle movements.
- There are also commercially available wipes soaked in salicylic or glycolic acid; in this case, simply take one out of the package and carefully massage the affected epidermis, after which you can throw it away.
- Alternatively, you can use a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid to help reduce future acne breakouts.
- Once the pimple is cleared, you can use daily lactic acid treatments, which help prevent possible recurrence.

Step 2. Apply a benzoyl peroxide remedy
The precise technique required to get rid of a pimple varies based on the type of product you use. Pay attention to the directions on the package before starting a treatment with this substance; usually, you need to apply it (in the form of a gel, cream, or lotion) once or twice a day until the pimple is gone.
- Benzoyl peroxide can eliminate the bacteria associated with the development of pimples.
- Acne treatments that contain this substance can stain the tissues; therefore, if you are concerned that some clothing may come into contact with it, apply the product just before going to bed and wear an old shirt that you don't mind ruining.

Step 3. Exfoliate your skin after washing it
The exfoliant is a specific skin care product to remove dead surface cells. Also in this case, the method of use varies according to the type of product you choose; however, in general it is sufficient to spread a small amount on a cotton pad and press it onto the skin.
You can wash your face with a moisturizing cleanser, a mild soap and water solution, or even plain water

Step 4. Apply a sulfur treatment
This chemical element has a high pH that can help the skin regain the right balance to be able to get rid of pimples. You can find it in the form of gels, soaps and creams, depending on the product you choose; however, you can simply clean the affected skin and apply a small amount to the pimple.
Method 3 of 3: Home Remedies

Step 1. Try an aspirin mask
This drug is mainly used to reduce inflammation and swelling, both of which are helpful in fighting pimples. Crush 5 to 7 uncoated aspirin tablets and mix them with two or three tablespoons of water to form a paste that can be applied to the pimple for 10-15 minutes.
- For additional antibacterial and moisturizing benefits, add a teaspoon of honey, tea tree oil, jojoba or olive oil to the mixture.
- Aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome in young children and teenagers, so talk to your pediatrician before applying this mask to a young person.

Step 2. Put ice on the pimple
Just like aspirin, ice is also often used to reduce swelling and redness on irritated skin. Wash your face with a neutral cleanser, then rinse it with warm water and pat it dry. Then wrap an ice cube in a cloth and place it on the pimple for 5 minutes, then remove it and wait another 5 minutes before reapplying it; continue alternately for 20-30 minutes.
- Repeat the treatment up to three times a day.
- In this way, the pores shrink and tighten.
- Applying ice reduces the size and color of the pimple, allowing the skin to almost completely recover its normal appearance and texture.
- This remedy is also useful if the pimple causes pain.

Step 3. Use a 5% tea tree oil solution to get rid of your problem
Wet a cotton swab with this product and rub it gently around the pimple; repeat once a day until the blemish is gone.
- If you cannot buy this 5% solution, you can dilute the pure oil with a dose of water sufficient to reach the same concentration (5 parts of oil and 95 of water); however, if you have sensitive skin, add more.
- Shake the mixture before use.
- As an alternative to tea tree oil, you can use neem oil.
- However, be careful when using this product, because if you apply it too often or in too high a concentration, it can damage the skin; ask your doctor what the safe dose and frequency is to get rid of pimples.

Step 4. Opt for a warm compress or use steam
You can take a long hot shower to dilate the pores of the skin and bring the pimples to the surface; even a warm compress on the affected area offers the same effects. Once the pimple is a little more exposed, you can use a puller to remove it; alternatively, you can apply a topical treatment based on salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid.
- Keep your skin clean. Daily activities, air pollution, sweat and dirt adhering to the skin on the face can aggravate pimples. Wash your face twice a day and always keep cleansing wipes with you; when you find your face getting a little oily, dirty or sweaty, use them to scrub your skin.
- Do not apply toothpaste. Most people find it helpful in getting rid of pimples; in fact, it deprives the skin of natural moisture, increasing the chances of developing skin blemishes.
- Lemon juice can also be irritating, so don't apply it to pimples; you can use products based on this citrus only when the skin is healed.
- Do not try multiple remedies at the same time. If you do several at the same time or in quick succession, you can irritate the skin even more; instead apply one at a time and wait at least 24 hours before trying another one. If you have opted for an aggressive solution, such as a glycolic acid peel, you should wait several days or even weeks.
- Keep your hands away from your face; although they look clean, they can actually spread the sebum responsible for acne; hair can also cause the same effect, so try to keep it clean and away from your face.
- Drink plenty of water, sleep well, exercise and follow a hypoglycemic diet to maintain a chemical balance in the body and ensure naturally cleaner skin.
- Keep the pillowcase clean; wash it every 4-5 days to remove facial oil and bacteria that can remain on the tissue and trigger pimples.
- Shower immediately after sweating from exercise to prevent the spread of dirt and bacteria.
- Do not forget to clean your face from cosmetics before going to bed; make-up absorbs dirt and germs very easily.
- If acne persists, see a dermatologist / skin disorder expert.
- If you decide to cover the pimple with makeup, choose cosmetics very carefully. These products often retain sebum and dirt, especially if they also have a moisturizing ingredient. Preferably choose a hypoallergenic, oil-free, non-comedogenic make-up or take a medicated one to reduce the risk of pimples and facilitate the elimination of those already present.