The hottest and most sultry days of summer often bring with them those annoying midges that infest our kitchens. If you've put some fresh fruit on the table in the hope that your family will prefer a healthy snack to the usual snack, but you can't help but notice that annoying swarm of flies wandering among the peaches and bananas, there is only one thing to do., read the article.

Step 1. Take a glass jar and fill it with slices of ripe fruit, such as banana peel or apple slices
Red wine left over from the night before is also an effective remedy.

Step 2. Cover the jar tightly with cling film

Step 3. With a small knife or pointed object, make 5 or 6 small holes in the film and place the pot in the offending area
By the next morning many, or all, will have been trapped inside the jar!