Have you always wanted to prank a friend? Do you want to take revenge for someone's mean behavior? The toilet paper joke is fun, doesn't hurt anyone, and will be remembered for years as an exciting experience. The night will become even more memorable when you move loaded up over your ears with toilet paper. Remember to consider the risks, stay safe, and act intelligently to make sure the joke is harmless and there are no unpleasant consequences. Read on to learn more!
Part 1 of 5: Plan the Prank

Step 1. Choose your goal
Maybe one of your friends thinks he is the best of all and is acting arrogant. Or, last month, your neighbor woke you up too many times in his sports car. Or maybe your basketball coach deserves a joke like this. Find a "victim" who deserves - but at the same time appreciates - a good joke with toilet paper; finally make the joker in you laugh.
- Pick a good but not so obvious victim. It's easy to prank your neighbor after she steals your basketball, but you'd be the number one suspect. If yours is a vengeance, wait a couple of weeks for the waters to settle before striking.
- Filling someone's house and garden with toilet paper is a beautiful and harmless joke, but only if you know the person well enough to afford it; if you do this to a stranger, it could be interpreted as a threat. For these reasons, choose a victim who can laugh about it. Also, playing this prank on someone you don't know puts you at risk of getting yourself into trouble. You just want to be funny, and not be cruel.

Step 2. Gather your friends
Filling someone's house with toilet paper is a team effort! You need to get enough guys together to have fun and create some havoc, but not too many to the point of becoming suspicious. You should be more than two, but probably less than 5-6 people, to be safe.
- Organizing this "expedition" is also a good way to create a group and share fun experiences. School friends or teammates are great friends for this type of "job". Staying away from home late at night to have fun in a healthy way is perfect for reinforcing some camaraderie.
- Host a sleepover to bring everyone involved together in the same place and time, or choose a group of friends who live near the victim.
- Watch out for the spies. Don't invite anyone who might have a second purpose or send bad vibes to the "mission". If you have a good friend that you would like to invite but isn't in the mood, leave him at home for that night.

Step 3. Gather all the materials
When you have to fill a house with toilet paper, no expense is spared and you don't buy cheap products. Go big! Buy good double-ply toilet paper or leave it alone and don't even bother starting the joke. You will need different rolls for each person involved in the action. The more paper you have, the better.
- The best type would be the extra long one. It lasts much longer, so you can throw it 4 or 5 times over a medium-sized tree, plus the heavier weight of each roll makes casting more accurate. A type of cheap toilet paper does not allow you more than 2-3 tosses over the tree.
- Buy your "arsenal" before sunset and go to more than one shop to avoid attracting attention. If you show up with ten other guys dressed in hoodies in the grocery store at 10pm, you could create suspicions. The safest choice is that each one purchases their own toilet paper separately.

Step 4. Decide a time to meet up and play the joke
It should be late enough to avoid suspicion, but not too late for it to be obvious that you are planning for a prank. It would be better to avoid a time like 7:30 pm, when the neighbors are walking the dogs. Remember to gather information on the habits of the neighborhood, to find out until what time they are up; not knowing these details could put you in awkward situations, like being caught with a lot of bags full of toilet paper rolls. Usually between midnight and one is a good time.
- Some cities may have a curfew for underage children. Find out if this ordinance also exists in your municipality and try to stay within the imposed limits, otherwise you will end up in double trouble if you are discovered. This is the excuse cops find for intervening in harmless pranks.
- If it's summer, choose a weekday when adults go to bed early, as they'll get up just as early in the morning. For the rest of the year, choose the evening before a day without school. The evening before Carnival Tuesday or a patronal feast are usually the best.

Step 5. Take a few recon laps
During the day, take a walk around the neighborhood where the house in question is located. Make sure there is no 24-hour surveillance camera system or guard dogs to manage. It is better to realize that a goal is too difficult ahead of time, rather than in the middle of the night with a bag of toilet paper in hand and shaving cream. Save yourself the time, the effort and find another victim.

Step 6. Make sure you make a big mess, but it's not permanent
The toilet paper joke is fun, but the same cannot be said of vandalism (which is a crime). While it is true that the line between the two is quite thin, it is important to know how to stay within limits, otherwise you risk getting in serious trouble. This means that the eggs and spray paint have to stay at home.
Don't fill someone's house with cruel or particularly offensive writing. A successful toilet paper joke is fun, maybe it creates a bit of embarrassment, but it should never be mean

Step 7. Understand what the risks and potential problems are
There is no specific law against "the toilet paper joke", however the violation of private property, vandalism and littering are illegal actions; targeting the wrong house could get you in trouble, both with the owner and the police.
Sneaking into someone's garden in the middle of the night to paper it with toilet paper could wake the angry, armed owner, whose reactions could be unpredictable, especially if he were to mistake you for a thief. Remember that violation of private property exposes you to great risks
Part 2 of 5: Move Stealthily

Step 1. Agree with your friends to be extremely quiet
Before you go out to play the joke, get organized to decide who is in charge of each area of the garden, who will bring the various materials and how long you will work for before declaring the action over. Try to plan the joke down to the smallest detail so you don't have to talk too much with your friends about the "crime scene". When you are there, try to be as quiet and quick as possible to avoid problems.
- If you have to talk, use "code names". Some homeowners have found out about the kids playing the prank just because they were calling each other by name in the garden. Of course, the victims often know the boys, so it is worth choosing particular nicknames such as "White Tiger" or "Hawk".
- Set all mobile phones to "vibrate" mode and leave them in your pocket for the duration of the action. You certainly do not want a sudden ringtone to ring at the wrong time, much less illuminate the garden with the light of the iPhone. If possible, leave your cell phones at home!
- If someone sneezes or crushes a stick, don't worry too much. Nobody gets up in the middle of the night at the slightest noise. However, a person could get up and look out the window if the noise persists. For this reason, stop any noise as soon as possible, but don't run away until there is a valid reason.

Step 2. Dress in layers, with dark clothing on the outside and light on the underside
A black hoodie is perfect for sneaking into the garden, but think of all the possibilities, not just blend in. If you have to escape, you can go around the corner, take off the top layer of dark clothes and hide them, since you will have a completely different look right under these. When people see you in other light-colored clothes, they will think you are not the same person and may stop chasing you.
Instead of wearing black clothes, choose dark blue colored clothes and shoes. You can also choose dark green, brown or gray. All people who dress in dark attract attention and seem suspicious; for this reason, don't dress up comically, as if you were going to rob a bank. Do not wear any balaclavas

Step 3. Put on sneakers
If you start running, you'll need good tennis shoes. Leave the wedges or flip flops at home. Anyone who suddenly walks out of the house will most likely not have shoes; if he decides to chase you, you will have to be fast and run on the asphalt where you cannot be chased.

Step 4. Sneak up
Shut up, walk quietly, and move quickly. It is best to walk to the house but, if it is too far, approach by car but park it at a certain distance. Finally, have each member of the group reach the house from different directions. A gang of dark-clad teenagers with sacks full of toilet paper appear suspicious at least to some prying eyes.
Part 3 of 5: Throwing Technique

Step 1. Unroll a piece of toilet paper that's roughly an arm long
You don't want to just sprinkle paper on the lawn, right? To be sure to wrap even the highest branches of trees with paper, and to do it as quickly as possible, unroll a piece about 60-90 cm long and grab the end with the hand you don't throw. With the other hand, grab the actual roll.
- You can also decide to unroll a few tens of centimeters and stop the end with one foot on the ground.
- Alternatively, you can consider not stopping the end on the ground, if you don't want to, but know that in this way, when you throw the roll, it won't unroll.

Step 2. Spin the roll, don't just throw it
You will waste a lot of precious time if you don't throw with the correct technique, because the toilet paper will not stretch during the flight. It should spin like an American football and not fall like a dead duck. Hold the roll with the flap open on the back of your hand as you bend your arm back, then roll it with a fingertip motion as you toss it towards your target. The flap will remain stationary on the ground under your foot or in the other hand while the roll, flying, will leave behind a strip of toilet paper that will wrap around the tree.

Step 3. Aim higher than where you want the toilet paper to fall
Start with a tree with good branches. Throw the roll over the ones you want to cover, so as to leave a nice strip of paper that falls to the ground on the other side.
- Try to create long stripes and aim high. If the branches are too tall or thick, the roll may get stuck. If that happens, don't worry, but aim for a simpler goal with the next roll.
- If you stick to the lower branches, the owner will have no problem cleaning up. You want your hard work to last at least a couple of days, right? Be creative!

Step 4. Pick up the roll and throw it again
Work all around the tree until you run out of paper. The best results are obtained when you are able to create an intricate web of toilet paper through the branches and perhaps between multiple trees, wrapping the car as well and then returning to the first tree. Make the most of the length of each roll and don't leave them half whole on the ground. The tree must look like a mummy!

Step 5. Work as a team
You don't necessarily have to chase your roll. If your friend's falls close to your feet, throw it back on the tree to proceed quickly and accurately. The result will have an even more casual and chaotic look and will be perfect.
Part 4 of 5: Spread the Toilet Paper

Step 1. Take care of various objectives
Trees are undoubtedly the favorite "victims", the most obvious and the best. But a real fight with toilet paper takes no prisoners! With just one roll you can be very creative and try to wrap as many objects as you come across. You can also use more than one roll for a perfect “wrap”.

Step 2. Create a shell for the car
Waking up in the morning and finding a couple of toilet paper rolls on the tree is not a big problem. It will only take a couple of minutes to clean up. But try to imagine the victim's face when he finds the car completely "packed"!
If you can, bring a bottle of water or a spray to moisten the surface of the car before wrapping it, by running the toilet paper over the roof and under the body. If you create a layer of wet paper, it will adhere perfectly, it will be more difficult to remove, but it will not be permanent damage

Step 3. Wrap the fence, bushes and lawn decorations
Fix the end of a roll to the fence and then unroll the rest around it, without forgetting a single pole. Do the same around each decorative hedge that surrounds the garden.

Step 4. Tear off small pieces of paper and sprinkle them on the lawn
Lots of small bits are extremely annoying to pick up.

Step 5. Make words with toilet paper
Make sure they are no more than 5 letters. You can choose victory slogans like "You lost" or something stupid like "PRRR".
Don't be mean or cruel. This is a joke and not a vandalism. Leaving cruel, mean, or vulgar writing is a good way to get in trouble with the law, as it could be construed as threats

Step 6. Save the finishing touches for last
This is the toss of the toilet paper roll over the house. This is absolutely the last launch, because the hit of the roll on the roof creates a certain noise and you could be discovered. You have to be very careful and entrust the task to the best thrower or you can each throw their own roll and see who can go the furthest. In the end you have to run!
Part 5 of 5: Making It Sticky

Step 1. Use shaving cream
Bring a couple of cans and sprinkle it in the garden or to make toilet paper adhere well to trees. It could be a risk, as they make quite a loud noise, however, if you are quick and do a good job, you may be able to get away with it. Draw smiley faces on the bushes.
- Create strange layers of wadded paper and shaving cream in the middle of the garden, as if it were a slimy mountain. Nobody will want to get their hands on it to clean!
- Never spray shaving cream on cars, houses, windows or driveways as it stains and creates permanent damage. You would turn a joke into a violation of the law and you don't have to!

Step 2. Bring some trash
Instead of carrying the sack in the bins, save some the night before. Throw it in the middle of the garden. Banana peels, apple cores, and candy wrappers are perfect. Someone else will eventually have to clean up.
Make sure you don't leave any incriminating evidence, such as a phone bill with your name on it

Step 3. Move the garden furniture
Stack the chairs on the lawn or line them up facing the street. Take the gypsum dwarves and geese and arrange them on the porch after wrapping them in toilet paper - and don't forget to give them a nice mustache with shaving cream.

Step 4. Leave some forks
A very common joke made in the first week of school is to stick a lot of forks in the garden, as if they suddenly sprouted in the moonlight. The plastic ones are fine, or you can buy the very cheap ones in the "all for one euro" shops a few weeks before the joke.
If you have decided to "pierce" someone's garden, assign the task to only one person, because it takes some time for a job done well. Try to align the cutlery straight and evenly to create a beautiful effect

Step 5. Ring and run
Are you brave enough to ring the doorbell at the end of the "work"? If so, all members of the group must hide around the corner and the bravest toilet paper thrower must go to the door. When done right, this little detail is definitely the icing on the cake.
- If you have put forks in someone's garden, check that no frosts are expected for the next morning, or they may break when the host tries to remove them.
- Never forget your materials. If someone comes out of the victim's house to scare you and scare you away, collect everything so you have a second chance to strike. Assign this task to a quick person.
- If there is snow, walk backwards to put other people off the track and make them believe that you have headed in the opposite direction.
- Be very careful of dwellings with erkers as you may be seen easily.
- Divide into two or more groups and never be alone.
- Cover the fence completely!
- Check the house well. Are there any lights on? Are the windows open? Remember that you can only do the toilet paper prank without being seen if you are very careful.
- Buy regular paper towels and sprinkle them all over the lawn. In addition, those that have a shape of small squares can be distributed in such a way as to compose letters and writings.
- Finally, take a picture and admire the house. Leave immediately after, because the camera flash could wake the owners. Anything that could be dangerous must be done in the end. Also, don't put the images online, someone might show them to the victim and you would be spotted.
- Do not throw eggs on the house or cars, much less peanut butter on the garage door, as they leave permanent stains and ruin the paint on the cars.
- Do not throw eggs on the house and cars as they can remove paint from objects. This is considered an act of vandalism punishable with a fine, in addition to the fact that it will be considered as a criminal record.
- Act fast but don't leave without first admiring your work. Make sure you are not surprised with your "guard down" as you do this.
- Never brag about the joke in public. You may be found out if the victim's children or friends hear you.
- Don't take too long. Try to be as quick as possible, because if someone sees you, they could alert the neighbors and inform them about who is dirtying their home.