If you have a pile of ugly or oversized T-shirts in your closet, then some fashion laundering may be needed. Even the free T-shirts you get at events - the types that are 3 sizes bigger and horrible - can be saved with a little creativity. This article will give you some ideas for modifying a T-shirt. You will find step-by-step instructions to make even your largest T-shirt conform to your body. Then, if you are feeling really ambitious, you can come up with ideas to transform your T-shirt into a completely different garment.
Method 1 of 4: Method 1: Repurpose the Loose T-Shirt for a Better Fit

Step 1. Mark the length you would like for your T-shirt with pins, chalk or even a pen
Remember that if the shirt is very long, you can use it as a dress. If it becomes a particularly short dress, you can wear leggings or skinny jeans under it for a casual and Bohemian style.

Step 2. Mark the length you would like for the sleeves if they are too long as they are
If you are editing a lot of stitches, look for a tape measure to measure how much to cut from each.

Step 3. Pinch and pin the side seams to tighten the shirt
You will want to use 3 to 5 pins from the armpit to the bottom. If you are going to make it snug, you may want to use safety pins to avoid pricking yourself as you take off the shirt. Try to shrink the same amount of fabric on each side.

Step 4. Pin the outside of the sleeves if they are too loose
Step 5. Remove the shirt and sew along the marks you took
For length changes, fold the fabric on the side that touches your skin to make a hem. For the interior, simply sew the fabric together, making sure it does not pucker. You can do it by hand or by machine.
Modify Your T Shirt Step 5Bullet1 - If you are not sure if the measurements taken are good, baste a loose stitch that will hold the fabric together but will be easy to unstitch if the size is not right. Don't cut anything before you are sure.

Step 6. Turn the shirt right side up and try it on
Mark where it is too wide, too narrow, long or short.
- If the fit is right, go over the tight stitch seams. This is a job for which the sewing machine is best suited, if you have one, but it is not necessary.
- If it still doesn't fit, repeat the previous steps, removing the old stitches before moving on to new ones, until the shirt falls the way you want.

Step 7. Cut off the excess fabric
Your T-shirt should now be the right size, smooth and free of bumps.
Method 2 of 4: Method 2: Turn your T-Shirt into a Completely Different Top

Step 1. Make a Half-length Top
Cut and hem your T-shirt until it reaches the middle of your bust. Then, cut openings in the shoulders for an even more distinctive effect. If you want, you can cut the side seams and hold the shirt together with safety pins or laces.

Step 2. Make a Halter top from an Old Jersey (No seams). With this design, you can cut your Tshirt, turn it over and pass a ribbon through the hem, for a bustier knotted at the front. You can also skip this step and cut pieces of fabric at shoulder height that can become laces.

Step 3. Turn your T-shirt into a tank top
This article will teach you how to make a tank top from an old T-shirt. You will need some basic sewing material and a sewing machine.

Step 4. Recycle an old T-shirt into a Sexy Bikini. If you have a good quality T-shirt that you want to modify, you can cut and sew the shirt into a Bikini. Just remember to tie any laces very tightly, otherwise you could find yourself in an awkward situation on the beach!

Step 5. Transform an Oversized T-Shirt into a fantastic Mini Dress. In this design, the body of your T-shirt becomes the dress while the collar and sleeves transform into ribbon for the neck and bodice, respectively.
Method 3 of 4: Method 3: Change a T-Shirt with Color

Step 1. Screen print a monochrome T-Shirt. Use fabric dye or paint, silkscreen fabric and a frame to transform a T-shirt from "mah" to "interesting".

Step 2. Make a Stencil on a T-shirt.
Make a stencil from a print and sticky paper. Then, after you cut out the stencil, paint the design on the front of your shirt.

Step 3. Paint a knot stitch
You can knot knots of any natural fiber such as cotton, hemp, linen or rayon. If you choose a 50/50 blend fabric, your colors will come out very pale.

Step 4. Make a T-shirt with bleach
Use liquid bleach, gel bleach, or a bleach pen to draw or spray the designs onto an old T-shirt.
Method 4 of 4: Method 4: Cut and Fold T-Shirt Top

Step 1. Fold the sleeves of your T-shirt to where it is comfortable for you