Nervous breakdown (more properly neurasthenia) is a temporary disorder that can be linked to various factors, such as stress and a decline in normal psycho-physical functioning. It can produce symptoms similar to anxiety and depression. It is important to underline that the expression "nervous breakdown" is not of a medical or psychological nature and does not indicate any particular ailment. The best way to reduce stress and prevent a severe reaction to this factor is to manage it and take care of yourself.
Part 1 of 3: Staying Mentally Healthy

Step 1. Identify aspects of your life that are beyond your control
Try to distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable things. It's stressful to feel unable to control your life, so try to understand what you can't change and instead focus on what you have the ability to change. This way you will feel more in control and be able to cope with stress.
- Try asking yourself some of the following questions. Can I avoid reacting in this way? What aspects of this situation can I control? Which one should I momentarily resign myself to accept because I don't have the power to control it? What is my plan for dealing with aspects of a situation that I cannot control?
- Also try to look at the picture as a whole and ask yourself if this situation will have repercussions in the next one or five years. Will it have other consequences in your life? How important is it to control it?

Step 2. Pay attention to your emotions, concerns and reactions and communicate them to others
Keep an eye on how you react and express how you feel. The sensations must be conveyed correctly. We all have moments when emotions take over, especially when we have to deal with situations of high stress, but it is important to realize that, if we run away from what we are feeling, the tension increases.
- Try keeping a journal on how stress affects the emotional sphere. This exercise offers many health benefits, as it promotes mental well-being, improves self-esteem and relieves tension. Write down everything you repress during the day and use the journal to release emotional tension.
- Talk to a trusted person who knows how to listen and support you. It is important to receive support from others because it makes us feel loved and valued and, as a result, helps relieve stress.

Step 3. Be more flexible with your expectations
An obsession with perfection can lead to a nervous breakdown. Are you too demanding of yourself or are you pushing yourself beyond your means? Some people are too hard on themselves because they feel the need to be perfect.
- Try to be indulgent towards yourself and allow yourself the opportunity to make do with what you have accomplished in one day, even when you are unable to complete everything you set out to do.
- Remember not to give too much importance to what you do and how you do it, because there is always room for improvement.

Step 4. Learn to say 'no'
Too many commitments and the tendency not to upset others, which pushes us to always accept everything, can lead to nervous breakdowns. By saying 'yes', without taking into account our limits or without setting limits, we risk going into chaos and ruining our performance, as excessive availability prevents us from focusing on the most important tasks, activities and responsibilities. Learning to say "no" is the first step you can take to safeguard yourself, your efficiency and your psychological health.
- Remember that saying no is not selfish. It means that you care so much about your well-being that you are able to set healthy limits. It also means that you care about others and want to make sure you have the energy and mental capacity to fulfill your responsibilities.
- Try to give simple and straightforward answers. You don't have to apologize, but it won't be a problem if you say something like this: "No, I'm sorry. I have too many commitments this week. Happy next time."

Step 5. Do what you like
Cultivate an old hobby or find a new one. You could paint, garden or volunteer, sing or dance. Passions and interests cleanse the mind of the tensions of everyday life and distract attention from stressful activities, tasks, circumstances, even if only for a few hours. During these moments you will be able to regain balance and recharge.
Hobbies and recreational activities reduce stress by providing a break from the tensions of everyday life, providing a means to relax and acting as a buffer or protection against the negative effects of stress

Step 6. Laugh more often
Watch your favorite comedy shows and movies. Go see a concert. It would be even better if you could laugh in the company of loved ones.
- Laughter has the enormous power to relax us because it allows the brain to produce endorphins. These substances relax the body, producing an effect that can last for about 45 minutes!
- In addition, they strengthen the immune system and can also reduce pain, so they are very important in relieving stress.
- Laughter has also been shown to increase good mood and decrease anxiety.

Step 7. Think about the things you are grateful for
Try to consider the positives in life, whether it's your wonderful family, the support of friends, the work you love, the contribution you make to others to enrich their lives, etc. Gratitude has been shown to increase self-esteem, reduce stress by increasing mental energy, and promote a feeling of happiness. If you occasionally remember all the fortunes you have, you will be able to lessen the daily tensions and not accumulate too much stress.
Try keeping a journal in which to record all the things you are grateful for every day

Step 8. Meditate
Mental exercises, such as meditation, help eliminate stress from the body. In addition, they improve self-confidence and self-esteem. In fact, meditation allows the brain to divert attention from daily mental processes, decreasing stress, improving creativity and helping to regain concentration.
Try taking a class that teaches you the basics of meditation or find some free resource on the Internet, perhaps a video or a guide. There are also some applications that provide guided meditations of different lengths and characterized by specific topics

Step 9. Seek help from a mental health professional
Make an appointment with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist. These professionals specialize in helping people who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They can offer you the tools you need to get yourself back before you feel completely distraught.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be useful in stopping negative mental processes and in gaining the feeling of having greater control over one's life.
- In some cases, medications can also help. Talk to a psychiatrist about your situation to see if you need to take an antidepressant or an anxiolytic.
Part 2 of 3: Staying Physically Healthy

Step 1. Exercise to help your body produce endorphins to reduce stress
When a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the number of cells present in the brain region called the hippocampus decreases, while it increases when the body is subjected to a sporting activity. In the latter case it also increases the level of endorphins (the hormones of good mood).
- Exercise causes an increase in endorphins and limits the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which often cause nervous breakdowns.
- When you play sports, your mind turns away from stress-creating activities, events and situations, giving yourself and your body time to recover.

Step 2. Get enough sleep each night
When you go through a period of high stress, sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, may arise. Lack of sleep, in fact, risks aggravating tension and causing a nervous breakdown.
Try to get at least 7 hours of good sleep a night. The needs that characterize the night's rest vary from person to person, so it may be that you will need more or less hours than indicated, depending on your lifestyle, age and other factors

Step 3. Get regular checkups for nutritional deficiencies
Stress can sometimes be aggravated by certain health problems, such as vitamin deficiencies. The most common ones include Vitamin D, B6 and B12. These complications could add to the already existing stress and lead to a nervous breakdown.
If you haven't seen a doctor for a while, schedule a general checkup to make sure you are physically healthy and are getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy

Step 4. Take amino acids to keep your mental well-being stable
Amino acids play a fundamental role in controlling the symptoms caused by stress and depression, but also in preventing a psychic breakdown. Because they give life to most of the neurotransmitters in the brain, they are essential for mental health. The basic structure of proteins is made up of amino acids.
- To take advantage of all the benefits of amino acids, you must follow a diet rich in proteins, consisting of milk and its derivatives, eggs, white meats, red meats, peas, beans, other legumes and cereals.
- Dopamine is produced from an amino acid called tyrosine, while serotonin is supplied by tryptophan. If the synthesis of brain neurotransmitters is insufficient, it can cause irritability and mood swings. It assumes greater importance if the neurotransmitters involved are dopamine and serotonin.

Step 5. Monitor your intake of sugars and processed foods
A high sugar intake can promote inflammatory processes, which in turn hinder the normal function of the brain. Processed foods, such as candy, cookies, fizzy drinks, and so on, tend to have a higher sugar content. As far as possible, avoid this kind of food in order to reduce any inflammatory processes.
A high intake of sugars and carbohydrates leads to an excessive production of insulin, which risks causing hypoglycemia. The latter, in turn, causes the brain to produce glutamate at levels so alarming that it triggers the typical symptoms of nervous breakdown, such as anxiety, depression and panic attacks

Step 6. Go for complex carbohydrates rather than simple ones
Both types of carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin (the hormone that relaxes the mind and lifts the mood), but with complex carbohydrates (bread and whole grains) the process is gradual because they are digested slowly. Simple carbohydrates (sweets, candies, fizzy drinks), which are high in sugar, are digested quickly, producing a spike in serotonin, followed by a sharp drop.
Avoid or limit your consumption of processed foods or foods rich in sugar and gluten. They are harmful to an already stressed body and can accelerate the onset of a nervous breakdown

Step 7. Increase your folic acid intake
A lack of folic acid can also contribute to the onset of stress. Please note that it can only be diagnosed by a doctor and therefore any supplement intake must be prescribed by a health professional. It can lead to mood disorders, such as depression. An adequate amount of folic acid in the body also increases the effectiveness of antidepressants.
To get more folic acid, include spinach and citrus fruits, including oranges, in your diet

Step 8. Try to eat foods containing vitamin B
Foods that contain B vitamins help defend us from depression and nervous breakdowns. These vitamins, especially B1, B2 and B6, are very effective in lifting the mood. Foods rich in vitamin B are:
- Green leafy vegetables
- Red meat
- Whole grains, wheat germ
- Green peas
- Lentils, nuts such as pecans and almonds
- Milk, yogurt, cheese
- White meat, fish, eggs
- Legumes, peanuts
- Seafood
- Bananas
- Potatoes

Step 9. Get more zinc
Extensive research has been conducted that has shown that the zinc level is very low in people who have symptoms of stress, who suffer from depression and who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. An adequate amount of zinc, either through diet or by taking supplements, can improve the action of antidepressants and other medications for treating mood disorders. Foods rich in zinc are:
- Seafood
- Nuts
- Wheat germ
- Pumpkin seeds
- Spinach
- Mushrooms
- Beans
- Meat

Step 10. Eat foods rich in iron, iodine and chromium
Iodine, iron and chromium play an important role in preventing nervous breakdown. Deficiency of these essential minerals leads to fatigue, depression and mood swings.
- Foods rich in iron are: red meat, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, dried fruit (raisins, plums), white meats, beans, lentils and artichokes.
- Foods rich in iodine are: cow's milk, yogurt, strawberries, seaweed, eggs, soy milk, sea fish, cheeses.
- Foods rich in chromium are: whole grains, meat, brown rice, seafood, broccoli, mushrooms, beans, dairy products, eggs, cheeses, milk, white meats, corn, potatoes, fish, tomatoes, barley, oats, kitchen.
Part 3 of 3: Practicing the Relaxation Techniques

Step 1. Practice breathing exercises
Do some deep breathing exercises to relax. This will help you expand your diaphragm and calm down physically. As a result, blood pressure and cortisol levels will also drop.
- Inhale slowly and deeply to fill your lungs completely. Meanwhile, allow your abdomen to expand, then slowly exhale.
- You can also practice deep breathing while meditating or doing yoga.

Step 2. Try to live in the present by practicing mindful meditation
This technique consists of living in the present moment, leaving behind the regrets of the past and worries about the future. Mindfulness meditation can be introduced into every aspect of daily life, whether you play sports, eat, work, talk or read. It has been shown to reduce stress by decreasing obsessive thoughts. It even improves memory, concentration and the feeling of fulfillment in interpersonal relationships.
To practice mindful meditation, focus on the senses and let concerns or thoughts about your responsibilities emerge and then eradicate them from your consciousness. Don't get obsessed with any thoughts. Rather, try to observe them and then let them go

Step 3. Try yoga
Yoga modifies the chemical processes of the body, triggering a natural process of physical relaxation. It promotes a state of biochemical relaxation, that is, it helps to exploit the oxygen introduced into the lungs and to regulate the heartbeat and blood pressure. In addition to providing physical benefits, it helps to expel toxins from the body. The breathing techniques that are implemented with the practice of yoga generate a profound impact on both physical and mental well-being. They help purify us, restoring balance in thoughts and emotions.
Try taking a yoga class for beginners or purchase a DVD to practice yoga in the comfort of your home

Step 4. Use aromatherapy techniques to unwind
Essential oils can benefit mood and help reduce stress. To relax, try breathing in essences of lavender, valerian, citrus, geranium, clove, and camphor to help combat the insomnia associated with symptoms of nervous breakdown.
- Mint essential oil can relieve headaches caused by stress as well as nausea and stomach pain that arise from nervous tension. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil, such as almond oil, and rub it all over your temples and forehead. Breathe deeply as you massage so you can relax.
- Based on recent studies, essential oils such as lavender and lemon have been shown to improve mood.