Insomnia is characterized by the chronic inability to fall asleep or get enough sleep. People who suffer from it may wake up the next day still tired and this feeling can interfere with their daily activities. Here are some tips on how to manage it and the possible remedies to treat it.
Method 1 of 4: Changing Habits and Lifestyle

Step 1. Find the cause of your insomnia
Try to find what is preventing you from falling asleep and, if you can, eliminate it. You may need to solve other problems first to treat your insomnia. For instance:
- If anxiety or depression keeps you awake at night, find out what makes you feel anxious or depressed and try to manage this problem. You will likely need to see your doctor and take an anxiolytic or antidepressant.
- If you share a bedroom with someone, it may be that the other person likes to read or work late at night and the light on will keep you awake. If you can't or refuse to work in another room, buy a sleep mask.

Step 2. Establish evening habits
Try doing the same activities every night before bed. Basically, you should go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every morning. You could also include something relaxing in the routine that precedes a night's rest, such as reading or listening to soft music. This way your mind will begin to associate these actions with the time you need to go to bed and fall asleep.

Step 3. Make sure the bedroom is a comfortable environment before going to sleep
It means that the temperature must be to your liking and dark enough to be able to fall asleep.
- If it's too hot, try to cool down by opening a window, using fewer blankets, or turning on a fan or air conditioning.
- If it's too cold, try wearing warmer pajamas or add some blankets.
- If you live in a brightly lit area at night even though the light in your room is off, buy a sleep mask so your eyes are covered.

Step 4. Make sure your bedroom is only meant for rest and nothing else
Use your bedroom only for sleep and rest. Perhaps in this case you will be forced to remove some distractions, such as computers and televisions, to make sure you don't use them differently. You will also likely need to finish homework (or other chores) in another room.
If you live in a studio apartment where everything is in a single room or you can't do your work elsewhere, try to finish it in the office, library or some other place. Do not do it lying on the bed, otherwise the unconscious will begin to associate it with work rather than sleep
Method 2 of 4: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Take a warm bath or shower before bed
It will not only help you feel clean and fresh, but it will also help you relax. You may begin to feel a little drowsy as your body begins to cool after a hot bath or shower.

Step 2. Drink herbal tea
If you need to have a hot drink before bed, try herbal tea. It is known that some types of herbal teas, such as chamomile, promote sleep, although there is no reliable scientific evidence to prove it.
Be careful if you've never tried drinking herbal tea. Some people are allergic to certain herbs, such as chamomile

Step 3. Try aromatherapy
Although there is no scientific research to support this practice, many believe that some fragrances, such as lavender, decrease stress and promote calm. You can try aromatherapy by massaging lavender oil into your skin, using it in a hot bath or in an essence burner.
- When massaging the oil into your skin, avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes, nose and mouth.
- If you suffer from asthma, take precautions when using aromatherapy to unwind.

Step 4. Indulge in relaxing practices or do some breathing exercises
If you can't fall asleep, try some sleep-inducing activities, such as breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation.
Method 3 of 4: Medications

Step 1. Consult your doctor
If you find that you have frequent episodes of insomnia, you will likely suffer from a medical condition or malaise that requires treatment. Therefore, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe some insomnia medication or diagnose you with a pre-existing condition that causes insomnia and, consequently, establish appropriate treatment.

Step 2. Take an over-the-counter medication
There are several over-the-counter medications on the market that help relieve insomnia, such as antihistamines and melatonin. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing one to make sure you choose the one that best suits your needs.
- Don't rely on this kind of medicine. Not only will the body become somewhat addictive after a set period of time, but they can also produce negative side effects. The purpose of using over-the-counter drugs is to promote sleep, but they do not solve the problem of insomnia.
- If you are already taking medicines prescribed for another ailment or discomfort, consult your doctor or pharmacist first to make sure that the sleeping pill, interacting with these drugs, does not produce harmful side effects.

Step 3. Take the prescribed medications
When you see your doctor about insomnia, they are likely to prescribe certain medications. Take them following the instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist.
Method 4 of 4: Avoid Stimulants

Step 1. Do not drink caffeinated drinks in the evening
Avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine and theine, such as coffee, black tea, or soda, at least 6 hours before bed. Caffeine and theine are stimulants which, thanks to their action, will not make you sleepy easily.
If you want to have a hot drink before bed, opt for herbal tea, such as chamomile tea, instead of black tea

Step 2. Avoid heavy meals before bed
By eating a heavy or spicy meal before going to bed, you run the risk of stomach upset that may prevent you from falling asleep.
Before going to bed, it is preferable to eat a light dish or snack, such as some crackers, as it does not hinder sleep

Step 3. Avoid physical activity before bedtime
While it is important to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, try not to work out before bed. Plan to play sports 3-4 hours before bed.

Step 4. Try not to sleep or doze off during the day
Indeed, reserve the rest for the evening. If you are sleepy during the day, distract yourself by talking to a friend, getting some exercise, reading, or doing something else. It is not healthy to take frequent naps during the day as they compromise the night's rest in terms of quantity and quality.
- Not all of these methods will produce immediate effects. With some, like taking medications, you'll have to wait days before you start seeing any results.
- If you can't fall asleep, get up and engage in a relaxing activity that doesn't require too much movement, such as listening to music or reading.
- Do not combine medication with alcohol consumption.
- Sleep disturbances may indicate the presence of a pre-existing malaise. If you have been having problems with insomnia for some time, see your doctor.
- Prolonged use of over-the-counter sleeping pills is not recommended. Not only do they become less effective over time, but some can also produce negative side effects.