Intestinal gas and bloating are natural effects of digestion. When air is not expelled from the body through belching and gaseous emissions, it accumulates in the digestive system causing bloating. Read on to learn how to alleviate these effects by changing your eating habits and treating the symptoms.
Part 1 of 3: Get Instant Relief

Step 1. Avoid holding the air inside
Many people hold back gas out of embarrassment, but it needs to be expelled. It is a physiological function that favors the release of digestive by-products. If the emission is impeded, pain and discomfort increase. Instead of holding them back, find a suitable place to get rid of them.
- If you are in public when you feel bloated or need to get air out of your intestines, find a bathroom you can stay in until the pain has subsided.
- If you are having difficulty, try positioning your body to help expel intestinal gas. Lie down and relax your muscles completely until the pressure on your stomach and intestines is relieved.
- A little bit of exercise can also help. Walk briskly around the neighborhood or go up and down stairs to help release air from your belly.

Step 2. Use a hot water bottle or hot pack
To calm the abdominal pressure caused by intestinal gas and bloating, lie down and place a compress or hot water bottle on your abdomen. This way, you will allow the heat and weight to push the air out of your body and relieve tension.

Step 3. Drink chamomile or mint tea
Their properties promote digestion and relieve stomach pains. Buy them in sachets or use fresh mint leaves or dried chamomile flowers. Whichever option you choose, steep the product in hot water and enjoy your herbal tea so you get instant relief from gas and bloating.
Step 4. Get the activated charcoal
It is able to reduce bloating and swelling in some individuals. It can also help relieve cramps caused by these symptoms.
- Follow the instructions contained in the package, including those relating to dosage.
- Check with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are on medication.

Step 5. Eat garlic
Garlic has properties that stimulate the digestive system and help relieve bloating and bloating. You can find garlic supplements at the drugstore, but the fresh one guarantees faster relief.
- Try a garlic soup because hot water speeds up its systemic absorption. Chop a few cloves and sauté them in a pan with the olive oil. Add the chicken or vegetable broth, simmer for a few minutes and consume it hot.
- Avoid eating garlic with other foods that can increase gas and bloating. For best results, consume it on its own or in a soup.

Step 6. Take over-the-counter medication to relieve bloating
If you already feel some pressure in your abdomen, medications that prevent excess gas will have no effect. Choose a drug specially formulated to break down gas bubbles and reduce tension in the stomach and intestines.
- Simethicone drugs help reduce gas buildup.
- Activated charcoal also appears to help decrease air in the intestine. You can find it in pharmacies and herbalist stores.
Part 2 of 3: Making Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Avoid foods that cause the body to increase gas production
Intestinal gases are formed when carbohydrates that are not digested in the small intestine ferment due to the bacteria present in the colon. Some people are more sensitive than others to the foods that cause this problem. If you suffer from bloating, you may be able to limit or completely avoid eating the following dishes:
- Beans and other legumes. Black beans, red beans, lima beans, peas, and other legumes all promote excess gas in the intestines. They contain a sugar called oligosaccharose which the body cannot metabolize. Not broken down, it remains intact throughout digestion causing an increase in bloating.
- Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Fiber is very good for your health, but is not fully digested, so it is a major contributor to gas buildup and bloating. Try to figure out which fruits and vegetables are causing you the most problems. Cabbage, broccoli, and cruciferous vegetables cause more gas than a salad.
- Cow's milk derivatives. Cow's milk contains lactose, which is not tolerated by many people. So, avoid milk, cheese, ice cream, and other products that contain this sugar. Goat milk is more digestible, so try it as an alternative.
- Artificial additives. Sorbitol, mannitol, and other artificial sweeteners can cause bloating in many people.
- Sodas. The bubbles contained in fizzy drinks can promote bloating because air is trapped in the stomach.
Step 2. Do not eat dairy products if you have a lactose intolerance
In some individuals, dairy products can cause severe abdominal pain due to bloating and accumulation of gas. So, opt for lactose-free alternatives.
For example, you can consume soy or almond milk
Step 3. Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates and sugars
After consuming simple carbohydrates and sugars, you may feel severe bloating because the body is unable to digest them properly. In this case, stick to a sugar-free diet to relieve symptoms.
Do not replace sugar with artificial sweeteners because these substances can also promote intestinal swelling
Step 4. Avoid gluten if you are allergic or intolerant
Gluten is a protein found in some foods made with grains. If you are intolerant to this substance, you may feel bloated after ingesting it. The best way to prevent bloating is to eliminate gluten-based products.
Typically, it is found in bread, desserts, pasta, condiments and similar dishes. Always read on the packaging to identify gluten-free products

Step 5. Change the order of the courses
The body naturally produces hydrochloric acid to break down proteins as soon as you start eating. If you start your meal by consuming a dish containing carbohydrates, the hydrochloric acid will be used before the proteins (which you will take later) reach your stomach. If not digested properly, they can ferment and lead to bloating and flatulence.
- Instead of starting your meal with pasta, eat a few bites of meat, fish, or other protein foods.
- If you notice a recurring difficulty digesting protein, consider taking a hydrochloric acid supplement, which you can find at the pharmacy. Take it after meals when digestion is still going on.

Step 6. Chew well
Chewing is the first stage of the digestive process, when the teeth and saliva begin to break down food. So, make sure you chew each bite well before swallowing it, so that your stomach and intestines work better. In addition, the risk of food fermenting and promoting gas accumulation will be lower.
- Try chewing each bite 20 times before swallowing it. Place the fork on the table between bites to allow time.
- By eating slower, you will ingest less air than when you gulp down the plate in front of you. In this way, meteorism and belching will also be less frequent.

Step 7. Go for fermented foods
Good digestion requires healthy intestinal flora. For centuries, man has supplemented his nutrition with foods that contain good bacteria.
- Yogurts that contain probiotics are rich sources of digestive-promoting bacteria. Kefir is another highly digestible fermented milk derivative.
- Sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented vegetables are also great alternatives.

Step 8. Use digestive enzymes
Digestive enzyme supplements can help the body metabolize the non-digestible substances found in beans, fiber and fats that are responsible for bloating and the build-up of intestinal gas. Try to identify what type of food causes this problem and choose the right supplement.
- If you have a hard time digesting beans, try Beano. Contains the enzymes needed to digest oligosaccharides.
- You should take digestive enzymes before meals, not after, so that the body is ready to metabolize food as it enters the digestive system.
Part 3 of 3: Treating Digestion Problems

Step 1. Pay attention to the frequency and severity of symptoms
It is normal for gas and bloating to occur from time to time, especially after eating beans or ice cream. However, if you suffer from bloating or bloating every day, the problem is probably too serious to be solved with just a few changes in your diet.
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the colon and causes cramps and diarrhea when certain foods are consumed.
- Celiac disease is inflammation triggered by the intake of gluten, a protein found in bread and other foods that contain wheat, barley or rye.
- Chron's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can get worse if not treated effectively.

Step 2. See your doctor
If the swelling and gas build-up are so severe that they cause pain or interfere with your daily life, call your doctor to find out the causes and solutions. Since bloating and flatulence are generally directly linked to what you eat, be prepared to explain your eating habits and lifestyle to him.
- Regular exercise helps relieve bloating and excess intestinal gas, but also prevents other episodes of bloating and flatulence from occurring. Walk, run or swim every day to give your body a chance to expel air.
- Try eating bananas, cantaloupe, and mango. Avoid fizzy drinks.
- Try lying down with your legs elevated.