There are many people who suffer from abdominal bloating, a disorder that can be very annoying. Fortunately, however, there are many ways to alleviate or eliminate it, for example by making changes to your diet or lifestyle. If the solutions proposed by this article prove to be ineffective, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor.
Part 1 of 4: Get Instant Relief with Over-the-Counter Medicines

Step 1. Use probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal bacteria
Probiotic supplements contain yeast and bacteria similar to those found in a healthy gut, which aid in digestion. Additionally, they can help reduce abdominal bloating associated with:
- Dysentery.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Difficulty digesting fiber.

Step 2. Try activated charcoal (charcoal)
Although this is a widely used natural remedy, it is not clear if it really helps to reduce intestinal gas. If you have the desire to try it, ask your pharmacist for advice. The following over-the-counter products contain charcoal:
- Aboca and Body Spring are some of the manufacturers of activated carbon available in pharmacies.
- At the supermarket you can buy activated carbon produced by brands such as Matt & Diet and Equilibra.

Step 3. Experiment with the use of simethicone (also known as dimethicone)
The job of over-the-counter medicines that contain simethicone is to pop the gas bubbles that form in the digestive tract, making it easier for them to pass. Although in common use, the effectiveness of these products has not been scientifically proven; if you intend to use it, carefully follow the instructions on the package. Among the most common brands are:
- Nogas.
- Simecrin.
- Mylicon.
- Meteosim.

Step 4. Use "Beano" in combination with gas-causing foods
If you are a lover of beans, cabbage and broccoli and do not want to eliminate them from your diet, the solution could be to use the "Beano". This product contains enzymes that help the body break down food without producing excessive amounts of gas.
- The "Beano" can be purchased at the pharmacy, and is usually available in the form of tablets or drops.
- Read the instructions on the package insert carefully.

Step 5. Take a lactase supplement
Many lactose intolerant people struggle to give up some delights that come from milk, including ice cream, for example. If this were the case, a lactase supplement might allow you not to have to give it up completely. You can supply your body with the missing enzyme (lactase) to help it process dairy products. Among the best known products can be included:
- Prolife Lactose Zero.
- Lactease.
Part 2 of 4: Treating Abdominal Bloating by Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Avoid vegetables and fruits that cause gas formation
You can replace them with other vegetables that don't irritate the digestive tract and cause painful swelling. The following foods tend to produce gas during the digestive phase:
- Cabbage.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Cauliflower.
- Broccoli.
- Beans.
- Lettuce.
- Onions.
- Apples.
- Peaches.
- Pears.

Step 2. Reduce your fiber intake
While it is a healthy element that helps move food along the digestive tract, fiber can increase the amount of gas in the gut. Foods that are high in fiber include: cereals, breads, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, and bran.
If you've recently changed your diet to increase the amount of fiber you eat, either by taking a supplement or by eating more whole foods, consider making slower, more gradual changes. Reduce the amount of fiber consumed and then increase it again gradually: in this way your body will have the opportunity to gradually get used to the new diet

Step 3. Limit your consumption of fatty foods
The body digests them very slowly; the long time needed to digest them allows a greater production of gas during the natural breakdown of foods. There are many ways to cut down on fatty foods, for example:
- Choose lean meats, such as fish and poultry, instead of red ones that are higher in fat. If you really want to eat red meat, remove the fatty parts.
- Replace whole milk with skim or low-fat milk. Although the human body needs some fats to be able to process fat-soluble vitamins properly, most people tend to consume too much.
- Prepare your meals yourself. Usually the dishes offered by restaurants or ready-made dishes are rich in refined oils, butter or cream. By cooking for yourself and your family, you can keep the amount of fat consumed under control. Remember that fast food items are particularly fatty.

Step 4. Evaluate if the problem could be with artificial sweeteners
If you are on a diet and are trying to reduce your sugar intake, don't overdo the sweeteners. Some people are intolerant and tend to suffer from flatulence or dysentery. Read the ingredient list of each product you buy - many foods advertised as low-calorie contain such artificial substances. Pay attention to the following ingredients:
- Xylitol.
- Sorbitol.
- Mannitol.

Step 5. Find out if you are lactose intolerant
Even if you weren't as a child, you may have lost the ability to digest milk as you grow up. Flatulence and bloating are common symptoms of lactose intolerance - notice if they occur after eating dairy products. If so, you may want to try temporarily eliminating them from your diet to see if the situation improves. Dairy products that are best avoided, or limited, include:
- Milk (some people can drink milk if it is first boiled for a long time).
- Ice creams.
- Cream.
- Cheeses.

Step 6. Prefer fermented dairy products
Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, contain live bacterial cultures, which help the body break down foods for better digestion. If you suffer from digestive problems due to one of the following reasons, yogurt could be a solution:
- You have irritable bowel syndrome.
- You recently took very strong antibiotics that have compromised the health of the bacteria naturally present in the digestive tract.

Step 7. Prevent water retention by reducing your salt intake
Excessive use of salt makes the body thirsty, forcing it to retain fluids to balance electrolytes. If you often feel thirsty after eating, consider reducing the amount of salt, for example:
- Once on the table, don't salt your dishes again. If you have a habit of adding salt to your ready meals, take the salt shaker off the table.
- Do not salt the cooking water of pasta and rice. Also, reduce the amount of salt used to season the meat before cooking.
- When shopping for canned foods, choose those labeled "low in sodium" (meaning they contain less salt). Many canned foods are stored in salt water.
- He rarely eats outside the home. Restaurants often add copious amounts of salt to their dishes to make them more appetizing.
Part 3 of 4: Improving Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Stay active
Exercise stimulates the advancement of food in the digestive tract. By spending less time in the intestine, food is less likely to ferment. Exercising also helps you keep your weight under control, speeds up your metabolism and induces a state of physical and mental relaxation.
- The Mayo Clinic (an American non-profit organization for medical practice and research) recommends 75-150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, or five 15-30 minute sessions per week. Choose a discipline you like: Many people enjoy running, cycling, swimming or playing a team sport, such as basketball or volleyball.
- Start with easy exercises, gradually intensifying your workout. If you have any medical condition that prevents you from exercising in a healthy way, ask your doctor for advice.

Step 2. Reduce constipation with frequent, low-volume meals
When you are constipated, the stool does not move along the intestine as it should; consequently they have more time to ferment, sometimes causing considerable flatulence. In addition, they can obstruct the passage of gases.
Eating small, frequent meals keeps the digestive tract constantly busy without burdening it with more than it can handle. Try to eat less during meals and add two small snacks daily, one mid-morning, the other mid-afternoon

Step 3. Avoid behaviors that cause you to swallow air
Often people tend to put large amounts of air into their stomachs without even noticing. If you have any of the habits listed here, try to break it.
- To smoke. Smokers often swallow air while smoking, causing symptoms such as bloating and flatulence. Quitting smoking will get rid of bloating, while also bringing significant additional benefits to your health.
- Drink with a straw. As in the act of smoking, sucking on a drink with a straw causes you to swallow more air than normal.
- Eat quickly. When you don't allow yourself the time to chew, swallowing food quickly, you tend to ingest a lot of air. Strive to eat more consciously, slowly savoring each bite. As an added benefit, you will be able to feel full with smaller amounts of food.
- Chew gum or suck on candy. The act of chewing gum or sucking on candy induces increased salivation. As a result, you will be prone to swallow more frequently, increasing the likelihood of swallowing air.

Step 4. Limit fizzy drinks
Fizzy drinks are delicious, but they release carbon dioxide into the digestive system. By eliminating them from your diet, you will be able to reduce the amount of gas in the intestine. The drinks in question include:
- Fizzy drinks and sparkling water.
- Lots of alcoholic drinks, including cocktails made with the addition of a soda pop.

Step 5. Keep stress under control
When subjected to excessive pressure, the human body naturally produces stress hormones, which can alter the digestive process. If you are very stressed, try to relax to reduce the body's natural response to stressful situations. Not only will you enjoy greater mental well-being, you will also digest with greater ease.
- Use relaxation techniques. There are many ways to be able to relax: experiment with different ways to find the one that best suits your needs, such as viewing relaxing images, meditation, yoga, massage, tai chi, music therapy, art therapy, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, etc.
- Get enough sleep. Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. When you are well rested, you are able to better manage the stresses of everyday life, and you are also able to find more creative solutions to your problems.
- Maintain a social network with friends and family. Taking care of your interpersonal relationships will provide you with a solid support group. If the people you love are distant, you can communicate using telephone, letters, email and social media.
Part 4 of 4: Seeking Medical Help

Step 1. If you think you have any medical condition, contact your doctor
Do the same if the complaints are frequent or too intense to be able to live your life normally. The following symptoms could indicate the presence of an underlying condition that requires medical intervention:
- Uninterrupted nausea.
- Feces of very dark color or with obvious traces of blood.
- Severe dysentery or constipation.
- Chest pains.
- Unjustified weight loss.

Step 2. Learn about the causes of the symptoms
Numerous diseases, even serious ones, have the same symptoms as abdominal swelling. For this reason, if you are unsure whether this is common swelling, it is advisable to see a doctor. The following conditions could cause symptoms similar to the presence of gas in the digestive tract:
- Appendicitis.
- Gallstones.
- Bowel obstruction.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Heart disease.

Step 3. Get a medical exam
Speak honestly with your doctor. To get the most accurate diagnosis possible, you will need to undergo physical tests and accurately describe your eating habits.
- Let the doctor tap you on the abdomen to see if it sounds hollow somewhere. This is a factor that indicates a significant presence of gas.
- Be honest in describing your daily diet.
- Bring your medical record with you; include the medicines, supplements, and vitamins you take.