Pizza is undoubtedly one of the most famous foods in the world. From town to town, pizza is served and eaten in different ways. How you prefer to eat pizza is your choice - the taste is always delicious no matter the method! This article discusses the various labels for eating pizza and analyzes the most popular methods in the world.

Step 1. Cut and eat the pizza with a knife and fork
This is probably the most polite and easiest way if you've ordered a pizza full of different toppings to enjoy in one bite.

Step 2. Fold the slice in half
Join the two sides together to create a "U" shape on the crust. If your pizza is full of toppings, especially in the center, you will need to pick them up with a fork or be careful not to drop them as you bring the slice to your mouth.

Step 3. Remove all seasonings and eat it stripped
If you want to eat the toppings separately, or if you don't like certain ingredients, this method is perfect. Many pizzerias (especially abroad) serve pizzas with different toppings, such as Pizza Hut "Meat Lover's" which is served with six varieties of meats.

Step 4. Eat the slice without folding it
This is one of the favorite methods of many people. Even if the toppings fall off or if the melted cheese becomes stringy, the flavor doesn't change. Simply chew from the tip and enjoy!

Step 5. Eat the crust first
Who says the crust has to be eaten last? Take a bite of the crust with a piece of topped pizza to mix the flavors.

Step 6. Taste the crust with sauces
Dip the crust in your favorite sauces, such as cocktail sauce or mayonnaise; for reasons of etiquette, if you are with other people, do not dip the same crust twice in a row in the sauce; rather, make the crust into small pieces, dip and eat.

Step 7. Fill the crust
Set aside half of the toppings of a slice of pizza, eat the slice - except the crust; then open it (better if the pizza is thick), remove the excess crumb and fill it with cheese and toppings. Fold the crust to keep the ingredients from falling out and eat. This idea is perfect if you don't like eating the crust alone.
Step 8. Roll up the slice
Cut the pizza slices and roll one up by eating it, stretching it with your fingertips.
- While in Italy we eat pizza in a certain way, if you go abroad you will notice that, for example, the Americans or the British do it differently. Among the various differences: when you order a pizza, you usually order one or two for the whole table and then it is divided among the diners; the pizzas are smaller in size and are served already cut into slices; you can choose the type of crust you prefer (thin, filled, etc.); moreover, it is common to ask for leftovers to be wrapped and taken home.
- You can also put one pizza on top of the other and eat it American style.
- Many people do not eat the crust because it is often too crumbly, soft or hard.
- Be careful not to burn your mouth when you eat freshly served hot pizza.
- While a fizzy drink can be a good accompaniment to pizza, don't overdo it: it can complicate digestion.