3 Ways to Cook Cabbage and Potatoes

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Cook Cabbage and Potatoes
3 Ways to Cook Cabbage and Potatoes

In many types of cuisine it is possible to find dishes based on cabbage and potatoes. While there are many ways to prepare these vegetables, they will always guarantee you an inexpensive, nutritious and filling meal. Try stir-frying the sliced cabbage with potatoes to make a delicious and quick-to-cook dish or boil the cabbage leaves with potatoes, in order to obtain a soft and enveloping side dish, excellent to accompany the meat. To give the vegetables a caramelized flavor, roast the cabbage together with the potatoes, seasoning with chicken broth.


Sauteed cabbage and potatoes

  • Half a savoy cabbage
  • 1 large potato
  • 5 strips of bacon, chopped
  • 5 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1, 5 g of salt
  • 0, 5 g of ground black pepper

For 4 servings

Boiled Cabbage with Potatoes

  • Half a savoy cabbage
  • 1 large potato
  • 1 teaspoon of peppercorns
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • Half a teaspoon of salt

For 4 servings

Cabbage and Roast Potatoes

  • 1 savoy cabbage of 1 kg
  • 2 large potatoes, peeled
  • 340 g of bacon
  • 300 g of golden onions, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • 500 ml of chicken broth

For 6 servings


Method 1 of 3: Stir-fried Cabbage and Potatoes

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 1
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 1

Step 1. Roast 5 strips of bacon in a skillet over medium heat until crispy

Cut the bacon into 1-2 cm strips, which you will place in a deep pan. Turn on the stove over medium heat and turn the bacon occasionally while frying. Keep cooking it until it is crispy.

  • The time it takes depends on the thickness of the bacon slices. You will need to cook them for 5-10 minutes.
  • Prepare the cabbage and potato while roasting the bacon.
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 2
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 2

Step 2. Transfer the roasted bacon to a paper towel-covered plate

Once the bacon is completely crisp, carefully move it around using a skimmer. Place it on a plate covered with absorbent paper to absorb the excess fat.

Leave the fat in the pan, as you'll need it to cook the cabbage and potato

Step 3. Chop half the cabbage and cut the potato into 1.5 cm slices

Rinse the vegetables and place them on the cutting board. Cut the cabbage in half by crossing the center. Remove the white core and discard it. Next, slice it into 1.5cm strips. Take the potato and make 1.5 cm slices.

You can peel the potato or leave it unpeeled if you prefer to give the dish more texture

Step 4. Put the cabbage, potato slices, salt and pepper in the pan

Pour the vegetables into the pan where you left the bacon fat. Add the salt and black pepper.

If you prefer a crisper texture, stir-fry 50g diced onion for about 5 minutes before adding the cabbage and potatoes

Step 5. Cover the pan and let all the ingredients cook over medium heat for 7-8 minutes

Continue cooking the cabbage until tender, stirring the ingredients every 2-3 minutes to ensure even cooking.

Wear pot holders when you lift the lid off the pan so the steam can't burn you

Step 6. Add the garlic and continue to cook the ingredients for 1 minute, uncovered

Remove the lid from the pan and pour in 5 minced garlic cloves. Stir until the garlic is incorporated and continue to cook until it releases its smell.

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 7
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 7

Step 7. Turn off the heat and add the crispy bacon slices

Pour them over the other ingredients, then mix well to mix everything and serve the vegetables with a spoon.

While you can keep leftover cabbage and potatoes in the refrigerator, keep in mind that the ingredients will continue to soften. Eat them within 3 days

Method 2 of 3: Boiled Cabbage with Potatoes

Step 1. Wrap the bacon and peppercorns with a cabbage leaf

Rinse the cabbage and peel off one of the large outer leaves. Arrange it on the counter as if it were a bowl. At that point, fold 3 slices of bacon and place them in the center of the leaf, with a teaspoon of peppercorns.

To make a vegetarian dish, skip this step

Step 2. Fold the leaf over the bacon and close it with kitchen twine

Try to make a small cabbage roll by wrapping the bacon with the vegetables. Close it with string, along the narrow side of the leaf. Then repeat the operation on the other side and tie a knot.

It is important to close the cabbage tightly so that the peppercorns do not end up in the water while you boil the cabbage and potatoes

Step 3. Cut the cabbage in half and remove the white core

Slice the cabbage carefully crossing the center. With a smaller knife, remove all the hard white part at the base of the cabbage, then discard it.

Save half of the cabbage for another recipe

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 11
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 11

Step 4. Put the cabbage leaves in a colander and wash them with cold water

To rinse them, peel them off one by one. Hold the colander under the tap and turn on the water. Let the cabbage drain while you prepare the potatoes.

If you prefer, you can cut the cabbage into 3 or 4 wedges

Step 5. Peel the potato and cut it into pieces of about 5 cm

Rinse and peel it. Carefully slice it in half for the long side, then arrange the two flat sides on the cutting board. Cut the halves both ways to create 5cm pieces.

  • It is important to peel the potato, otherwise the skin will remain tough after boiling.
  • If you want to add more vegetables to the dish, cut 4 peeled carrots into quarters and slice 1 onion into 6 wedges.
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 13
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 13

Step 6. Bring a saucepan half filled with salted water to a boil

Put a large pot on the stove and fill it at least halfway with water. Add 2.5g of salt and turn on the stove over high heat.

Put the lid on the pot to make the water boil faster. You'll know it's boiling when you see the steam rising

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 14
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 14

Step 7. Add the potato pieces and cook them over medium-high heat for 10 minutes

Put them in the pot gently with a slotted spoon. Lower the heat so that the water continues to boil slowly. Remove the lid from the pot and cook the potatoes until they begin to soften.

  • The potato chunks will continue to cook even when you add the cabbage to the pot.
  • If you have decided to add carrots and onions to the recipe, pour them with the potatoes.
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 15
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 15

Step 8. Add the bacon and cabbage roll to the boiling water, then let it simmer for 20 minutes

Take the cabbage leaves from the colander and put them in the water, along with the bacon bundle. Cover the pot and bring the heat to medium. Cook the vegetables until they are completely soft.

The bacon will make the cabbage and potatoes more flavorful while cooking

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 16
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 16

Step 9. Put the cooked vegetables in a colander

Turn off the stove and put on the oven pot holders to get the pot. Slowly pour the broth into the colander placed in the sink, in order to drain it all. Discard the bacon roll and serve the vegetables still warm.

  • If you prefer, top the dish with butter and serve it with meat or sausages.
  • You can store leftovers in the refrigerator, in an airtight container, for up to 3 days.

Method 3 of 3: Cabbage and Roasted Potatoes

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C and cut the cabbage into quarters

Rinse a 1 kg cabbage and put it on the cutting board. With a sharp knife, carefully divide it in half, across the center. At that point, remove the white core and throw it away.

You can replace the cabbage with red cabbage

Step 2. Cut 2 large potatoes into 5 cm pieces

Rinse and peel them. Place them on a cutting board and divide them in half, from the longer side. Place them flat and cut them back in the center. Finally, slice them the other way around to create 5cm pieces.

If you can't find large potatoes, use 3 or 4 smaller ones

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 19
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 19

Step 3. Place the vegetables on a baking sheet

Get a deep pan and start placing the cabbage quarters inside. Sprinkle the potatoes around the cabbage, so that they are alternating.

  • Set the pan aside while you fry the bacon and onions.
  • If you want to add carrots to the dish, slice 6 peeled carrots into 1cm pieces and sprinkle them over the potatoes and cabbage, inside the pan.

Step 4. Roast 350g diced bacon for 7 minutes over medium heat

Cut the bacon slices into 1cm cubes, then pour them into a pan on the stove. Turn the heat on to medium heat and turn the bacon occasionally as it cooks. Continue to toss until crispy on the edges.

If you prefer a bacon-free recipe, skip this step

Step 5. Add 300 g of sliced onions to the pan and cook for 5 minutes

Carefully pour the half-inch onion slices into the pan. Stir the ingredients together so the onions are coated in the bacon fat, then cook them over medium heat until they soften slightly.

When placing onion slices in the pan, pay close attention to any splashes of hot fat

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 22
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 22

Step 6. Spread the bacon and onion sauce over the vegetables

Turn off the stove and put on the oven pot holders. Hold the pan carefully with one hand as you spoon the onion and bacon mix onto the pan. Tilt the pan slightly so that the fat drips onto the vegetables as well.

The bacon fat will prevent the vegetables from sticking to the pan during cooking

Step 7. Pour the chicken stock over the vegetables, then add salt and pepper

Slowly pour 500 ml of chicken stock into the pan. Then, season with 1 teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of ground black pepper.

If you prefer, you can substitute chicken broth for vegetable broth

Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 24
Cook Cabbage and Potatoes Step 24

Step 8. Cover the baking sheet with foil and put it in the oven for half an hour

Tear off a piece of aluminum foil and use it to close the top of the pan tightly. Place it in the preheated oven and cook the cabbage and potatoes until completely soft.

The vegetables will steam from the broth as they cook and absorb the flavor

Step 9. Take the pan out of the oven and let it rest for 15 minutes before serving the dish

Put on the pot holders to take the pan out, then put it on the stove. Leave it closed for another 15 minutes to finish cooking. At that point, tear off the foil with the pot holders. Serve the cabbage with the potatoes on a platter and season the dish with some of the broth and bacon.

You can store leftovers in an airtight container inside the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Resting, the dish will become even tastier


  • Use your favorite potatoes for these recipes. If you like sweeter flavors, you can use American potatoes.
  • To make vegetarian recipes, just eliminate the bacon and replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth.
