There's a good chance you're not eating enough cabbage. This leafy vegetable comes in several varieties, each rich in vitamins, fiber and nutrients. While not the most appealing of its appearance, kale has multiple uses in cooking and is delicious when prepared the right way. To prepare a healthy and tasty meal in a short time, try stir-frying it along with other flavor-rich ingredients.
Braised Cabbage
- 1 large cabbage
- 80 ml of extra virgin olive oil
- 2-3 tablespoons of butter
- 3-5 slices of bacon or bacon (diced)
- 1 / 4-1 / 2 large white onion
- Salt, pepper and other spices (to taste)
Cabbage Stewed with Tomato
- 1 large cabbage
- 1-2 peppers
- 1 large onion
- 1 large ripe tomato (optional)
- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 can of peeled tomatoes or tomato paste
- Salt, black pepper, chilli powder
- Other herbs to taste, for example bay leaf or parsley (optional)
- Other spices to taste, e.g. cumin (optional)
Asian Style Sauteed Cabbage
- 1 large cabbage
- Onion
- Garlic
- Ginger
- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or seeds
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil (optional)
- Sesame seeds (optional)
Method 1 of 3: Prepare the Braised Cabbage

Step 1. Add the butter or oil to a hot pan
Heat 80ml of extra virgin olive oil in a large, deep skillet, using medium heat. If you prefer, you can use two or three tablespoons of butter cut into cubes. The selected seasoning must cover the bottom of the pan evenly and must be very hot before adding the pancetta or bacon.
Use a combination of oil and butter to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the pot. The finished dish will also benefit in terms of taste and texture

Step 2. Cook the bacon or bacon until the fat has softened
Cut the slices into cubes and put them in the pan. As the meat cooks, the fat will begin to soften and blend with the oil and butter. By browning the bacon on its own in a pan, you will ensure that it releases its own flavor which will later be absorbed by the cabbage and other ingredients.
Cook the bacon until the fat softens, but don't wait any longer, or the lean part will tend to get too dark and crunchy and could burn

Step 3. Add the onion, cabbage and spices
Start with the chopped onion and sauté it for a couple of minutes with the bacon to soften. Then add the cabbage, salt, pepper and any other spices you like. Finally, add half a glass of water to deglaze the fats that have congealed on the bottom of the pan and prevent the ingredients from sticking or burning.
"Deglassing" a cooking sauce means removing the parts of food and seasoning that have caramelized and congealed on the surface of the pan. If possible, use hot water, then shake the pan and try to gently remove the small dark encrustations on the bottom with the help of a wooden spoon. This operation allows you to incorporate all the flavor of the ingredients that have been browned into the dish

Step 4. Cook the cabbage until soft
Cover the pan with the lid and let the ingredients braise, mixing them occasionally. The cooking time required by the cabbage depends on the quantity, thickness and texture of the leaves and how you cut them, but in general 5-10 minutes should be enough. Once cooked, it will appear wilted and slightly translucent.
Method 2 of 3: Prepare the Tomato Stew Cabbage

Step 1. Prepare the onions, peppers and cabbage
First cut the three vegetables into thin slices. For now, keep them separate. If you intend to add a fresh tomato as well, cut it into small pieces. If you prefer, you can avoid using peeled tomatoes and replace them with other fresh tomatoes.

Step 2. Heat the pan and fry the onions and peppers (you can also add 1-2 cloves of garlic if you want)
Pour the extra virgin olive oil into a large and deep pan and put it to heat on the stove. First add the onions and possibly the garlic, then sauté them for 5-10 minutes or until they start to caramelize. At that point add the peppers and cook them for about 5 minutes. When they have softened, it's time to pan the cabbage as well.
The onions and garlic should go in the pan first because the stir-fry will infuse the other ingredients with flavor. The peppers must be added before the cabbage because they require a longer cooking time, so they will be able to release their flavor

Step 3. Add the cabbage and tomatoes
Put the thinly sliced cabbage in the pan and cook for 15 minutes together with the sautéed and peppers. In the meantime, pour the tomatoes into a bowl, cut them into small pieces and then add them to the pot. If you prefer, you can use tomato paste to make a thicker sauce. Also add salt, pepper, chili powder and any spices or herbs of your choice, such as bay leaf, parsley or cumin, and mix thoroughly.
- As we said, you can use fresh tomatoes instead of peeled tomatoes or concentrate. In this case, add them to the cabbage at the same time and extend the cooking time by 5-10 minutes.
- If you have used tomato paste and the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little water and cover the pan with the lid to retain the liquids released by the vegetables. This will also prevent the ingredients from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Step 4. Let the cabbage stew for 15 minutes
After mixing the ingredients in the pan, cook them leaving it uncovered for about a quarter of an hour. The sauce will have time to thicken and the individual flavors will be able to emerge and blend. When the kale leaves appear soft and wilted, remove the pot from the stove and serve the dish while it is still boiling.
- Stewed cabbage is eaten all over the world, but it is very popular especially in Eastern European countries.
- Tomato stewed cabbage can be served as a side dish or as a main dish if you combine it with a starchy component, such as boiled rice, potatoes or bread.
Method 3 of 3: Asian Style Sauteed Cabbage

Step 1. Heat the oil in a wok or deep skillet
Start heating the pan with medium-high heat. Add two tablespoons of extra virgin or seed oil. The wok will need to be hot to cook the cabbage properly, so wait for the oil to sizzle before adding the sauté ingredients.
If you don't have a wok available, use a skillet that is deep enough to allow you to keep the oil at a high temperature without risking burns as it sizzles

Step 2. Saute the onion, garlic and ginger
Pour the onion, garlic and ginger into the pan after having finely chopped them. Stir them often until they start to caramelize; it should only take 1-2 minutes. As they sauté, the three ingredients will release their intense flavor, which will later be absorbed by the cabbage leaves.
- When it begins to caramelize the onion will take on a golden hue at the ends.
- Most Asian dishes begin with the preparation of a high-flame sauté to bring out the flavors and aromas of onion, garlic, spices and herbs.

Step 3. Add the cabbage and sauté over high heat
Transfer the thinly sliced cabbage leaves to the pot and mix repeatedly to combine all the ingredients. After 2-3 minutes of cooking, add two tablespoons of soy sauce and a tablespoon of rice vinegar. Stir and continue to cook for another 3 minutes, by which time the cabbage should already be slightly softened and wilted. Keep the ingredients in constant motion by mixing them with a wooden spoon or spatula to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan and burning from the intense heat.
- Skipping the ingredients in a pan means cooking them briefly at a high temperature.
- Be careful not to cook the cabbage for too long, it will have to soften, but without losing all its natural crunchiness.

Step 4. Complete the preparation with the oil and / or sesame seeds
Remove the wok from the stove and serve the sauteed cabbage as an appetizer or side dish. Pour two tablespoons of sesame oil over it and garnish it with a sprinkling of seeds. Eat it while it is still hot.
For the Chinese it is important to start eating while the ingredients are still steaming to enjoy the dish at its best. There are several Chinese expressions to describe the hot, spicy and concentrated breath that rises from the wok and announces that the dish is ready and prepared properly

Step 5. Enjoy your meal
- Prepare the cabbage as you would the lettuce, removing the harder center rib.
- Keep the pan covered while cooking the cabbage. The steam that will build up under the lid will help it cook faster and keep it moist.
- You can combine cabbage with meat, starchy or spicy foods, or you can serve it on its own as a side dish.
- Add the cabbage when the other vegetables are already cooked to avoid overcooking it and therefore becoming soggy.