Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit in existence. Its flavor largely recalls that of grapefruit, although it is less bitter. To be able to enjoy its sweet and juicy pulp, however, it will be necessary to cut and remove the thick peel of the pomelo, and then also remove the bitter membranes that separate one slice from the other.

Step 1. Remove one end of the pomelo
As in the image, you should cut about 1 cm of peel with the knife.

Step 2. Score the peel vertically
Also in this case he makes cuts of about 1 cm in depth. Remove the peel. Put your fingers under the peel (where you removed one end) and peel it off, lifting and pulling firmly. You will feel like you are touching Styrofoam.

Step 3. Remove the underside of the peel
If you have done a neat job, you will get a single piece of peel in the shape of a flower. The pomelo will be covered with a white membrane. Throw the peel into the compost or moist bag, or use it for candying or making a delicious jam.

Step 4. Locate the end of the pomelo where there is a dimple

Step 5. Put your fingers in the dimple and open the fruit by pulling it in two opposite directions
It should separate, dividing into wedges. Some force will need to be applied. If you wish, then facilitate the opening of the pomelo by removing part of the thick white membrane that surrounds the fruit. Be careful though, or you'll risk cutting the pulp as well (which isn't good if you want precise slices).

Step 6. Remove the membrane surrounding each slice
It is of great help to cut the membrane that runs along the center of the fruit, as well as the one that is at the ends, the last residue you will have to remove will be the "wings" that are between the segments.
- The membrane along the underside of the wedges (on the outside of the fruit) may be difficult to remove. If you want the slices to remain intact it may be best not to discard it.
- If not, peel the pulp from the membrane into small pieces and eat them immediately, you can enjoy them alone or add them to a delicious grilled shrimp salad.

Step 7. Finished
- Normally one pomelo is enough for two people.
- You can peel off the pomelo in any way you like, experiment with different ones.
- You may feel a tingle on the tip of your tongue, but don't worry, it's nothing alarming.
- Pomelo is a citrus fruit native to China, its seasonality extends from September to January.