There is a wide range of music written for both solo alto flute and instruments that are part of a musical ensemble. The soprano flute is a key instrument for flute quartets and flute orchestras, and is often seen as the most effective instrument by flutists.

Step 1. Remind yourself and those who play with you that you are playing completely different instruments
You will get confused trying to compare.

Step 2. Choose a flute
There are treble flutes at every price, both plastic and wood. A wooden flute will have a more delicate tone, but it also costs a lot more money. If you are a beginner it is best to buy a plastic one, in case you decide later that you don't like it. Also know that a plastic flute will come in handy even when you switch to the wooden one (it's very good for practice), where the wooden one is not. It's always best to buy the best you can afford, but be aware that a good plastic flute is much better than a rather cheap wooden one.

Step 3. Assemble the flute
Unlike the soprano, the alto flute will always be disassembled in the case. It comes in three parts: the head (where you will blow), the body (which includes most of the finger holes) and the tail. Make sure the tail is screwed in slightly to the right, so that when you play the flute with all your fingers, your little finger can rest comfortably on the final hole.

Step 4. Pick up the flute
Your left thumb must cover the hole behind the body and the three middle fingers must plug the holes on the opposite side. Your little finger must remain free. The thumb of the right hand should keep the flute in balance and the other fingers should take care of the last holes.

Step 5. Play the note E
Put your left finger and thumb on their holes and play. This note is MI. Try to find someone who plays the same note on the piano. If the note goes beyond the range of the piano you are blowing too hard and if the note is lower than the range of the piano, you are blowing too soft. Try until you find the right amount of breath to give.

Step 6. Learn to "use the language"
Before playing any notes, make a sound like "duu" so that your tongue touches the top of your mouth to produce a clearer note.

Step 7. 'Play the note D
Play an E, then put your index finger in its place as well. Again, check that you are blowing right, comparing with the piano.

Step 8. 'Play the note C
Play a D, then add the ring finger. Check with the piano again, but also begin to feel the breath needed to play a certain note in tune.

Step 9. 'Play the note A
Play a C, then put the index and middle fingers of your right hand on their holes. You should have 5 holes covered (plus the hole in the back).

Step 10. 'Play the note G
Play an A, then add the ring finger. This note takes less breath than the previous ones, so make sure you don't blow too much.

Step 11. 'Play the note F
Play a G, then add the little finger on the last hole. This note requires even less air, so make sure you don't blow too much. This is the lowest note of the flute.

Step 12. 'Play the high F
Play a D, then remove your index finger. Going from MI to AF (normally) takes some getting used to, and it's hard to get it perfect. Practice. Later you will learn an alternative fingering for the E that will make things easier for you, but if possible try to use the one you already know. The high F is also known as "F '".

Step 13. 'Play B flat (Bb)
You may have wondered why the YES was missing before. This happens because Bb is part of F in a major scale, and therefore is taught before B (since the alto flute is a F flute). Also, it is more difficult because it is a "fork" note, which means that the middle finger is far from the hole, but the index and ring fingers are still pressing. So play a low F and remove the middle finger of your right hand.

Step 14. Well, now you can play an F major scale
Simply, play F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F 'both forward and backward.

Step 15. 'Play the high F, then remove your thumb from the hole on the back
This too will take some practice to ensure that a clear and defined sound is produced. Try to play it in tandem with the piano to control the pitch. The high G is also known as "G '".

Step 16. 'Play the high F sharp (F #)
Play a high G and add your index finger, remembering to keep your thumb out of the hole. A very common trill is F # - G, and on flute this is one of the simplest. Simply put your index finger on and off the hole quickly, without "using your tongue" every time.

Step 17. 'Ring the YES
Play a G and remove your right index finger. You can simply trill C and B by simply raising and placing your middle and ring fingers quickly.

Step 18. Now you can play the "G major scale"
Play G, A, B, C, D, E, F # ', G' back and forth.

Step 19. 'Play the note E flat (Eb)
Play the note E and add the middle finger of the left hand and the index finger of the right.

Step 20. Now you can play the "G minor scale"
Play G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F # ', G on the way out and G', F ', Eb, D, C, Bb, A, G on the way back.

Step 21. Learn to play plucked notes
To get to the higher notes, you have to "pinch" the notes, which includes your thumb. Simply pass the tip of your thumb over the hole provided. Practice moving your thumb in this way, between pinched and non-pinched, as you will need to use it often.

Step 22. 'Play the high A (A')
Play an A, but rather than cover the hole, "pinch it". It should sound one octave above the low A. Practice moving between A and A ', remembering to use your tongue at each step. Check the pitch with a piano.

Step 23. '' Play the high G sharp note (G #). Play a G but remove your left thumb and index finger. This note is rather difficult, but necessary for the next two scales.

Step 24. Now you can play the "A minor scale":
A, B, C, D, E, F # ', G #', A 'on the way out, A', G ', F', E, D, C, B, A on the way back.

Step 25. 'Play the C sharp
Play an A and remove the left ring finger. Then look at the two free holes under the right ring finger. Cover the one on the far right. This will take some practice. Try switching from C # to D, checking the pitch with the piano.

Step 26. Now you can play the "A major scale":
A, B, C #, D, E, F # ', G #', A 'on the outward and return journeys.

Step 27. Play the high B flat (Bb ')
Play an A 'and remove the middle finger of the right hand and add the right ring finger. Remember not to put on the little finger like with the natural Bb.

Step 28. Now you can play the "B flat major scale."
Bb, C, D, Eb, F ', G', A ', Bb' back and forth.