Do you want to be able to sing high notes, but can't get there with your voice? Can't afford an expensive teacher? Try these tips for learning on your own at home.

Step 1. Warm up your voice
Warm-up can include humming your favorite song or singing something like "As long as the boat goes". Another great exercise to increase your range is to sing your lowest note, and move up the scale until you hit your highest note, imitating a siren. Try it a couple of times and you should already notice a difference. It is always best to start warming up with the middle notes before moving to the extremes.

Step 2. Breathe properly
You should breathe with your diaphragm, in other words, when you inhale, your stomach should expand before your ribcage. Stand erect, and try to sing rapid "la, la" to feel the puffs of air from the lower parts of your abdomen. This is called "support" of the voice.

Step 3. Start in the center of your range and sing higher and higher notes
Continue singing the notes along the scale to the top and vice versa. Never tire your voice. Your throat shouldn't hurt. Drink enough water to hydrate your vocal cords.

Step 4. Think of the sentence that contains the high notes in its entirety
You will have to support your voice continuously, connecting the high notes to the ones that precede them.

Step 5. Try singing the notes by pretending to throw a Frisbee with energy

Step 6. Remember that the "high" notes are not physically located in a higher place
They are generated in the same part of your body that generates the other notes. Avoid looking up or pointing your head up, and try to think of these notes as further away from you, rather than as somewhere up in the sky.

Step 7. Find the vowel change that's right for you
Each voice works best when singing certain vowels when it has to sing the note above the staff. You should experiment to understand which vowels you are best with. Once you have an idea, change the vowels (gradually) to get closer to your favorite when singing higher notes. (Don't be afraid to use mixed vowels such as pronouncing the vowels of "love" while holding your lips as if pronouncing an "u")

Step 8. Open your mouth wide when singing high notes
When you're trying, don't hesitate to open your mouth like you're yawning. The position of the mouth while yawning is the exact starting position for singing high notes. Position the back of your mouth and throat perfectly.

Step 9. Try and try again
Try until you get the desired results.

Step 10. Try singing your highest note and holding it, then try the next one

Step 11. Take your time
High notes are not easy to play.
- Breathe deeply and maintain an upright, standing or sitting position
- Seek the help of a singing teacher. It will be easier to get results with a professional who will accompany you on the path. If you don't want to take lessons or can't find a singing teacher, you will have to work alone. It would be better if I accompanied you with some instrument that exceeds your range. The best choice in this case is a piano or a keyboard.
- Practice, practice, practice !!!
- You will want to produce a pleasant sound by singing. The best way to do this is to imagine holding your voice and bringing it from the bottom of your throat to the top of your head. You will want the sound to seem to come from there rather than from the bottom of the gorge.
- Make spaces inside your mouth by holding your lips in an O shape and keeping your tongue down.
- Do not give up. You probably won't get the results you want on the first try, but the more you practice, the better you will get.
- Don't strain your voice.
- Remember, you will hardly be able to sing notes lower than the lowest note you can sing, but with enough practice it is possible, in theory, to increase your range upward as much as you want. You should reach a range of at least two octaves with the work.
- These tips may also be suitable for singing low notes.
- Use the warm-up to focus on the front of your mouth and lips to get the sound out of your throat. For example: pronounce a nursery rhyme with many lip consonants.
- The reason singing low notes before moving to high notes helps is because it allows you to "stretch" your vocal cords so they don't contract slower than usual when singing high notes. Never strain when singing below your range, you could break the voice and lose your highest notes.
- An easy way to check if you are singing high notes correctly is to place a finger on your larynx (on the Adam's apple), and sing an ascending scale. If your larynx moves up the neck, this is NOT the correct way to sing. This is one of the most common mistakes of a beginner singer. Correcting it will take time, patience and a lot of looking in the mirror. It may also be helpful to keep a finger on the tongue to check that it does not rise and reduce the space inside the mouth. Don't overdo the application of these methods. Instead, use them as a test to check your progress.
- It is very useful to know your extension. Especially for men, it takes a long time to increase the range and trying to sing out-of-reach notes is not helpful.
My throat hurts a lot. What should I do?
Stop immediately and rest your voice.
- Remember once again not to strain your voice, it can cause permanent damage!
- Don't drink or eat cold foods before singing.
- Study singers with a large vocal range and try to imitate their gestures and posture.
- Contrary to popular belief, hot tea and lemon are not good for your voice. Not only will lemon dry your throat, but a very hot or cold drink will damage your voice! The best things for your voice are vitamins and water at room temperature. Avoid eating or drinking starting an hour before performing.
- If you are a beginner singer approaching high notes for the first time, your voice Sara forced and it won't sound natural.
Never strain!
Your head should always be in a natural position and should never move up or down to follow the notes.
- Make sure you warm up your voice, it will give you better results and prevent injuries.
- Don't sing with a sore throat. You will be more likely to shrink your reach than to widen it.
- If you love a song very much, but are forced to tone it down to avoid losing your voice, don't hesitate to do so. This is not a sign of weakness, it is a wise solution.
- The voice you hear when you sing is not the same as the voice others hear, so register to make sure you improve.
- The most important thing? Focus on singing, and only on singing. Don't think about what you will do later in the day!