A night out with friends at a karaoke club is fun and interesting. If you've never sung like this, I recommend you watch it a couple of times, to get an idea, or do some practice at home. Either way, don't hesitate before taking the stage, and try. Go out with a few friends, and sing in a group. Either way, have fun.

Step 1. Choose a song
Sometimes there are binders with the list of songs available. If you do karaoke at home, you can look at the list in the CD case. You can also ask the karaoke host if they have a particular song in mind that they would like you to sing.

Step 2. Fill out a ticket if required
It should then be delivered to the guest or waiter.

Step 3. Wait your turn
Different guests have different ways of alternating singers, so don't worry if the song doesn't come when you expect it.

Step 4. Follow the words on the screen
In theory, you should have memorized the song, and the lyrics are on the screen just for you to follow the song in case you have any memory lapses. It sure helps that you at least know the melody. Try to keep eye contact with the audience and smile.

Step 5. Sit down when you are done
Some people like to linger on stage, hoping to be able to insert another one on the fly. Don't do that. Give it to the next singer. In some karaoke bars, you may get additional points based on your performance.

Step 6. Don't be nervous
Some people are afraid of the stage. But everything is ok! You will soon get over it.
- Karaoke is a way to have fun, not to close a record deal, so don't be too embarrassed if you don't sing well.
- That said, if you know the song, but the song is out of your reach, press the button to lower or raise the pitch, or ask the attendant to do it for you. Say "Turn up one key" and it should change the song from C to D or D flat depending on the car. If you're in complete control, give the song a try, then restart the song, for songs with a short intro, so you don't lose the signal to start singing.
- If you want to sing a song long enough to be cut to air (like "What Goes Around …" by Justin Timberlake), learn the full version of the song, then listen to the short version very carefully to understand what was cut. before trying.
- This advice applies well to all older songs. If you want to imitate someone, make sure the version you are learning to imitate is the same version available during the evening. Sometimes, the live versions are different from the CD versions. From details such as the rhythm or the grouping of words to the entire adaptation and even that the singer sings with a sore throat can ruin all your preparation.
- Once you get good at karaoke, don't follow the colored words entirely, as it limits your style. Choose songs that you really know the words of because you memorized them previously. Relying on the word prompter makes you lazy and unable to memorize a song. And if you do karaoke outdoors or publicly, the glare of the sun could obscure the screen. If you don't know the text, you are seriously at a disadvantage. Also, if you ever want to try a parody you've written, you'll end up singing the original version.
- The key change feature is very useful, but if you are a guy who wants to sing Christina Aguilera (or a girl who tries to sing Johnny Cash), you will find that if you can hear the backing vocals, the voice will be very distorted.
- If you use karaoke as a tool to practice a parody you wrote, make sure you have backing singers who cover the original choir.
- Another risk you run by changing the key of a song is that the mood of the song changes. Whether it changes for the better or for the worse (depending on the desired effect), is very subjective. So find a program that changes the key and listen to the changed version a couple of times before actually doing it.