How to Sing In Tune: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Sing In Tune: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Sing In Tune: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Singing in tune is a part of the singing discipline that is often overlooked, because it is assumed that people cannot learn to do it. It is certainly possible to learn, but it takes some regular exercise. You need to train the ear at first rather than the voice. You need to be able to sing a pitched note before you can sing an entire song.


Method 1 of 2: Using a website

Sing on Pitch Step 1
Sing on Pitch Step 1

Step 1. This is a part of the singing discipline that is often overlooked because it is assumed that people cannot learn how to do it

Now you can learn via this free site:

Sing on Pitch Step 2
Sing on Pitch Step 2

Step 2. You will need a microphone and speakers connected to your computer

Sing on Pitch Step 3
Sing on Pitch Step 3

Step 3. Open the site and follow the instructions

Sing on Pitch Step 4
Sing on Pitch Step 4

Step 4. You have to practice for 10 minutes a day, but soon you will begin to "hear" the notes you should be singing

You are teaching your ears to listen to your voice.

Sing on Pitch Step 5
Sing on Pitch Step 5

Step 5. Always play the note before singing it to build an association between what you hear and what you sing

Sing on Pitch Step 6
Sing on Pitch Step 6

Step 6. Once you get into the habit of singing in tune (the software author says it takes about a month of practice), you can try singing a note above a chord

To start, sing the lowest note of the chord.

Method 2 of 2: One shade at a time
