Honey is used as an antibiotic in all cultures of the world; its properties have been widely documented and its effectiveness has been exploited for thousands of years, even during the First World War. Doctors and other health professionals have begun to increasingly notice the benefits of this substance in wound care and other applications. Honey not only kills bacteria, it keeps the lesion moist and acts as a protective barrier. It is also able to reduce inflammation and aids in the healing of wounds and other skin conditions. By keeping locally produced honey or even commercial honey at home, you can use it as a topical antibiotic for skin tears and other dermatological ailments such as acne.
Part 1 of 2: Apply Honey to Wounds

Step 1. Have the right one on hand
While any type of honey can be used to treat wounds, some varieties, such as manuka, are more effective than others. By keeping a supply at home, you can be sure you have it available when you need it.
- Keep in mind that locally produced ones are most effective at killing bacteria. You should also purchase the medical grade one. These types of honey are available in organic food stores, farm markets and even some supermarkets.
- Be careful when choosing commercial honey; it may not be effective in killing bacteria and healing wounds, as it may contain unknown additives or come from unverifiable sources. Read the label carefully and choose a pure and pasteurized product.

Step 2. Clean the wound
Wash it and remove any surface residue before spreading the honey; in this way, you eliminate bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.
- Wash the wound gently but carefully using warm soapy water. No special cleaner is needed; all soaps are effective in getting rid of bacteria. Rinse the area until there are no more visible traces of foam or surface debris.
- Dry the wound thoroughly using a clean cloth, towel, or kitchen paper.
- Do not try to take out any foreign objects that are stuck deep, as this could spread the bacteria and encourage an infection. In these cases, go to the doctor and let him take care of the cut.

Step 3. Apply a honey wrap
When the lesion is clean and dry, you are ready to use honey. Spread a layer of it on gauze and place it over the wound to protect it and kill germs.
- Sprinkle honey on the side of a clean bandage, gauze, or cloth. place it on the skin so that the honey comes into contact with the lesion. Make sure to cover a larger area of the wound, so as to also eliminate the bacteria found in the surrounding areas. Don't press the bandage into the cut, but dab it gently along the edges to make sure the honey touches the skin.
- Seal the gauze with surgical tape. Alternatively, you can also use duct tape.

Step 4. Pour honey on the wound
If you prefer, you can drop it directly on the lesion. This technique ensures that the substance comes into contact with the torn skin.
Smear or spread a thin layer of honey over the wound using a clean finger, Q-tip, or cloth. If you want, you can take 15-30 ml of honey and pour it directly on the cut. Remember to smear it over the edges of the wound to kill any germs on the surrounding tissue. Cover the wound with a clean bandage and secure it in place with medical tape or duct tape

Step 5. Repeat the procedure
In most cases, you will need to re-apply honey every 12 to 48 hours, depending on the severity of the wound and how quickly it heals. Clean it and smear new honey as often as needed until the wound heals. Contact your doctor if you are not getting the desired results or if you notice any signs of infection.
Inspect the affected area at least every two days to make sure it is not infected. Make sure your hands are clean and put new gauze on each check
Part 2 of 2: Treating Other Ailments with Honey

Step 1. Soothe burns
Whether you've accidentally burned yourself, sunburned, or show signs of cauterization, honey can help relieve pain and heal quickly as well. In the case of burns, the most effective technique is to put honey on a gauze or cloth to be placed directly on the affected area. Remember to seal the dressing with medical tape or duct tape and check the wound regularly.

Step 2. Get rid of acne
Honey naturally moisturizes the skin and kills the bacteria that cause pimples. Apply a thin layer or make a mask to treat and prevent acne, as well as make the skin more radiant.
- Apply a thin layer of warm honey to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of honey. Gently rub it into your skin to exfoliate, cleanse and hydrate it. A mixture made with two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice can kill the bacteria responsible for acne.

Step 3. Reduce skin nodules
Some people develop this type of blemish which comes in the form of tissue clusters in various parts of the body. If you have them too or are susceptible to their formation, you can make them disappear by applying a honey mask.
- You can prepare the mask to reduce the volume of the lumps by mixing a teaspoon of honey with one of the following ingredients: lemon juice, avocado, coconut oil, egg white or yogurt.
- Leave the mask on the skin for a couple of minutes and then remove any residue with warm water.

Step 4. Get rid of mycoses
Honey is also effective on fungi that cause dermatological diseases. You can apply it directly on the areas to be treated or put it on a gauze to rest on the infection. Try treating the following fungal infections with honey:
- Tapeworm or dermatophytosis;
- Athlete's foot;
- Seborrheic dermatitis.

Step 5. Treat dandruff
There is some evidence that honey can reduce dandruff and one of its chronic causes, seborrheic dermatitis. Consider applying honey regularly to areas of the scalp that tend to flake to reduce this phenomenon and prevent it from recurring.
- Prepare a solution of 90% honey and 10% water to rub on the dandruff-affected areas for two to three minutes. Leave it on for three hours and then rinse with warm water. Repeat this process every day for two weeks or until you get results.
- Proceed with maintenance treatment once a week to avoid recurrence.

Step 6. Relieves itching
Allergic rashes, psoriasis, or dermatitis can cause itching. This disorder can lead to pain and irritation of the epidermis and tends to get worse during the night. However, by applying honey to the affected areas, you can find some relief and avoid infections.