The term chic presupposes the fact of being rich, aristocratic and well-behaved. Looking chic can earn you respect, friends, and even higher social status - here's how.

Step 1. Speak correctly
Listen to how people in your area speak and see if you can spot a "chic accent". If you can, try to imitate him. Avoid contracted forms, for example "I'll go there" instead of "I'll go there". Pronounce open or closed vowels according to correct use in the Italian language and avoid swearing: it demonstrates a lack of education and misconduct.

Step 2. Maintain proper and correct posture
This is a very elegant, rare and classy feature that is a valid tool for becoming chic. You can work on posture by taking drama lessons or walking with a book on your head, it works!

Step 3. Keep yourself well informed
It is useful to be interested in politics, culture and religion; even the most basic knowledge can save a person from embarrassment and the feeling of being awkward. If you know in advance that you will be spending time with someone whose origins you don't know, it's a good idea to do more research in order to avoid embarrassing gaffes.

Step 4. Stand out for your clean and elegant look
If you present yourself flawlessly you are already halfway there! If you are a girl, never wear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it is fashionable; it is important to remember that humility is essential for earning the respect of others. Use only beautiful colors. Do not choose anything too heavy or too visible, rather look for something light, clean and fresh. However, remember that what matters most is how you move, brands and fashion are just the facade.

Step 5. Good hygiene is essential
You can't be chic if you're dirty and smelly - take a shower every day, brush your teeth regularly, and keep your nails neat and clean. If you are a girl, find a light and sweet scent and keep using that, and keep your hair clean and full of volume.

Step 6. Know the etiquette
Is very important! Chic people know good manners and limits in human relationships. They know how not to step on the toes of others and in the same way they know how to take back those who do. For a chic person, good manners are a kind of currency: the more you know them, the better.

Step 7. Eat politely
Don't gorge yourself on food, chew it, don't make noises, don't gobble it, and don't take huge bites. Avoid eating anything that can be sticky or you can get dirty with. Do not slouch when you sit on a chair, lean your back against the backrest and your feet on the ground and avoid crossing your arms; it can make you seem insecure about yourself and your position.

Step 8. Don't insult, don't gossip, and don't denigrate anyone
When necessary, express your views appropriately and constructively. This will prompt your interlocutor to listen carefully when you speak. However, if someone is bullying you, you have the right to insult them. Always be nice to others, unless you have compelling reasons not to be.

Step 9. Be careful not to become materialistic
Chic people are not materialistic, as material things easily become flashy and ordinary. Chic people, on the other hand, are looking for quality and style, whatever it may be: a bag, a house, a car. Buy the best your wallet can afford and forget the frills. Do not try to buy badly counterfeit designer items, for example do not buy a cheap bag with a huge metal G affixed to it or a metal tag that has been glued crooked, as it will be obvious that it is a fake and you will be considered a poor fellow, a burino or a failure who tries to imitate others.

Step 10. Try to have a good physique and keep fit
Start by playing sports. Sports like hockey, polo, golf and tennis are great options, but find the type of exercise that's right for you instead of following the latest fad. Never overindulge in eating or drinking alcohol. Chic people know their limits and respect them, especially because respect for others is very important to them.

Step 11. Focus at school
Be smart and smart in school and get busy in all subjects. Always hand in your homework, don't talk and don't pass notes in class. Ask questions and participate in class discussions. Help others if they struggle and don't lick teachers' feet. Go all out, be punctual in everything and share your knowledge.

Step 12. Make sure your belongings are in order
Label and care for your things to make sure they are not lost or damaged, and try to cover your textbooks with clear sticky paper to give them a neater look. Buy some cute pencils and pens and make sure you have everything in sufficient quantity; constantly asking others to borrow things is not very elegant. Go for light and neutral colors and good quality objects. Don't buy anything that has dark colors like navy blue or black.

Step 13. Always be affable and generous
Having a selfish and bad attitude towards others is never chic! Always smile and be willing to let others borrow something from you. Be nice to everyone and never label people as "losers". Everyone deserves a chance, so be sure to give it. Don't exclude people from playing games, gifts or secrets, keep your promises and don't gossip. When someone talks behind someone else's back, tell them politely that you think gossip is pretty mean and would rather not do it. Never be impulsive or reckless, always keep calm.

Step 14. Be yourself
If you're not a chic person, don't try to pretend you are; you will make more friends and be happier if you continue to be yourself. Don't let people convince you to be chic (or not to be) if you really are.
- For girls: For thick hair, shake your hair and comb it inside out, then use hairspray. For pink and defined cheeks use a pink or apricot blush.
- Make sure your shoes are flawlessly white or shiny and polished.
- Dedicate yourself to extracurricular activities. Good extracurricular activities include musicals, theatrical performances, hockey (even better if you have your own hockey stick, but only if you intend to continue playing the sport, as you don't want to waste money that could be used for something. 'other), tennis, debates, public speeches and the school newspaper; the important thing is that you do something you would like to do.
- Eat healthy, good quality foods.
- Try the dance lessons. Ballet and ballroom dancing will improve your posture and grace and any style will improve your fitness.
- Avoid anything that is too flashy, shoddy, or low-cut.
- Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble. Getting arrested is never chic; always think about the consequences before breaking the rules.
- Some people may not like you or they may call you boastful or nerdy. If you know you have done nothing wrong or wrong, just ignore them. They try to bring you down, don't let them.
- Stay chic, but don't get snobbish or full of you.