We are surrounded by people but there are times when you really don't have any friends to spend time with. It often happens when you get to your late twenties. Those who used to be your good friends are now married, have moved to another city, etc. Sound familiar to you? Well, don't panic. Eventually you will find new friends. Here are some tips for overcoming the feeling of having no friends.

Step 1. Take some time to do things you've never done before
Yes, there is always something you started but never completed due to social obligations and commitments. At this particular time in your life, when you are friendless, you can finish painting, writing the novel, or whatever else you were working on. At least you will have something interesting to introduce to your future friends.

Step 2. Explore - Already:
explore the world and what surrounds you. Enjoy the sun (it's free!), Or take that trip you've always dreamed of but never been able to do before. Read a book, watch your favorite comedy, etc.

Step 3. Visit Relatives - There was a time when you didn't need it, but now it's the other way around
Try to reconnect with them and discover something new you didn't know about their lives.

Step 4. Come on - Love, gifts, etc
Love can work magic and by expressing it you will feel better about yourself. Be confident. You never know when true love will come.

Step 5. Try to change your lifestyle - Are you bored with the same room?
Paint it a different color and change the furniture. You will feel less stressed. By doing something, we usually forget what ails us.

Step 6. Keep an eye on others - Now that you are alone you can find your soul mate

Step 7. Review the Photo Album - There is no better time to go back to those memories
You enjoyed it, right? Well, get ready! Other occasions like those in the past will come back, be patient.

Step 8. Listen to Music - Music is the best cure
Enjoy the melody and dive into the magical world of music.

Step 9. Take care of yourself - There is no one who will do it for you, so you have to take care of it
Start a new exercise routine, eat healthily, etc.

Step 10. By doing things for yourself you will feel much better and the result will be that you will attract new friends
- Be yourself! It is much better to be comfortable with yourself.
- Keep yourself in good physical condition. Walk, exercise, cook, draw, etc.
- Stay true to yourself and be happy with who you are.
- Smile - Wherever you go, smile. If you are positive you will attract people.
- Try to remember that you are the best, that nothing is wrong with you but in this period you cannot find decent friends as you would like.
- Stay healthy, prevent this phase from damaging your self-esteem. You are a fish swimming in the ocean, looking for something better than what you have had.