How to Have Fun Outdoors Without Friends: 12 Steps

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How to Have Fun Outdoors Without Friends: 12 Steps
How to Have Fun Outdoors Without Friends: 12 Steps

You wake up, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping! You can't wait to go out! You dress up and call all your friends, but no one can go out with you! You don't want to waste this beautiful day at home, but you don't know what to do. Here is a guide that can help you!


Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 1
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 1

Step 1. Grab a book or magazine and read it sitting outside

If you can, sit in the shade of a large tree to avoid the heat.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 2
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 2

Step 2. Bring a notebook to write on

You may be inspired by the beautiful day.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 3
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 3

Step 3. Is there a swing in your garden?

Get in and enjoy! Also involve your siblings or parents.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 4
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 4

Step 4. Organize a game with neighbors, family members, or perhaps uncles and cousins (if they live near you) and play

You can organize football, basketball, volleyball or prison ball matches.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 5
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 5

Step 5. Go to a nearby park and take a walk

Take a hike or follow a path.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 6
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 6

Step 6. Play mini golf on your own so you can train and be unbeatable

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 7
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 7

Step 7. If you have a swimming pool (and it's warm enough), swim

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 8
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 8

Step 8. If you live near the sea, go to the beach

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 9
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 9

Step 9. Are there any water parks or public swimming pools in your area?

You can go swimming there. Or play tennis or do some other activity.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 10
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 10

Step 10. Think about the things to do too

Make a list when you have some free time.

Step 11. If there is a strong and resilient tree in your garden, learn how to climb it

You don't know when this skill will come in handy.

Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 12
Have Fun Outside when None of Your Friends Are Home Step 12

Step 12. Purchase a box of sidewalk chalk and draw drawings on the asphalt

Be careful where you draw though - your neighbors may not like your artwork in front of the house.


  • Try something new. You will be surprised at the things that will keep you entertained if you get out of your routine.
  • If you are home alone, make sure your parents give you permission to go out.
  • Use your imagination.
  • Avoid getting hurt when you try to climb a tree.
  • If you are going to play a sport, make sure you have the right equipment.
  • Isn't there a tree to climb in your garden? Ask a neighbor or friend if you can climb one of theirs. The world from that height has a completely different aspect.
  • Have fun. Play with pets, ride a bike or play board games.
  • Don't have a swimming pool? Use an inflatable one. You will have fun even if you think you are too big. You are never too old to have fun!
  • Make sure the weather is warm enough if you go swimming.
  • When it gets late, or if the weather gets worse, go indoors and find other fun things to do - the possibilities are endless.


  • Get the right equipment if you are going to play sports, to avoid injuries.
  • If you are very young, always have someone accompany you if you go swimming.
