The Pope is the highest authority in the Catholic Church and such a title demands respect regardless of whether you are Catholic or not. Thus, there are specific ways to address the Pope, both in writing and in person. Here's what you need to know in both cases
Method 1 of 2: Address the Pope in Writing

Step 1. Address the Pope as "His Holiness"
Another acceptable way is "Holy Father".
Note: On the envelope you should write the Pope “His Holiness, _” with the Pope's name in the white space. For example, if you are writing to Pope Francis, the envelope should say "His Holiness, Pope Francis"

Step 2. Maintain a respectful tone
Throughout the letter, you should be courteous and polite. You don't have to write neatly, but you should use the language that would be expected within a Catholic Church.
- Avoid swearing, street language, derogatory words, and any other unkind expression.
- Write down whatever you need or whatever you want to say, but remember that the Pope is a very busy person. Instead of getting lost in ranting and flattery, you'd better get to the point once the basic formalities are done.

Step 3. Conclude the letter politely
As a Catholic, you should close the letter with a phrase such as "I have the honor of professing myself with profound respect. The humblest and most obedient servant of His Holiness", before writing your name.
- If you are not Catholic you can change the closure to something like "Best wishes to His Holiness, cordially", followed by your signature.
- Something as simple as "Best Regards. Sincerely" and your signature should be just as good for a non-Catholic writing to the Pope.
- Regardless of the exact words you choose, the level of respect you show should be, at a minimum, the same as you would show another person in a similar role. Anyone who does not follow Catholic teachings or does not share the Pope's position should still recognize his authority and approach in a respectful manner. Those who follow the Catholic Church should demonstrate the respect due to the leadership of their faith on Earth.

Step 4. Find the Vatican address
If you plan to send a letter by post, the address on the envelope is: His Holiness, Pope Francis / Apostolic Palace / 00120 Vatican City.
- Note: you must divide the address by going to the head in correspondence of the slashes /.
Here are other ways to write the address:
- His Holiness, Pope Francis PP. / Casa Santa Marta / 00120 Vatican City
- His Holiness, Pope Francis / Apostolic Palace / Vatican City
- His Holiness, Pope Francis / 00120 Vatican City
- Do not write "Italy" in the country space on the envelope. The Vatican is considered an independent state, completely separate from Italy.

Step 5. Find the e-mail address and fax number of the Vatican Press Office
If you prefer to send an e-mail or a fax, you must go through the Press Office. The Pope does not have an e-mail address or a public fax number.
- The e-mail address is: [email protected]
- The fax number: +390669885373
- Note that no type of contact reaches the Pope directly, but correspondence will eventually be delivered to him through these offices.
Method 2 of 2: Address the Pope in Person

Step 1. Address the Pope with "Holy Father"
Other appropriate names are "His Holiness" and "Supreme Pontiff".
"His Holiness" and "Holy Father" are both the title and position of the Pope in the Church. You should only address him with these titles rather than his name when talking to him face to face

Step 2. Stand up and applaud the Pope as he enters the room
The amount of applause depends on the venue, but you should always stand up as a sign of respect when the Pope walks into the room you are in.
- Usually, if the venue is a small room with few people, the applause is contained and courteous.
- For very large venues, such as a stadium, loud applause and even shouts are appropriate.

Step 3. Kneel as the Pope approaches
If the Pope is addressing you directly, you should bend your right knee to the ground.
It is not necessary to make the sign of the cross, as when you kneel to receive the Eucharist, but you should be on your knees. Genuflection is a sign of respect

Step 4. Kiss her ring, if appropriate
If you are a Catholic and the Pope offers you his hand, it is appropriate that you respectfully kiss his Piscatorio ring, also known as the Fisherman's Ring, which is traditionally worn by the Pope.
- On the other hand, if the Pope holds out his hand to you and you are not a Catholic, you are not obliged to kiss the ring. You can just shake his hand.
- The Piscatorio ring is the symbol and seal of his office. By kissing him you show respect and sincere reverence towards the person who holds this power at the same time.

Step 5. Speak respectfully, clearly and concisely
Plan what you want to say in advance so you don't stumble over your words. Maintain a polite and respectful tone all the time.
- Start by introducing yourself. Say your name and something important or convenient about yourself.
- If you go to the Vatican for a specific reason or want to get an audience for a specific purpose, you should say so.
- The Pope will lead the conversation and you should let him do it. Answer concisely and directly, speak clearly and loudly so that he can hear you.

Step 6. Get up when the Pope leaves
As soon as the Pope gets up, you have to do it too. Wait until he has left the room before returning to sit or pay attention to anything else.
Applause is not always necessary at the end of an event or an audience, but if you find yourself in the crowd and it starts applauding, do it too if you want
- Dress for the occasion if you are about to meet the Pope himself. If you are planning to go to an official event where the Pope will be present, or if you have been invited to an audience, you should wear your best dress as a sign of respect. Men should be in a suit, tie and shiny shoes. Women should wear a business suit or a discreet dress, with covered arms and skirts below the knee.
- On the other hand, if you are going to a mass gathering or simply to see the Pope passing by with the "popemobile", you can dress normally. Your clothes should still be modest and tasteful.
- You can also contact the Vatican Press Office by phone. The official international number is +390669881022. Of course, you will not be able to speak directly to the Pope by calling this number.
- The Pope also has a Twitter account. You shouldn't expect him to reply to every tweet, but you can follow him at: