The odor in the armpits is not caused by sweat, which is mainly composed of water and salt. In fact, it is caused by bacteria that are attracted to the places where you sweat the most. If you want to know how to get rid of unpleasant armpit odor, here are some steps you can take to make sure your body and armpits smell fresh and pleasant.
Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Take a shower every day
Make the effort to wash yourself daily, no matter how tired or busy you are. This is an excellent way to ensure that the body is fresh and clean throughout the day. If you wake up sweaty after a sultry night, jump into the shower, always wash off after a busy day, and most importantly, after a workout. You should never forget to shower after exercising, or bad smells will build up.
- Use an antibacterial soap for best results.
- After taking a shower, be sure to dry yourself completely, so as not to leave humic areas that can attract bacteria.

Step 2. Apply strong deodorants or antiperspirants to your armpits
While deodorants don't stop sweating, they mask the smell of bacteria on the skin. Antiperspirants, on the other hand, contain aluminum chloride, a chemical that blocks sweating, and a deodorant. Apply an antiperspirant twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
- If you think you need a stronger product than a regular deodorant or antiperspirant, look for the stronger products - you won't need a recipe to buy them.
- If you've tried the stronger antiperspirants and still haven't seen results, it might be time to see your doctor for a prescription for an even stronger antiperspirant.

Step 3. Wear natural fiber clothing
Clothes made of cotton, wool or silk reduce sweating of the body, thanks to the comfort and resistance of the materials. If you need to work out, invest in a state-of-the-art fiber that removes moisture from your body.

Step 4. Change and wash your clothes often
If you wear the same shirt for three days, your armpits will probably stink. Make sure you always wash your clothes after wearing them and avoid wearing the same item of clothing for two or more days in a row, no matter how comfortable it may be. Be even more careful with the clothes you use for training: dirty and wet clothes are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, so remember to wash them after each session.

Step 5. Try some relaxation techniques
People often don't sweat because they strain the body, but the mind. Do everything you can to relax and reduce stress; it will benefit your body, but also your mind and armpits. Try doing yoga, meditating, or spending at least half an hour relaxing before bed.
You can also relax by avoiding situations that cause you stress. For example, if you are always stressed in the morning because you are always late for school or work, wake up 15 minutes earlier to make your life easier
Part 2 of 3: Taking Additional Measures

Step 1. See a doctor
If you have severe armpit odor problems and have tried every natural treatment with no success, it may be time to see a doctor. A doctor will not only be able to prescribe a stronger antiperspirant and give you good advice, but will discuss some more extreme options with you. Here are some treatments she might recommend:
- A surgical procedure that does not require hospitalization, called superficial curettage and liposuction, can remove the sweat glands by sucking them out of small cuts in the skin.
- Surgical operations that involve cutting the subcutaneous tissue. It is a riskier intervention, but one that offers more lasting results.

Step 2. Shave your armpits
This will make it harder for the bacteria to find a good breeding ground. If you really want to stop armpit odor, shave every time you shower, or at least whenever you can.

Step 3. Use a homemade hydrogen peroxide solution
Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water. Wet a towel with this solution and wipe it on the affected area. This way you should destroy some of the bacteria in your armpits.

Step 4. Avoid tobacco
This is another vice that causes bad odors in the body and in the armpits.

Step 5. Apply witch hazel or wine vinegar to your armpits
Use a towel to absorb these liquids and wipe it under your armpits. This will change the pH of the skin so that bacteria cannot proliferate.

Step 6. Dust your armpits with cornstarch or baking soda
This will reduce the moisture in your armpits and keep bacteria away.
Step 7. Use rock alum
- Take a bath, massaging the skin with a scrub and a special glove.
- When you're done, rinse and dry well.
- Use rock alum under your armpits. Make sure you apply it well.
- Finally, apply a layer of oil, such as coconut oil, to perfume the skin.
Part 3 of 3: Change the Power

Step 1. Avoid certain foods
If you want to stop the bad smell in your armpits, an easy trick is to avoid some pungent foods that can make that smell worse. Here are some foods you should avoid:
Store Fresh Garlic Step 6 - Onions
- Fish
- Curry
- Chillies and other spicy foods
- Red meats

Step 2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine
You may not be able to do without morning coffee, have a few beers or a few glasses of wine during the week, but if you want to get rid of armpit odor, you should reduce - or even eliminate - these drinks as much as possible.

Step 3. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water helps naturally cleanse the body and promotes good smell. Aim to drink at least 8-10 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Step 4. Eat foods that improve your body odor
Some of these foods are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods help improve the body's metabolic functions, allowing it to work more efficiently. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will also help you reduce your body's stress levels, reducing sweating and, consequently, the amount of bacteria drawn to your body.
- Take a wheatgrass supplement with meals.
- Chew parsley, alfalfa, or other leafy vegetables after meals to neutralize strong odors.

Step 5. Eat foods rich in chlorophyll
These foods, such as kale and spinach, are recommended to neutralize the odors of foods that cause the bad smell in the armpits.
Step 6. Add zinc and magnesium to your diet
You can do this with supplements or by eating foods rich in these minerals.
Foods rich in magnesium: nuts and seeds, spinach, lentils, avocados, bananas and figs.
Care for Dry Hair Step 5 -
Foods rich in zinc: pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate and peanuts.
Bake Butternut Squash Step 3

Step 7. Eat a healthier diet
Studies have shown that if you are overweight, obese or simply eat poorly, you strain your body harder, move with greater difficulty and, as a result, sweat more. As a result, you will attract more bacteria that cause bad odor in the armpits. If you are overweight, it may be time to eat a more balanced diet to lose weight and get rid of armpit odor.