How to Create a Home for Your Hedgehog: 7 Steps

How to Create a Home for Your Hedgehog: 7 Steps
How to Create a Home for Your Hedgehog: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


Hedgehogs are energetic animals and need a lot of space in which to move. This article will tell you how to keep your pet hedgehog happy and healthy.


Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 1
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 1

Step 1. Buy a cage

It must be at least 95 x 45 cm large. The best are most likely the metal cages with a plastic tray at the bottom. Buy a cage that has a solid bottom, not metal bars: the hedgehog's feet are not like those of rodents and are unable to cling to metal bars. These would hurt his legs and this could easily lead to accidents and fractures of the limbs. Aquariums are also fine if closed with a wire top wall. Since there are few cages specifically designed for these thorny critters, ferret or chinchilla cages can usually fit.

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 2
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 2

Step 2. Place the empty cage in a warm, draft-free place away from other pets

Since hedgehogs catch colds easily, be prepared to provide them with a heating system if the temperature in your home is below 21 ° C. You can do this by placing a heat lamp or heating device in the cage.

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 3
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 3

Step 3. Get the litter box

Poplar litter is healthy for the hedgehog. Cedar has been linked to cancers and breathing problems in curls, while pine causes skin irritation.

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 4
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 4

Step 4. Hiding places are mandatory in the hedgehog's house

Make something simple. Even a PVC pipe will do just fine.

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 5
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 5

Step 5. Exercise is also very important

The wheels are very important for the good health of the hedgehog. Make sure you buy a solid-surfaced wheel with a diameter of at least 11 inches. Carolina Storm makes wheels specifically for curls, but non-branded wheels are fine too. Choose a quiet one, because hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and your hedgehog will most likely use the wheel at night. Another method of movement is the small animal ball (hamster ball type). It's a great solution if you don't want to let the hedgehog run free around the house.

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 6
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 6

Step 6. You can buy a litter box; most likely the hedgehog will learn to use it

Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 7
Make a Home for Your Hedgehog Step 7

Step 7. Get food and water bowls

They must be heavy enough for the hedgehog to not be able to overturn them. Ceramic is ideal.


  • Get a bowl for food and water. Make sure they are heavy enough that they can't be turned inside out.
  • If your home isn't very hot, buy a cage heater. A ceramic heating device with a thermostat is the best choice. Also, do not put the cage on the floor or in a drafty place.
  • Hedgehogs like to climb. By placing ramps that lead to an elevated platform, you will make the animal a lot of fun. Be sure to enclose the elevated area and ramps, as hedgehogs have very poor eyesight and fall off easily. Even a small fall can hurt him a lot.
  • Fill a clean sink with a little warm water (about 7-8 cm), hold the hedgehog and immerse it in water; if there are spots on the quills, use a clean toothbrush and baby shampoo to get rid of them. Bathe the hedgehog once a month; no more than twice a month or he would get dry skin.
  • Clean the cage at least once a week.


  • Hedgehogs are escape artists and can get cold during their escapes.
  • The cage temperature must always be between 21-27 ° C otherwise the hedgehog will go into semi-lethargy and die. Do not use a heating pad - it could dehydrate it.
  • Curls can go through any opening they can fit their head into.
  • Do not use cedar or pine litter; the oils of these plants make it difficult for the hedgehog to breathe. Also avoid using "pellet" litter, corn chips and paper litter (they dry out the skin).
