Eyebrow slits (called eyebrow slits) are a stylistic form of self-expression that involves the practice of thin vertical incisions on the brow hair. This trend was in existence in the nineties and is still followed by some people today. You can create your own trimmed brows using a razor, electric or manual, and duct tape. But if you don't want the cuts to be permanent, you can simulate them using make-up. By following the right process you can create your trendy cut brows in minutes.
Method 1 of 2: Using an Electric or Manual Shaver

Step 1. Draw vertical lines on your brows with a white eye pencil
Draw vertical lines with a white eye pencil where you want to make the cuts. Decide if you want to do them on both eyebrows or just one. Look in the mirror and decide how many you want and where you want them.
- Generally there is a tendency to do 1 to 3 on each eyebrow. Thicker brows will look better with more cuts, so consider how thick yours are before deciding on the number.
- Traditional cuts are usually made towards the outside of the arch.

Step 2. Put a piece of duct tape next to a line
Take the tape and place it next to a line you just drew. Place the straight edge of the tape aligned with the edge of the white pencil. It is advisable to make one cut at a time.

Step 3. Place another piece of tape near the other side of the white line
Make sure you leave some space in between. This is where you will cut. The scotch tape will serve as a guide and will help you shave straight lines.

Step 4. Shave in the middle of the two pieces of ribbon
Keep the razor perpendicular to your skin. Carefully move it down against the ruler and sparse the exposed space between the two pieces of tape. Perform the action slowly and without applying too much pressure, otherwise you may remove the tape from the eyebrow.
- Only move the razor vertically. Try to avoid lateral movements.
- If you are making more than one cut, start at the outer corner and work inwards.

Step 5. Remove the tape and clean the pencil marks
Remove the tape slowly, so as not to pluck the eyebrow hair. Remove the white pencil with moistened fingers. You should now have a cut on your eyebrow.

Step 6. Remove residual hair with tweezers that the razor did not take away
Go to the mirror and check if there is any hair left. If there are any, grab them at the root with tweezers and peel them off manually, so you have a smooth, clean cut on your eyebrow.

Step 7. Repeat the steps on other parts of the eyebrow (if desired)
If you are happy with a single cut, stop here. If you drew more lines, put the tape again on the pencil and sparse marks within the space left in the middle.

Step 8. Keep the cuts neat by shaving them again
Check your brows periodically to see if there is any regrowth in the cuts. If there is, repeat the process with ribbon and razor to recreate the net effect.
Method 2 of 2: Create Eyebrow Cuts with Makeup

Step 1. Fill in your brows with a special eyeshadow
First, brush your brows with a pipe cleaner or a brow comb to define your brow line by pulling down unruly hair. Then use an angled brush to apply a special eyeshadow to fill in your brows and make them appear thicker. The eyeshadow must be the same color as the eyebrows. Remember that the thicker and more noticeable they will be, the more the cuts will stand out.

Step 2. Put some concealer around your brows
Choose a concealer that suits your skin tone and apply it around the edges of the eyebrows. Blend it well on the skin in order to obtain a homogeneous effect.
- The concealer will make cuts appear in the same skin tone around the eyebrows.
- To blend the concealer well you can use a brush but also your fingers.

Step 3. Dip a detail brush into the concealer
Choose a thin, flat brush from your kit and pick up some of the same concealer used around the brows. Cover the tip of the detail brush with the concealer.

Step 4. Push the brush tip against the eyebrow
Decide where to simulate the cut and dab the detail brush against the eyebrow to release enough concealer. Move the brush up and down to highlight the line leaving the edges as clean as possible.

Step 5. Let the concealer dry for 5 minutes
Help yourself with a fan to speed up the process. Do not proceed to the next step until the concealer has dried well.

Step 6. Apply clear powder to your brows with a make-up brush
Use a large foundation brush and press it into the clear powder. Lightly dab over the simulated cuts and all around the eyebrow. This will make the cut look more natural and help homogenize everything.

Step 7. Homogenize the make-up on your face
Make up the rest of your face and blend it so that the concealer around your eyebrows does not highlight lines or contrasts of color with your complexion. Once the make-up is finished, you will have created artificial cuts on your eyebrows that you can remove simply by removing your make-up.